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Ipce; Ipce's Annual Financial report 2012-2013, Aug 12 2013
Here is Ipce's annual financial report 2012-2013
Geraci, Joseph; Interview: Hollida Wakefield & Ralph Underwager; Paidika # 9, pp 2-12, 1993; pp 2-12
"Paedophiles can boldly and courageously affirm what they choose. They can say that what they want is to find the best way to love."
"Paedophiles can make the assertion that the pursuit of intimacy and love is what they choose. With boldness they can say, "I believe this is in fact part of God's will."
"Paedophiles need to become more positive and make the claim that paedophilia is an acceptable expression of God's will for love and unity among human beings."
Yuill, Richard; Interrogating the Essential: Moral Baselines on Adult-Child Sex; Thymos; 4(2), 149-167 , Oct 01 2010
In this paper I emphasize the multiple ways dominant moral and essentialist understandings feed into the wider regulatory norms and conventional thinking governing adult-child sexual relations. Clearly, researchers are not immune from the ascendant material and symbolic hegemony enjoyed by child sexual abuse (CSA) paradigms. Indeed the experience of the seven critical writers and researchers cited in the paper, coupled with the author's own experiences carrying out PhD research in this area, clearly reinforce this point. I contend that sociological and Foucauldian insights on age and sexual categorization can offer a helpful tool-kit for unpacking the contested claims from CSA survivors, child liber ationists, and the specific case of one respondent who resists victimological labelling of his sexual experiences with adults.

Patters, N’Jai-An Elizabeth, & Ipce; An Interesting Disseration: Deviance and Dissidents
N’Jai-An Elizabeth Patters has written an interesting dissertation:
Deviants and Dissidents: Children’s Sexuality and the Limits of Liberation.
A Dissertation to the Faculty of the Graduate School of the University of Minnesota, 2010.
Quotes from this book are published here in Ipce's Library 4 at
< >.
The full text can be read in the attached PDF file, which includes the long list of References.
Of special interest might be the chapters 3 and 4:
Chapter 3 describes the history of NAMBLA, the North America Man-Boy Love Association.
Chapter 4 describes the important transition around the year 1980 from NAMBLA's 'The child has to be liberated' onto Societal's 'The child as a victim'.
The author describes the Child Abuse Panic in the USA since about 1980, especially the McMartin Preschool trial, seven years, including hundreds of accusations and extreme convictions, but ending in acquittance.
An important topic in this trial have been the way children had been interrogated, not by certificated therapists, but by fanatic zealots, who did not believe the children ... ...
Cantor, James M., Blanchard Ray, Christensen Bruce K., Dickey Robert, Klassen Philip E., Beckstead Lee A., et al.; Intelligence, Memory, and Handedness in Pedophilia
A sample of 473 male patients with pedophilia (assessed by the patients’ sexual history and penile response in the laboratory to standardized, erotic stimuli) or other problematic sexual interests or behaviors received brief neuropsychological assessments. [...]
Pedophilia showed significant negative correlations with IQ and immediate
and delayed recall memory. Pedophilia was also related to non-right-handedness even after covarying age and IQ.
These results suggest that pedophilia is linked to early neurodevelopmental perturbations.
Given is the article in PDF format, and Abstract and some quotes in html format, followed by a Comment by PhD F. Gieles.
X, Mr., & WikiLeaks; An insight into child porn, Feb 26 2009
In recent months, I have followed closely the debate on the topic of filtering of child pornography in Germany. There have been various suggestions about how the Internet should be censored and filtered - not only by the Federal Government (...) but also by federal countries (...).
Discussions on this topic have lasted for months and have triggered a strong polemic which is also reflected in various forums. For the first time ever, I will present the "flip side" of the issue and give you an insight from the other side. I will describe controversial and possibly - from today's perspective - immoral things and technologies.
In order to systematically describe the situation, I decided to do this in a theme-oriented fashion.
Greenberg, Gary; Inside the Battle to Define Mental Illness, Dec 27 2010
What the battle over DSM-5 should make clear to all of us—professional and layman alike—is that psychiatric diagnosis will probably always be laden with uncertainty, that the labels doctors give us for our suffering will forever be at least as much the product of negotiations around a conference table as investigations at a lab bench.
Allen Frances, lead editor of the fourth edition of the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (universally known as the DSM-IV), [...] wrote the book on mental illness, confessing that “these concepts are virtually impossible to define precisely with bright lines at the boundaries.”
Hall, Louise; Incest, paedophilia 'like being gay', judge says ; Fairfax Media, New Zealand, Jul 10 2014
Judge Garry Neilson compared incest and paedophilia to homosexuality.

