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Web Article
Salazar, Denize, Schwebke Scott, & Member Ipce; 5 O.C. teens identified as victims in widespread child-exploitation investigation, Mar 19 2014
Five teenage boys from Orange County are among more than 250 juvenile victims identified in one of the largest online child exploitation investigations ever conducted by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Homeland Security Investigations division. [...]
The Orange County victims ranged in age from 14 to 17 and were contacted in online chat rooms, authorities said. [...]
The teens were duped into producing “very graphic images and videos of themselves” and sending them to what they believed were teenage girls when, in fact, they were producing images for pedophiles ...
Fourteen people – none in Orange County – have been charged as a result of the investigation. It targeted a child pornography website on what is known as the Darknet’s Onion Router ...
Overview of child pornography cases ...
Tips for parents ... Tips for kids ...
Comment - by an Ipce Member [...]
Wow. So many criminals, and so much criminal activity on that website. Thank God for that investigation! The millions of dollars the investigation cost were very well spent! And it is clearly worthwhile that the 26,986 other members of that site who never did anything illegal have now been denied the use of a site they had enjoyed using, and which they used completely legally. Good job, law enforcers!
Ipce-member; About the Trauma Myth, Sep 20 2012
Letter from an Ipce-member to Ipce, critisizing Susan Clancy's book and essay about the Trauma myth.
Ipce; Absurdities
Ipce received many new items. Some of them reflect the absurdities that take place in Western society if this culture intensively fears any possible expression of children's sexuality, any image picturing nudeness of a child, and any possible intimate contact between any child and any adult.

Ipce has gathered these news items and has made three compilations of them in the Newsletters ... > Links are given.
Schuster, Filip - 2022; The age of the girls and the boys in the Tanner stages
The studies listed were identified by the author in 2017 using a systematic literature search. ...
In recent decades, the age at which girls reach puberty has declined by 0.24 years per decade, [...] Therefore, it may be that in the last five years since the literature review was conducted, the age at reaching puberty has decreased slightly. ...
Girls do not typically reach puberty at age eleven, as has been widely claimed (...), but rather at age nine. ...
Girls are not in Tanner stage 4 (...) at 15 to 16/17 years, but at twelve to 14 years. ...
Accordingly, the desire of girls from the age of ten and of boys from the age of eleven was and is not evidence of preferential desire of prepubescents ("pedophilia").
Wakefield, Hollida, & Underwager Ralph; The Alleged Child Victim and Real Victims of Sexual Misuse

The real victims of sexual abuse of children include all of us, because the system we have set up to eliminate abuse of children may be doing more damage than good.

Children may be harmed by the intervention.
Families, including extended family members, may be destroyed.
Grandparents may never see their grandchildren again.
Occupations that involve work with children become suspect: Teachers, preachers, boy scout leaders, big brothers, athletic coaches, day care workers, counselors, mental health professionals, and others are watched suspiciously by a society that asks why they choose to work with children.
Lonely people learn quickly to avoid all friendly actions toward children (Weinbach 1987).
Men learn that in spite of twenty years of rhetoric telling them they can have feelings and be gentle, if they are affectionate with children they can go to prison.
It must be possible for all who are concerned with reducing the abuse of children to agree cognitively that increasing the accuracy of the process is both desirable and attainable. There is more credible and reliable information now than a few years ago. It is possible now to assert [...]that there is a general consensus in the scientific community about some basic facts. Potentially this information can be used to develop a more accurate and reliable way to make decisions about child sexual abuse which will result in greater protection of abused children and less harm to innocent persons.
Klein, Marty; America’s War On Sex: Second Edition?, Feb 08 2011
You may have read my most recent book, America’s War On Sex. It’s won a couple of awards, and I’ve lectured on the subject in dozens of cities. I’m pretty proud of it.
The publisher (Praeger) has asked me about doing a second edition — updating it and perhaps adding other material. In some ways, it would be more complicated than just writing a whole new book. So I’ve been thinking about how to do it.
How’s the War on Sex been going since the book was published? My initial answer is: “mixed.” Here’s the initial scorecard for the four years since the book was published.
Schuster, Filip; Approximately 0.5 percent of all "perpetrators" of "sexual abuse" of "minors" are "pedophilic" men, Feb 17 2022
For orientation in advance, a brief summary of the following calculation: According to the available Darkfield studies,

- 74 percent of all "perpetrators" of "sexual abuse" of "minors" are "minors" (people under 18 years of age) and
- only 26 percent are adults (women and men 18 years of age and older).
- 14 percent of all "perpetrators" are female and
- 86 percent are male, according to available dark field studies.

