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Documentation Service List NL E 14, September 2002

63 pp

Child Pornography and Pedophilia. Hearing before the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of the Committee on Governmental Affairs, United States Senate, 99th Congress, 1st session, Part 1: November 29 & 30, 1984 & Part 2: February 21, 1985 (including a.o. a letter from the First Minister of The Netherlands in which he promises to establish more severe legislation)

02-013  @  111 kB

Canadian Human Rights Tribunal, Between Mark Schnell and Canadian Human Rights Commission and Machiavelli and Association for Free Expression Inc. - T.D. 11/02, 2002/08/20. Reasons for decision. Order
The complainant, Mark Schnell, is a 34-year-old gay man who resides in Vancouver, British Columbia. On April 29, 1999, Mr. Schnell filed a complaint with the Canadian Human Rights Commission against Machiavelli and Associates Emprize Inc. ("Machiavelli"). He alleged that Machiavelli discriminated against him based on his sexual orientation by communicating messages on a website at www.citizensresearchinst.com ("Website"), which are likely to expose homosexuals to hatred and contempt, in contravention of s. 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act.

02-014 @ PDF File, 471 kB

Kenneth V. Lanning , Child Molesters: A Behavioral Analysis For Law-Enforcement Officers Investigating the Sexual Exploitation of Children by Acquaintance Molesters, Fourth Edition September 2001.

02-015 @ PDF File, 157 kB

Lifetime consequences for Sex Offenders Act of 2002, House of Representatives, U.S., 107th Congress, 2nd session, June 24, 2002, Report & Dissented views. Bill HR 4679. To amend Title 18, United States Code, to provide a maximum term of supervised release of life for child sex offenders […]

02-016 @ 38 kB

Sexueller Missbrauch von Jugendlichen, Abänderungsantrag der Abgeordneten Dr. Fekter, Dr. Ofner und Kollegen, Österreich, zur Regierungsvorlage (1166 d.B.) eines Bundesgesetzes, mit dem das Strafgesetzbuch, die Strafprozeßordnung 1975, das Strafvollzugsgesetz, das Suchtmittelgesetz, das Gerichtsorganisationsgesetz, das Waffengesetz 1996, das Fremdengesetz 1997 und das Telekommunikationsgesetz geändert werden (Strafrechtsänderungsgesetz 2002) in der Fassung des Ausschußberichtes (1213 d.B.)

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Sexualstrafrechtsänderung in Österreich: 2002-07
Der österreichische Verfassungsgerichtshof hat am 21. Juni 2002 den § 209 öStGB Gleichgeschlechtliche Unzucht mit Personen unter achtzehn Jahren aufgehoben. 
Der österreichische Nationalrat hat darauf Anfang Juli mit den Stimmen der ÖVP und FPÖ die Nachfolgebestimmung § 207b Sexueller Missbrauch von Jugendlichen beschlossen.

02-018 @

Vereniging MARTIJN’s commentary on the Dutch cabinet’s intention to abandon the requirement of complaint in moral law, November 2001.

The age of consent was 16 and stays 16, but the ‘requirement of complaint’ has been dropped. This requirement meant that previously, in the case of sexual relations involving a person between ages 12-16, a prosecution could only follow after a complaint filed either by the young person themselves, their parents or legal guardians, or the Child Welfare Council. Vereniging MARTIJN, a Dutch association striving after the legal and social acceptance of consensual sexual relationships between adults and children, submitted the following commentary to the government criticizing the abandonment of the requirement of complaint. It did not prevent this requirement from being abandoned.

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