A Sydney judge has compared incest and paedophilia to homosexuality, saying the community may no longer see sexual contact between siblings and between adults and children as "unnatural" or "taboo".
Mydans, Seth; In a Philippine Town, Child Prostitution, Despite Protests, Is a Way of Life; New York Times, Feb 05 1989
Parents come out in support of pedophiles.
Kendall-Tackett, Kathleen A., Williams Linda Meyer, & Finkelhor David; Impact of Sexual Abuse on Children A Review and Synthesis of Recent Empirical Studies; Psychological Bulletin; 113(1), 164-180
A review of 45 studies clearly demonstrated that sexually abused children had more symptoms than nonabused children, with abuse accounting for 15—45% of the variance. Fears, posttraumatic stress disorder, behavior problems, sexualized behaviors, and poor self-esteem occurred most frequently among a long list of symptoms noted, but no one symptom characterized a majority of sexually abused children. Some symptoms were specific to certain ages, and approximately one third of victims had no symptoms. Penetration, the duration and frequency of the abuse, force, the relationship of the perpetrator to the child, and maternal support affected the degree of symptomatology. About two thirds of the victimized children showed recovery during the first 12—18 months. The findings suggest the absence of any specific syndrome in children who have been sexually abused and no single traumatizing process.
Maniglio, Roberto; The impact of child sexual abuse on health; Clinical Psychology Review; 2009(29), 647 - 657
This paper addresses the best available scientific evidence on the topic, by providing a systernatic review of the several reviews that have investigated the literature on the effects of child sexual abuse.
There is evidence that survivors of childhood sexual abuse are signi?cantly at risk of a wide range of medical, psychological, behavioral, and sexual disorders. Relationships are small to medium in magnitudes and moderated by sample source and size. Child sexual abuse should be considered as a general, nonspecific risk factor for psychopathology.
Ipce; IMO Archive Library published, Jan 27 2022
IMO Archive published.
This library has been the internal library of IMO = "Ipce Meets Online", from 2001 - 2004. This internal forum has stopped. This library is made public in 2022.
Guyon, Rene; Human Rights and the Denial of Sexual Freedom
René Guyon had the following text privately printed in Bangkok in the form of a rather flimsy brochure. He then sent it to all European and American sexologists whose addresses he knew. [...] As a public service, we are here providing the full text of our own copy. - Ipce.

[...] Human dignity is no more affected by sexual acts than it is by individual preferences in food or in recreation. It is an infantile stratagem of the puritans to pretend that there is any "indignity" in living Sexually outside the range of their childish and inexperienced conceptions. [...]
Modern men and women proclaim and loudly repeat that they no longer wish to be slaves. Yet the anti-sexual mores and laws have established for them a servitude from which they suffer at all ages of their lives. They are the slaves of the prohibitory laws that govern them. [...]
The Sexual Freedom which I have proposed is that which rests firmly upon the reciprocal consent of the parties involved in the sexual act or any of its varieties. [...]
Galaburda, Cyril E.; How to Persecute a Pedophile
Imagine, you work in the Ukrainian Police. A pervert Kyrýlo Yevhénovych Halaburdá lives in your city Dnipró. Once in 2012 or earlier you noticed his profile in a social network where he called himself a pedophile and even posted his messages towards one 13-ye­a­rs-old girl. You hope this character is fake or fictional. ...
In 2014 you got to know that Kyrylo Halaburda had petitioned to parliament for ad­u­lt-chi­ld sex legalization. The petition was numbered as 09-0756.04.14/01-08.14 and sent to government. That's why the Deputy Minister of Justice of Ukraine Ruslán Riaboshápka directed your office to investigate who Kyrylo was. ...
You're a policeman, and know it for sure. The pedophile must be persecuted in illegal way, and you know how to make it safe for you. ...
You're a policeman, you can outrage and threaten a pedophile without any risk. ...
A pedophile is not a demon, he's just a human being, he depends upon people, which are his enemies. Pedophile's friends cannot help, and enemies can do with him whatever they want. There is no lie, no betrayal, no menace, no violence, no imprisonment, no rape, no mutilation, no murder, no torture that cannot be justified as child protection.
