Hanson & Bussière 1998 - Table 2

Table 2
Predictors of nonsexual violent recidivism

CI = Confidence interval; n = aggregated sample size; MMPI = Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory.
a Values in parentheses represent number of studies.
*p < .05.    **p < .01.    ***p < .001.




95% CI



Demographic factors              
Age -.22 -.24 -.27 - -.21 22.06 *** 3,376 (7)
   With outlier -.16 -.22 -.25 - -.19 25.76 *** 3,530 (8)
Single (never married) .16 .23 .19 - .27 11.21 ** 1,981 (3)
Married (currently) -.07 -.10 -.15 - -.05 14.70 ** 1,380 (5)

General criminality (nonsexual)

Juvenile delinquency .20 .22 .15 - .29 1.88   906 (4)
Prior violent offenses .21 .21 .15 - .27 1.64   1,203 (5)
    With outlier .22 .26 .21 - .31 16.95 ** 1,585 (6)
Antisocial personality disorder .18 .19 .10 - .28 1.98   494 (4)
MMPI 4: Psychopathic Deviate .08 .13 .02 - .24 2.62   335 (3)
Prior offenses (any/nonsexual) .12 .11 .08 - .14 7.43   3,450 (7)
    With outlier .14 .14 .11 - .17 48.26   3,746 (8)

Sexual criminal history

Rapist .22 .23 .20 - .26 41.09 *** 4,040 (10)
Any child victims -.17 -.16 -.20 - -.12 44.99 *** 2,742 (9)
Any adult male victims -.11 -.13 -.20 - -.06 0.78   898 (3)
Related child victim -.12 -.12 -.17 - -.07 4.85   1,611 (6)
Young (vs. older) child -.08 -.11 -.18 - -.04 1.85   758 (4)
Male child victim -.09 -.09 -.15 - -.03 6.79   1,245 (5)
Current sentence length -.02 -.02 -.06 - .02 4.88   2,407 (5)
    With outlier -.01 .03 -.01 - .07 40.72 *** 2,788 (6)
Prior sex offenses .00 .02 -.01 - .05 8.01   4,300 (9)
Female child victim -.05 -.02 -.07 - .03 24.42 *** 1,847 (6)
Victims, children of both sexes .01 -.02 -.09 - .05 1.54   869 (3)

Sexual deviancy

MMPI 5: Masculinity-Femininity -.09 -.10 -.21 - .00 4.81   335 (3)
Phallometric assessment: sexual preference for rape .17 .03 -.09 - .14 17.34 *** 290 (3)
Clinical presentation and treatment history. Failure to complete treatment .04 .08 -.01 - .17 1.07   479 (3)

Psychological maladjustment

Anger problems -.09 -.09 -.22 - .05 1.04   231 (3)
Alcohol abuse problem .07 .07 -.04 - .18 0.18   340 (3)
Depression -.04 -.04 -.14 - .06 7.79   373 (4)
Anxiety -.03 -.03 -.13 - .07 3.29   383 (4)
General psychological problem .00 .00 -.09 - .09 4.43   502 (5)

Other psychological problems

Low intelligence .00 .07 .00 - .14 8048 * 695 (3)