We assume here that this result based on "minor" and adult "perpetrators" also applies to adult "perpetrators". Then

- 4 percent of all "perpetrators" are women and
- 23 percent are men.

According to two Darkfield studies, about 2 percent of all adult males who have "sexually abused" "minors" are estimated to have a sexual age preference for prepubescents (people in the 0 to 9/10 age range). Accordingly, approximately 0.5 percent of all "perpetrators" of "sexual abuse" of "minors" are "pedophilic" adult males.
shrinkwrapped; The Arab Mind, May 07 2008
Description of the Arabic culture concerning sexuality.
A very strict taboo and very strict rules about 'honor' create an atmosphere of fear ... and desire ... thus frustration ... thus aggression - and myths, especially that it should be the woman who has uncontrollable impulses.
Strong religious rules and practices may hide internal unconscious conflicts.
Guy, Shy; Architects of Oppression
The history of the child sex abuse witch hunt is chronicled from the times of Anthony Comstock and J. Edgar Hoover to the NCMEC of the present, including the influence of Kenneth Lanting, Ernie Allen and others.
Geoghegan, Tom; Are there women paedophiles?, Apr 29 2009
Paedophiles are invariably thought of as men and they mostly are. But do women commit sexual abuse against children, and if so, why is it rarely discussed?

However, a Comment of Ipce says about this article:
This article is a textbook example of disinformation. From the title it purports to be about pedophilia, then nearly all the cases it discusses are of incest, something which is bound to have more serious sequelae. The effect is to sensationalize the concept of pedophilia in the mind of the reader.
Furedi, Frank; Are we all condemned to live in ‘cycles of abuse’?
It is now heresy to question the idea that child abuse damages a person for life. But such a deeply fatalistic idea must be questioned.
The diagnosis that child sexual abuse causes long-term psychological damage is influenced by today’s ‘cycle of abuse’ theories. This model, which says there is an intergenerational transmission of violence, is one of the most uncontested themes of the modern-day literature on family violence.
The abuse model is based on a belief that human action is determined and conditioned by powerful forces beyond its control. Such a fatalistic world view is conveyed through the idea that the experience of psychological trauma in early childhood directly shapes the actions and behaviour of a person for the rest of hisor her life.
We need to have a more open-minded discussion about this difficult subject.
Schuster, Filip; Associations of the ten original Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) with mental health impairments after controlling for the other ACEs (meta-analysis)
The ten original ACEs (including emotional, physical, and "sexual abuse") are associated with mental impairment among the people affected in countless studies. The corresponding bivariate associations are to a considerable extent confounding bias. The extent of the causal relationships is unresolved. [...]
Methode: A systematic literature search was conducted to search for studies that determined the associations of each of the ten original ACEs with mental impairment in "minors" or adults after controlling for each of
the nine other original ACEs (and other ACEs, if applicable). [...]
Conclusions: The causal relationships between the ten original ACEs and mental health impairments are smaller than widely suspected. In the case of several original ACEs, long-term important negative health consequences
are not to be assumed. The ACEs concept should be fundamentally
Limitations: Also, because of the many uncontrolled confounding variables (including genes and other ACEs), the associations identified by the metaanalysis are not precise causal effect sizes.
Knobel, Paul; Bibliography of Homosexuality 1984–2010 (link)
This bibliography is a listing of items catalogued by libraries on Worldcat under the Descriptor Term “homosexuality”. Descriptor is a wider term than Subject Term “homosexuality” but also includes Subject Term: that is, it refers to works catalogued under both the Subject Term “homosexuality” and the Descriptor Term “homosexuality”. It was downloaded in the Digital Humanities Center at Columbia University from 22 to 24 December 2010; I acknowledge the help of Bob Scott of the Center in compiling it. It is made public in accordance with Worldcat use conditions that such works can be made public provided no fee is charged. “Homosexuality” was chosen as it is a long used term in its subject area; “gay” and latterly “queer” increasingly yield items as well.

