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Documentation List # E 20 A: December 2005

[From Ipce Newsletter E 20, Juny 2006

An @ means that the document is electronically available at

Missing numbers in this lists are Dutch items, not mentioned here.

05-054  @ 
3 kb

Conviction based on man's 'thought' overturned in court; Burbank man was found guilty of child abduction despite no criminal activities, judge says; By Jonathan Lipman; Daily Southtown, January 20, 2005
05-055  @ 
2 kb
The main changes in the law are to what is defined as Child Pornography (any depiction of anything illegal under the Act) and to include both fictional and non-fictional written works.
05-056  @
80 kb
Commentary on BILL C-2 (See above) from the Staff of the Parliamentary Research Branch (PRB) of the Library of Parliament of Canada, by Robin MacKay, Law and Government Division, 13 October 2004; Revised 16 June 2005
05-057  @
8 kb
Canadian Parliament to Vote on Motion to Raise Age of Sexual Consent Next Week;; September 23, 2005
05-058  @ 
2 kb
[Canadian] MPs vote against raising age of sexual consent; News 
Staff; Sep. 29 2005 
A Conservative MP's attempt to raise the age of consent has failed. "We don't want to criminalize innocent sexual behaviour among teenagers and young people"
05-059  @
9 kb
Executions -- U.S. Iran expert backs OutRage! By Scott Long; 30 July 2005. 
I am director of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Rights Project at Human Rights Watch. I want to offer some of what we have been able to research both about the horrific Iran case [of executing two gay teen boys]. 
05-060  @
6 kb
Bill Expands Monitoring of Sex Offenders; By Jim Abrams; Newsday, USA; 14 September 2005
Child sex offenders would be subject to stringent monitoring requirements and new mandatory penalties under a House-passed bill. 
05-061  @
4 kb
Court Overturns Child Porn Conviction; Md. Ruling Squelches Tactic Used to Find Potential Molesters; By Fredrick Kunkle; Washington Post, USA; 8 September 2005
05-061  @
6 kb
Czech Republic/Germany: UNICEF Stirs Controversy With Claims Of Widespread Child Prostitution At Border;  By Kathleen Knox; 29 October 2003
05-063  @
5 kb
[Czech] Tourist Authority, police target sex tourists; Border guards to leaflet potential child molesters from abroad; By Jennifer Anne Perez; For The Prague Post (April 1, 2004)
05-064  @
6 kb
Amtsgericht lehnt Hauptverfahren ab; Amtsgericht Trier Az. 8007 Js 27397/02 37 Ds; 
B e s c h l u s s : In dem Strafverfahren gegen Dieter G. - Verteidiger Leonhard Graßmann München - wegen Verbreitung pornographischer Schriften wird das Hauptverfahren nicht eröffnet. 
Mit Anmerkung: Bei den oben genannten Fotos ging es um Bilder des Künstlers Otto Lohmüller, die bekanntlich alle legal sind.
05-065  @
19 kb
A u s f e r t i g u n g - OBERLANDESGERICHT KOBLENZ  - B E S C H L U S S In der Strafsache gegen Dieter Gieseking & llja Schmelzer wegen Verbreitens pornographischer Schriften. 
Die Angeklagten werden freigesprochen.
05-066  @
31 kb
Bayerisches Oberstes Landesgericht - BESCHLUSS - Der 6. Strafsenat des Bayerischem Obersten Landesgerichtes hat [...] am 18.Okt. 2004 in dem Ermittlungsverfahren gegen X X wegen Verdachts der Mitgliedschaft in einer kriminellen Vereinigung hier: Weitere Haftbeschwerde beschlossen: 
I) Der Haftbefehl des Amtsgerichts München vom 12. November 2003 (Gz: 834 Gs 283/03 c) war im Zeitpunkt der Einlegung der Haftbeschwerde vom 20. Februar 2004 rechtswidrig. 
II) Im Übrigen wird der Antrag des ehemaligen Beschuldigten auf nachträgliche gerichtliche Feststellung als unzulässig verworfen.
05-067  @
92 kb
Dreamboy Variations One, by Kevin Esser
05-068  @
6 kb
The NZ Bill of Rights Act, used in Moonen v Film & Literature Review Board NZ.
05-069 @
53 kb
Internet-initiated sex crimes against minors: Implications for prevention based on findings from a national study; Janis Wolak, *email address, David Finkelhor, , Kimberly Mitchell, 
Journal of Adolescent Health, Volume 35, Issue 5, Page 424 (November 2004)
05-070a @ Letter from Guyana: There are discussions happening in Guyana about changing the age of consent.
05-070b @
26 kb
Guyana Laws, part 1 (Part two possibly in 2006)
05-071  @
147 kb
Oral Sex Among Adolescents: Is It Sex or Is It Abstinence? By Lisa Remez, Guttmacher Institute.

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