Josephs, Lawrence; How Children Learn About Sex: A Cross-Species and Cross- Cultural Analysis; Arch Sex Behav (2015) 44:1059–1069, Feb 18 2015
Scattered and not widely disseminated evidence from primatology, anthropology, and history of childhood sexuality support the hypothesis that throughout much of human behavioral evolution that human children have learned about sex through observing parental sexuality and then imitating it in sexual rehearsal play with peers. Contemporary theories of psychosexual development have not considered the possibility that young children are predisposed to learn about sex through observational learning and sexual rehearsal play during early childhood, a primate-wide trait that is conserved in humans but suppressed in contemporary contexts.
Goode, Sarah D.; How can we prevent child abuse if we don't understand paedophilia?; Independent Voices (UK), Jan 07 2013
If we want to keep children safe from sexual harm, then surely knowing what we’re dealing with would be a good first step. [...]
What gets a bit more complicated is distinguishing between paedophilia (the sexual attraction) and child sexual abuse (adult sexual contact with children below the legal age of consent). Paedophilia is, strictly speaking, in a separate conceptual category to child sexual abuse, although in everyday life the word ‘paedophile’ is typically taken to mean a person (usually a man) who has sexually offended against a child. [...]
The first step is to try and work out how many paedophiles there are.
[...] we would be therefore looking at around one in five of all the men we know having some degree of sexual attraction to children. [...]
Some people experience such sexual desires but don’t act upon them. Perhaps, for them, in a sex-saturated society, that’s quite an achievement. We need to be able to acknowledge and understand their self-control.
Independent Voices is the Independent newspaper's online blogging site. The article didn't actually appear in the paper (as fas as I know).
Picardie, Justine; How bad was J.M. Barrie?, Jul 13 2008
An obsessive stalker, an impotent husband, a lover of young boys... to some, the creator of 'Peter Pan' was an evil genius; to others, a misunderstood ingenue. Ever mindful of the J.M. Barrie 'curse', Justine Picardie investigates.
Willemen, Noemi; A History of the Paedophile Activism, Oct 13 2013
I am a [Belgian] historian, working on a PhD project on the scientific history of today’s ultimate sexual other: the paedophile. Today I would like to talk to you about a particularly interesting aspect of paedophile history, namely the chapter on paedophile activism [in Belgium and The Netherlands] on which I will present a brief overview and discourse analysis.
[... ... ... ...]
By the mid 1990s most paedophile movements had gone underground or on the Internet.
The fight for paedophile rights are a page in the history of sexual minorities that most people and especially LGBT movements have been eager to forget. Today the paedophile debate belongs to the past, the arguments of the movements are dismissed for being excruciatingly naive at best, monstrous at worst. [...]
Ipce; The history of Ipce, Sep 15 2011
The history of Ipce, existing since 1987, can be read in an overview of all Ipce's Newsletters. Especially the reports of Ipce's Meetings are mentioned and summarized there. If you follow the bold blue fonts there, you will see the history of Ipce in short.
Angelides, Steven; Historicizing affect, psychoanalyzing history: pedophilia and the discourse of child sexuality; Journal of Homosexuality; 46(Februari), 79 - 109
Within the last two decades in Australia, Britain, and the United States, we have seen a veritable explosion of cultural panic regarding the problem of pedophilia. Scarcely a day passes without some mention in the media of predatory pedophiles or organized pedophile networks. Many social constructionist historians and sociologists have described this incitement to discourse as indicative of a moral panic.
Here, I will suggest a repressed discourse of child sexuality is writ large. I will argue that the hegemonic discourse of pedophilia is contained largely within a neurotic structure and that many of our prevailing responses to pedophilia function as a way to avoid tackling crucial issues about the reality and trauma of childhood sexuality.
The question that concerns me in this article is: If this incitement to discourse is indicative of a moral panic, to what does the panic refer?
Haeberle, Erwin J.; Historical Roots of Sexual Oppression; pp. 3-27
A short history of sexual oppression in Europe from ancient to modern times, offering many illuminating anecdotes and examples.
Dube, Rebecca; Hikind Retreating On Tough Tactics Against Molesters; Forward, The Jewish Daily, Mar 25 2009
Assemblyman Dov Hikind of Brooklyn, a leading voice in the fight to end child sexual abuse in Orthodox communities, is backing down from some of his previous claims and backing away from one of his most confrontational stands against an alleged pedophile.
Galaburda, Cyril E.; Hello Susan Clancy
Hello, Susan
I am a paedophile and I've read your book ["The Trauma Myth"]. ...
But despite of your wit you write really stupid things about the question. Your prejudice against the child lovers does not allow you to understand simple things. If you are real scientist, not moralist, you would be able to answer the next topics: ... ... ...
So, Susan, I disproved all ideological stratification on your scientific work. ...
And if "victims need to hear the truth" tell them truth.