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7. Don't touch the children!

One of the reactions of society, after discovering that child sexuality does exist is: do not touch the children! The result is a lot of rules that teach absurdity, the result of which is an atmosphere of fear amongst the adults, and an atmosphere of frigidness for the children. For hobby clubs: a decline in volunteers or closing the clubs. And: Who'd be a teacher, in these dementedly puritanical and paranoid times?

Don't touch those kids! Josie Appleton, Spiked Online, 28 February 2006 
New research reveals why teachers and childcare workers now avoid putting a plaster on a child's leg - even though they know the rules are ridiculous. 
Dr Heather Piper's research at Manchester Metropolitan University into the 'problematics of touching' is an obvious candidate for 'PC gone mad' stories. 

Adults 'too afraid' of youth work; BBC UK, 2007/10/16; 
Adults are often too scared to work with young people for fear of being branded a paedophile, according to a new report.
A survey by Scotland's Commissioner for Children and Young People revealed that the fear of being accused of harming young people was the main deterrent.
Kathleen Marshall's study found a shortage of adults prepared to take work roles and volunteering posts.

Child safety rules hit hobby clubs; Rosemary Bennett, The Times, UK, April 5, 2007 
Hobby clubs have become victims of 'heavy-handed' child protection rules, according to a report that has found that many are now closing their doors to young people.

Where are the Margot Fonteyns?' Josie Appleton, Spiked Online, 22 September 2006 
One problem is the virtual ban on teachers touching students. Child protection policies now mean that male tutors touching female dancers is "virtually prohibited"; students need a letter from parents in order to permit limited touching in certain circumstances; and classes must be observed "to make sure that there's no indiscretion".

Ohio church: No kissing, tickling allowed; The Cincinnati Enquirer, news.yahoo.com, August 11, 2008 
The Archdiocese of Cincinnati has issued a detailed list of inappropriate behaviors for priests, saying they should not kiss, tickle or wrestle children. 
The newest version of the archdiocese's Decree on Child Protection also prohibits bear hugs, lap-sitting and piggyback rides. 

St. Nixed: Store Santas Shunned Over Child Safety Fears. Kevin McCandless, CNSNews.com, December 21, 2006 
London - In a development that would make the Grinch smile, Santa Claus is said to be in danger of disappearing from British homes, stores and streets -- a victim of the fear surrounding child sex abuse.

Kiss goodbye to innocence; India Knight, The Sunday Times, July 16, 2006
All touching, it appears, has become "inappropriate". [...]
Are these poor children never to be given a comforting hug again? 
Do we really want them to believe that all adults are toxic and filled with evil intentions? Apparently so. Worse, we want all children to believe that adults are intrinsically harmful. 
Who'd be a teacher, in these dementedly puritanical and paranoid times?