The work supplements the annotated bibliographies of Wayne Dynes Homosexuality; a research guide (New York, 1987), 823 pages, now available free on the internet on the sexological web site of Erwin Haeberle in Berlin, and Gary Simes, A Bibliography of homosexuality: a research guide to the University of Sydney Library (Sydney, 1998), 371 pages. Gary Simes’s Bibliography, to which I contributed many items. was modelled on that of Wayne Dynes and, despite its title, is a general work, including listing many works not in the University of Sydney Library. It lists 6,129 items and Wayne Dynes’s work 4,858; both works include periodical article.

There are 15,418 items listed in the bibliography below which shows the enormous growth of the subject; most items are books and periodicals though film, for instance, is represented. Most are in English but many other languages are represented. Readers are referred to my Bibliography of Homosexuality: the non-English sources on Erwin Haeberle’s site for a breakdown of works in non-English languages to 2010, listed by language from Arabic to Urdu.

The sequence is arranged by year from 1984. Each year is in two sequences, firstly works without authors (such as gay periodicals) arranged from A to Z then the second sequence, works with authors arranged by author from A to Z. The number of items in each year is given in brackets after the year.

This document comes to 814 pages in 10 point Times Roman.
Andriette, Bill; The Big Chill
Verizon's decision last month to shut off a Montreal ISP for hosting edgy gay chat boards points to a colder, grayer internet ahead.
When it comes to freedom on the net, lately a lot's been storming and crashing.
The Epifora case could establish important new legal principles. More likely, it will be one more step in the transition of the internet from messy democratic forum into a frigid private shopping mall, ringed with surveillance cameras, with many doors marked "no entry," free expression be damned.
Santangelo, Ashley; A Blueprint When Feeling Blue: How A Mental Health Diagnosis Can Be Empowering
A Canadian study that was facilitated in 2001 explored factors in the lives of adults with a mental illness that influenced the degree of empowerment felt in their lives. Every participant was in some kind of mental health treatment (either therapy, medication management, a peer support group, or a combination of more than one treatment method). The study revealed that the two factors below had a significant influence on empowerment:

1.) Personal motivation: When consumers of mental health services were able to take more initiative in making choices, it resulted in improved confidence, skill development, and greater sense of control over their lives.

2.) Supportive Relationships: Consumers of mental health services reported feeling more empowered when their personal and professional relationships were supportive and fair. This resulted in increased participation and involvement in the community, particularly if they were able to connect with a community of peers who they saw on a regular basis.

I have actually witnessed the peer support models become increasingly common in the past decade and know of individuals who have discovered a sense of purpose once they become involved in peer support. These kinds of groups and relationships have the potential to offer mental health consumers a sense of connection that may be difficult to find elsewhere.

