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Part 6: Internal Ipce matters

Secretarial Report June 2001

In June 2000, Ipce had 60 members in 17 countries, 35 of which were connected by the IMO List. Now Ipce has 75 members in 19 countries, 48 of which are connected by the IMO List.

63 Members have an E-mail connection, 12 members have only a postal address. Some others have an E-mail address, but prefer to receive the Newsletter in paper format by post.

I am able and willing to continue functioning as the Ipce Secretary for the coming year.

The meeting accepts the report and the work of the secretary and asks him to continue his work.


Report of the Webmaster June 2001

The pub1ic web site

In the course of this year, I have made Zipped Word versions of the newsletters. I also made zipped Html files and Adobe files of the longest files.

These files, along with some new files are now located at  library_two on this web site. The main web site is still < http://ipce.org/  > .

Both sites have 420 files now in four languages: English, German, French and Spanish. The home page of the Ipce web had 60,000 visitors since January 10, 2000. Recently, the counter gave an average count of nearly 200 visitors each day.

The webmaster has received many emails; one with only one word ("p. ..!') from an enemy, the others expressed appreciation and asked questions.

Ipce has opened an account for the hosting of acceptable web sites that were removed by their providers. There are two sites now, both about female child love < [...] disappeared in 2004]. 

I am able and willing to continue as the Ipce Webmaster for the coming year.

The Webmaster adds that there was only one conflict. One of the former Ipce members complained about the presence of the Rind et al. files on the web site. His idea was that this presence had started the controversy in the USA and that Ipce infringes the author’s rights.

I replied that the authors have thanked us and that many other web sites refer to the meta-analyse files on the Ipce web or have used the files on their own sites (I can see this as I see the lay out of the tables and some typing errors). I also replied that NARTH and Laura Schlesinger started the controversy in the USA in March 1999, whilst the meta-analysis was placed on the Ipce web in November 1999, half a year after the controversy.

The former member, however, kept his ideas and, consequently, unsubscribed his membership.

The Internal list and site

The E-mail List "IMO" = "Ipce Meets Online" has 48 members now. More than 1100 messages were exchanged last year.

The web site containing the archive has been moved in the course of this year to a (paid) provider who accepts access control scripts. So, every member has a personal username and password now to access the archives.

The mailing list is moderated and does not work automatically. That's the best way to keep the safety and the privacy of the members.

I am able and willing to continue as the Ipce Webmaster for the coming year.

The meeting

accepts the report and the work and policy of the webmaster and asks him to continue his work. The meeting asks to make a plan in case of emergency, for example if the site should disappear. The Webmaster replies that this will be the first task for the teams to be formed. See next topic.


Two Ipce Teams

The meeting has installed two Ipce teams:

The short-term help- and emergency team

Members of this team will help the Webmaster if needed and it is possible for them to do so. In the case of emergency, they can take over his tasks within 24 hours. Members of this team do not live very far from the Webmaster. Members of this team will receive the data they need to take over the work.

Members are Norbert, Desire, Paul M, the other Peter from Germany and if possible also Tim.

The long-term thinking team

The members of this team live far from the Webmaster’s home, but they can communicate by E-mail. The team will think about the long-term policy of Ipce. The team will also help in the case of conflicts between members or conflicts between Ipce and others.

Members are Ted, NJ, Tom, Randy, Isa & Ilja.


A proposal about a German group

Some German Ipce members proposed to remove the link to the group Krumme 13 from the Ipce web site. These members don’t trust the group and its leader. That group is more an emancipation group with its own policy rather than a self-help group.

The pro and contra arguments were exchanged by the meeting. A compromise to mention only the bookshop of that group was not accepted. The meeting decided to remove the link. The meeting also decided not to place a disclaimer or warning.


Next Ipce meeting

The members want to see the Danish people again, so they choose as the first option Copenhagen in July 2002.

The second option is The Netherlands in July 2002.

The third option is Munich medium September 2002,after the IATSO (International Association for the Treatment of Sex Offenders – for which Frans is invited to speak) Congress in Vienna.


Financial Report

Financial report 2001



Oct 4, '98 → Jan 1, 2000

Jan 1, 2000 → June 10, 2000

June 10, 2000 → June 20, 2001



























Total Income




















Newsletters E 4,5,6 &7, 1999 &2000





Newsletters E 9 & 10





Costs for the Meeting 1998, 2000





Invitations, account & question





Costs for the web sites




< See specific.

Other Secretarial costs (porti & postbox)










Total Costs
















Specification of web sites costs





Software: unique costs





Spell checkers & translation helpers





Provider costs





Unique telephone costs for moving IMO





Regular telephone costs





Help for typing long files










The meeting decided to accept the report, to thank the treasurer and to ask him to continue his work. Because the final balance is negative, the membership’s fee will be 30 Dutch guilders or 15 Euro or 15 $ next year.

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