Hanson & Bussière 1998 - Table 1

Table 1
Predictors of sexual recidivism

CI = Confidence interval; n = aggregated sample size; MMPI = Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory; MDSO = mentally disordered sexual offender.
a Values in parentheses represent number of studies
*p < .05.   **p < .01.   ***p < .001




95% CI



Demographic factors

Age -.09 -.13 -.11 - -.15 51.62 *** 6,969 (21)
   With outlier -.08 -.10 -.08 - -.12 111.77 *** 8,184 (22)
Single (never married) .11 .11 .07 - .15 9.62   2,850 (8)
Married (currently -.08 -.09 -.05 - -.13 14.14   2,828 (10)
Employment instability .07 .07 .00 - .14 3.56   762 (5)
   With outlier .07 .39 .36 - .42 106.64 *** 5,143 (6)
Social class (low) .00 .05 .00 - .10 1.28   1,622 (6)
   With outlier .01 .20 .17 - .23 54.98 *** 6,003 (7)
Low education .00 -.03 -0.7 - .01 12.61 * 2,304 (7)
Minority race .00 .00 -.04 - .04 13.02 * 2,505 (7)

General criminality (nonsexual)

Antisocial personality disorder .17 .14 .07 - .21 2.29   811 (6)
   With outlier .16 .09 .05 - .13 6.41   2,113 (7)
Prior offences (any/nonsexual) .12 .13 .11 - .15 44.31 *** 8,683 (20)
MMPI 4: Psychopathic Deviate .10 .10 .00 - .20 2.45   2,45 (4)
Admissions to corrections .08 .09 .03 - .15 6.50   1,074 (4)
Juvenile frequency .06 .07 .02 - .12 8.20   1,486 (7)
Prior violent offenses .01 .05 .00 - .10 11.55 * 1,421 (6)
Prior nonviolent offenses -.02 .00 -.08 - .08 4.73   685


Sexual criminal history

Prior sex offenses .19 .19 .17 - .21


*** 11,294


    With outlier .20 .29 .27 - .31


*** 15,675


Stranger victim (vs. acquaintance) .22 .15 .06 - .24 8.29   465


    With outlier .26 .38 .35 - .41 39.34 *** 4,846


Female child victim -.08 -.14 -.16 - -.12 51.12 *** 10,198


Early onset of sex offending .14 .12 .05 - .19 1.05   919


    With outlier .11 .03 -.03 - .09 32.17 *** 1,175


Related child victim -.12 -.11 -.13 - -.09 31.79   6,889 (21)
    With outlier -.12 -.30 -.32 - -.28 696.49 *** 11,270 (22)
Male child victim .06 .11 .09 - .13 39.53 ** 10,294 (19)
Diverse sex crimes .08 .10 .07 - .13 1.85   6,011 (5)
    With outlier .08 .11 .08 - .14 22.30 *** 6,109 (6)
Exhibitionism .11 .09 .06 - .12 15.57   4,826 (14)
    With outlier .10 .03 .01 - .05 49.59 *** 9,826 (15)
Any adult male victims .10 .09 .05 - .13 9.07   2,291 (5)
Victims, children of both sexes .04 .09 .07 - .11 52.51 *** 7,598 (9)
Rapist .06 .07 .05 - .09 122.39 *** 15,181 (25)
Age of child victim (young) .08 .05 .01 - .10 7.93   1,828 (9)
Current sentence length .05 .04 .01 - .08 14.98 * 2,927 (7)
Degree of sexual contact -.16 -.03 -.10 - -.04 25.17 *** 828 (6)
Any child victims -.05 -.03 -.05 - -.01 76.75 *** 13,683 (24)
Force or injury to victims .00 .01 -.04 - -.06 7.26   1,546 (8)
    With outlier .02 .25 .22 - .28 172.68 *** 5,982 (9)

Sexual deviancy

Phallometric assessment (children) .20 .32 .29 - .35 36.79 *** 4,853 (7)
MMPI 5: Masculinity-Femininity .17 .27 .14 - .40 4.73   239 (3)
Any deviant sexual preference .20 .22 .16 - .30 1.11   570 (5)
Phallometric assessment (boys) .15 .14 .01 - .27 .17   239 (3)
Deviant sexual attitudes .09 .09 .00 - .18 1.49   439 (4)
    With outlier .08 .01 -.07 - -.09 15.68 ** 549 (5)
Legally classified as MDSO .03 .07 .01 - .13 20.03 *** 1,043 (3)
Phallometric assessment (rape) .00 .05 -.06 - .16 2.03   320 (4)

Clinical presentation and treatment history

Failure to complete treatment .18 .17 .10 - .24 12.87 * 806 (6)
Length of treatment .00 .03 .00 - .06 .75   1,891 (4)
Empathy for victims .03 .03 .00 - .06 3.29 4,670 (3) (3)
Denial of sex offense .03 .02 -.05 - .09 2.29   762 (6)
    With outlier .03 .16 .13 - .19 19.21 ** 5,143 (7)
Low motivation for treatment (self-report/clinical ratings) -.02 .01 -.08 - .10 .24   435 (3)
    With outlier .02 .14 .11 - .17 8.19 * 4,816 (4)

Developmental history

Negative relationship with mother .11 .16 .06 - .26 .85   378 (3)
Family problems (general) .07 .08 .01 - .15 6.22   812 (5)
Negative relationship with father .00 .02 -.08 - .12 .80   377 (3)
Sexually abused as child .00 -.01 -.04 - .12 8.18   5,051 (5)

Psychological adjustment

Severely disordered .12 .25 .10 - .40 6.72 * 184 (3)
Any personality disorder .13 .16 .05 - .27 5.73   315 (3)
Anger problems .10 .13 .00 - .26 2.57   231 (3)
Anxiety .07 .04 -.06 - .14 1.05   438 (5)
Any substance abuse problem .07 .03 -.04 - .10 2.39   914 (7)
Depression -.02 -.01 -.10 - .08 6082   508 (6)
General psychological problem .00 .00 -.07 - .07 .43   867 (8)

Other psychological problems

Low intelligence .04 .09 .06 - .12 13.99   5,651 (9)
Cognitive impairment/brain damage -.05 -.05 -.10 - .00 3.02   1,502 (3)
Low social skills .04 -.04 -.14 - .06 4.43   379 (3)