Giving and receiving mutual support to other with a mental illness can provide empowerment and a sense of purpose.
Gieles, Frans; Born as a pedophile?
A critical comment on
“Minor Physical Anomalies as a Window into the Prenatal Origins of Pedophilia”, by Fazio, Rachel L., Dyshniku Fiona, Murray Michelle E., Lykins Amy D., & Cantor James M.; Archives of Sexual Behavior; Jun 10 2015.
These authors report that they have found correlations between specific physical anomalies that are supposed to date from an early stage in utero, and what they call "pedophiles".
The conclude that the origins of 'pedophilia' also must date from that early stage in utero.
Tha author of this Comment argues the weakness of that study, and thus of its conclusion.
In an Epilogue he argues an alternative way to cope with the phenomenon 'pedophilic feelings', for person and for society.
Vega, Cecilia, & Dolak Kevin; California High School Teacher-Student Romance: Therapist Calls Man 'Sexual Predator', Mar 05 2012
The former high school teacher who left his family to be with a former student is a "sex predator" and the couple are suffering from shared paranoia, thinking that the world is against them, a therapist who has spoken to the man said.
Fass,(Editor) Paula S.; Child Abuse, Oct 03 2003
Defining Abuse in Historical Context, Innocence and Abuse, Preventing and Prosecuting Child Abuse
Entry from Gale Encyclopedia of Children and Childhood in History and Society
Child abuse, as a historical subject, is deeply problematic, since the concept of abuse is inevitably relative and can be only very tentatively applied across cultures and across centuries.
The watershed in the history of child abuse must be dated as recently as 1962, when child abuse received its modern formulation by the American medical establishment as the battered-child syndrome.
The attribution of innocence implied the possibility of violation, and the necessity of protection.
A full generation after "The Battered-Child Syndrome" was first published, there is general public recognition that various forms of child abuse are pervasive – but also an awareness that abuse may remain largely concealed within the domestic walls that protect family privacy.
Furthermore, just as treatment of children in the historical past may appear abusive by current standards, so there is also a divergence of perspectives within contemporary society about what exactly constitutes abuse.
For all these reasons, child abuse is a social problem that has been recognized but by no means resolved.
Prescott, James W.; Child Abuse in America: Slaughter of the Innocents, Oct 01 1977
Child abuse, including sexual exploitation of children, is a problem reaching epidemic proportions in the U.S. Many sociologists believe that the abused child often goes on to become a violent criminal, alcoholic, welfare case or even another child abuser. One man specifically concerned with the needless brutal injury to and death of children is James W. Prescott, Ph.D. He is a board member of the American Humanist Association, a developmental neuropsychologist with the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development of the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, past president of the Maryland Psychological Association and of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sex, and is president of the International Society of Humanistic Science.
Dr. Prescott has written articles on "Body Pleasure and the Origins of Violence" (in The Futurist) and "Abortion of the Unwanted Child: A Choice for the Humanistic Society" (in The Humanist). His research into the causes and effects of child abuse is an ongoing project.
Nathan, Debbie; Child porn: real or virtual?; Personal Blog, Apr 30 2008
Debbie Nathan writes a personal blog about a conference about (child) pornography on the Internet. The main theme was how to see the differences of virtual images (permitted in the USA as a form of Free Speech) and images of real children (not permitted). It appeared to be quite difficult to make this difference.
Aiken, Peter D.; Child Pornography viewers not Pedophiles
There is a misconception that people who view child pornography go on to become child molesters. The actual statistics do not support this hypothesis. [...]
Over the years, I have found that most of the people who view kiddie porn do so in the privacy of their home and never go on to have contact with any minor. [...]
There is a world of difference between looking at something and acting on it. [...]
Unfortunately, now, you can get more time in prison for looking at a video than actually committing a contact sex offense.
Ipce; Children who are sexually active; Ipce Magazine, Jun 27 2011
Child sexuality does exist, be it in a specific form: the childish form, which differs from the adult forms.
The response to it in the modern English-speaking culture is that of the Criminal Code: abuse, (young) perpetrator, (young) victim. Sometimes: treatment. Somtimes: education of the children - and teaching the teachers. But always the panicked parents protest.
There are healthier responses and views.
Brown, Kevin; Circumstantial and preferential, Jun 26 2007
There are two published estimates of what percentage of the total population of sex offenders fall into the "Preferential" and "Situational" categories. [...]
In testing utilizing penile plythysmograph monitoring, a large percentage of men experience some arousal to children when presented with audio stimuli. A study utilizing a college-student population found this number to be 26.25%. [...]
The increased risk of the commission of the crime of child molestation among the population of pedophilic men is exceedingly small. Heterosexual men are as great a danger to children as pedophilic men in terms of the likelihood that they will commit the crime of child molestation.

Magnusson, Ricard; Cognitive Distortion in Music, Oct 01 2020
Having Doubts about the success of your release? It might be due to distortion
And not the kind that helped shape the sound of modern music.
No, you might be suffering from the kind of distortion that kills creativity instead of spark it.
I’m talking about cognitive distortion.
Cognitive distortion does not live in your music production software, but in your mind. [...]
Why do we suffer from cognitive distortion? [...]
8 Cognitive distortions that might be holding you back [...]
3 Steps to overcoming self-doubt [...]
Gieles, Frans; A Comment on Seto's "Is Pedophilia a Sexual Orientation?", Jun 29 2015
Seto's proposal to view pedophilia as 'being attracted to ..', thus as a feeling -- as an orientation similar to heterosexuality, bisexuality, and homosexuality -- may be a first step towards humanizing those of our fellow human beings who have such feelings.
However ...
Thus ...
Moreover ...