Chapter 4 Notes


4. Beyond Sex: The Question of Intimacy

1. More detailed accounts of male emotional and sexual behaviour can be found in Wilson, P. R., Intimacy, Cassell, Sydney, 1979. [Back]

2. Ibid., p.96. [Back]

3. Rice, F. P., The Adolescent, Allyn and Bacon, Boston, 1978. [Back]

4. Collins, J. K. and McCabe, M. P., ‘The Influence of Sex Roles on Psycho Biological and Psycho Affectional Orientations to Dating’, Journal of Current Adolescent Medicine, 1981. [Back]

5. Bem, S. L., ‘The Measurement of Psychological Androgyny’, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 42, 1974, pp.155—162. [Back]

6. Ibid., pp.155—162. [Back]

7. Collins, J. K. and McCabe, M. P., op.cit. [Back]

8. Prescott, J. W. ‘Body pleasure and the origins of violence’, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, November, 1975, pp.10—20. [Back]

9. Maslow, A., Towards a Psychology of Being, Van Nostrand, New York, 1968. [Back]

10. Eglinton,J. Z., Greek Love, Spearman, London, 1971, p.115. [Back]

11. Ibid., p.ll6. [Back]

12. May, R., Love and Will, Fontana, London, 1972. [Back]
