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I p c e 


 Number E 22, June 2007   

[ZIPdoc version]      



Factoids and the sex abuse panic 

2.1 Articles
Sex Offenders Myths And Facts
; Kyle Sandusky, The Chronicle, Oct 17, 2006
2.2 L'Affaire Foley; By French Wall, GuideMagazine November 2006
2.3 Quotes from
Sex Panic on Capitol Hill; Mark Foley and the Politics of Sex in America; David Rosen; Counterpunch
2.4 Poli Psy; Judith Levine, The Public; Uses & Abuses of Emotion; Ocober 25, 2006
2.5 Bill Maher on intergenerational relationships in interview; quotes from an interview in Playboy [March 2007]. 
2.6 Cut out the paedophile hysteria, says Irons; Richard Brooks, The Sunday Times, February 27, 2005
2.7 Police chiefs plea for nuance
a. Police chief sparks row over stigma of sex with children; Daniel Foggo, Sunday Times, 19 November 2006 - Leading Article: Drawing the Age Line 
b. Police chief wants review of consent age; Mark Macaskill, The Sunday Times November 26, 2006 
2.8 A course: Terror & Sexuality - The announcement of a course given by Anarchist U in Toronto, Canada. The announcement gives some thoughts and relevant questions, as well a list of literature.
2.9 Fear of a myth isolates children 
(1) Men are too afraid to help a crying child; Three in four fear being called a perv; Mark McGivern, Daily Record, UK, 17 February 2007 
(2) Child safety rules 'scare' adults; Newsvote.bbc.com.uk, 13 December 2006 
(3) Absence of men from childcare 'national disgrace'; Early Childhood Council [New Zealand], 25 September 2006 
(4) A Chilling effect; Virginia De Leon and Sara Leaming, Spokesman Review, April 18, 2007 
(5) Children: over-surveilled, under-protected; A recent conference in London highlighted the dangers of the government's insidious monitoring of our children's lives; Jennie Bristow, Spiked-online,com, 20 July 2006 
(6) We lost our kids for two years after being wrongly branded as child abusers; The nightmare story every parent must read; Julie Mccaffrey, The Mirror, 23 October 2006 
(7) Teachers can touch children, says union; Claire Trevett, NZ Herald, September 26, 2006 
2.10 Britain and US: worst places for children 
An UNESCO report places the UK an the US on the lowest places of al list of countries, looking to the well-being of children, and places the Netherlands on the top of the same list. 
(1) Britain stung at being worst place for children; AFP & Turkishpress.com, 14 February 2007 
(2) British children: poorer, at greater risk and more insecure; Sarah Boseley, The Guardian, February 14, 2007 
(3) Britain's children are unhappiest in the Western world; Alexandra Blair, timesonline.com, February 14, 2007 
2.11 In memoriam: Vern Bullough - Quotes from: Vern Bullough, our greatest Sexologist, dies at 77; Percy, William A., The Gay & Lesbian Review Worldwide, 1 November 2006
2.12 Questioning Power Hierarchies; Michael Davidson and Literary Pederasty in Italy; Sergio Rigoletto, PhD, 17 June 2005, One Day Conference on 'Gender', University of Sussex - Abstract 
2.13 "It is your body" - Gee, what do I tell him? Poor lad; Silent Sufferer, 2007-February-11 

The Garden of Love; William Blake (1757-1827) - Gerald Moonen, 2006

2.15 The Wasp - An Allegory of Registered Sex Offenders in the U.S.; Terry Brown, The American Chronicle, April 25, 2007 
2.16 I'm 14, I'm gay & I want a boyfriend
Fourteen year old Lee tells Peter Tatchell about first sex, boyfriends, coming out, paedophilia, and why an age of consent of 16 won't help under-age gays like him.

Documentation List E 22b June 2007 




Ipce is a forum for people who are engaged in scholarly discussion about the understanding and emancipation of mutual relationships between children or adolescents and adults.

 In this context, these relationships are intended to be viewed from an unbiased, non-judgmental perspective and in relation to the human rights of both the young and adult partners.
Ipce meets once every one or two years in a different country, publishes a newsletter and a web site, co-ordinates the (electronic) exchange of texts and keeps an archive of specific written publications.  




Here is Ipce’s Newsletter number E(lectronic) 22, with a paper version for who has no connection with the internet. But note that the real ‘news’ are the regular updates of Ipce’s website. Insofar as these updates are connected to a theme, they are called “Ipce Magazine”, which is only in an on line version.  

As usual, this Newsletter starts with a statement, in this case a new version of a list of facts and factoids, or facts and myths, followed by an article that also lists myths and facts, especially the myths concerning the so-called sex offenders.  

Myths create panic, and panic was there when Congress member Mark Foley has had some erotic talks – no deeds - with adolescents and young adults – not children. Panic has created absurd laws (see Ipce Magazine # 1) and practices. Such an opinion is also given by Judith Levine, who concludes: “the words child and protection lose all meaning.”. In the next articles, more or less the same is said by artists, even by police chiefs, and by anarchists who, by the way, give us a splendid literature list.  

The next articles tell us that this myths, this panic and those absurd laws and rules are of no good for the children themselves, the ones they pretend to protect. Children are over-surveilled, under-protected, they have a lack of real care and hearty care givers. And exactly the two states in the world with the most absurd and severe sexuality laws are just the two worst countries in the western world for children, according to a Unesco report. Let these countries be more modest and let them review their myths and have an eye for the facts.  

Various articles will follow, all having more or less the same trend and theme. Our last speaker is a boy, saying “I'm 14, I'm gay & I want a boyfriend”.  

As usual, long lists with documentation end this Newsletter. For the readers of the paper version, the documentation list of Ipce’s Magazine # 1, all about laws, is also added, to have a complete list.  

Ipce will have no annual Meeting during this summer, but in the next autumn. The next Newsletter will be published before that meeting. In the meantime, several updates and a next Ipce Magazine will be published.  

Your secretary and webmaster,


Vorige Start Volgende