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The spectacular achievements of media control

by Chuck Dodson and the Not Going Silently Press

"Much enjoyed"--Noam Chomsky, 1990s.
written 1994-97, originally, with editing done since then to present (2023).

“The arts of power and its minions are the same in all [formal] countries and in all ages. It marks its victim, denounces it, and excites the public odium and the public hatred, to conceal its own abuses and encroachments.”—Henry Clay

[* Introduction - Note]

* Part One 
o The Horrid Plague 
o Unsightly Carnage 

* Part Two 
o Save the Children! 
o Damage Control 

* Part Three 
o The Building Crisis 
o Parade of Enemies 

* Part four 
o Selective Perception 
o The Fight for Kids' Freedoms 

* Last Part Five 
o Representing the Kids 
o Reasons for the emotional outcry? 

* For more information 

This essay may be copied and sold as long as credit is given to the author.



This is a serious magnification of Noam Chomsky's 1991 speech "MEDIA CONTROL, The Spectacular Achievements of Propaganda" (now a book) originally published by Open Magazine Pamphlet Series. This speech can be read in its entirety if you do a search on the Internet, or in part at: www.zmag.org/chomsky/ (see also http://chomsky.info ).

My intent in magnifying Chomsky's original speech is to shed previously little-known light on one particularly crucial aspect of Media Control in the USA. Thus, all of the basic assertions (not specifically footnoted) closely follow Chomsky's original speech. Some have said I should insert those into this manuscript, blockquoting the comparisons i'm making, and perhaps I shall do so sometime -- even though they're so numerous; but originally, my interest was in bringing more interest in Chomsky's speech -- I think his best -- as well as this topic I wanted to publicize.

Also, I capitalize all ‘wry wit’-style Chomskyan speech so that those not so familiar with Chomsky may better grasp the “wry” in his “wry wit” words, and also, in mine.

Part One 

When most Americans think about aggression in our society, our first thoughts are apt to include children being abused and/or killed by sick or outrightly criminal adults. We usually don't consider the somewhat broader context of what is going on behind the use of these issues, or the time periods in which they are most emphasized; in fact, in not seeing this we miss out on a crucial issue that comes down to what kind of society we want to live in.

Let me begin by comparing two different conceptions of one particular aspect of being aware of aggression which is fundamentally connected to free societies:

A) One conception has it that the full-fledged citizens of such societies, including those soon becoming full-fledged citizens, ought to be well-informed and be able to have a serious understanding of the complex issues facing them so that they can best participate in creating policies that promote justice and sanity, and make way for meaningful democracy. This is regarded as a normal and fundamental part of what a free society is about, and that any attempt to limit it is an extremely serious affair, something along the lines of the most dangerous fear of all: losing our democracy to become a fascist or totalitarian society.

B) An alternative conception has it that only a few people in democratic societies have The Ability to "Understand Things As They Are", and that most of the people of such societies, young and old alike, Must be taught to internalize a non-threatening story or myth about their society and Their Place in it.

This latter one may sound like an odd conception, especially next to that other one that is Traditionally known (In the History written by the forceful ‘Winners’) for its seemingly careful vigilance, over centuries, to remain as aware as much as it could supposedly be, and has loudly protested whenever others have tried to set limits, but it's important to understand that this latter view is the prevailing conception not only in Western democracies but in most other modern [Westernized or colonized] societies as well.

In fact, this conception has been gaining more and more acceptance for hundreds of years; I'm going to begin in a relatively recent period --the 1970s through the early 1990s -- and talk about how these notions not only affect the general public's perceptions, but also, critically, the lives and sanities of the younger people whom, we are told, are to take our places in this democracy of ours when we finally allow them to. I'm also going to talk about how the problem of media and how other disinformation enters within all this. .

The horrid plague 

During the mid 1800's, the traditional power of the State-backed Church was more and more beginning to lose its hold on the people's minds. Most people agree that this had something to do with the "Melting Pot" effect that was happening around the time of the Industrial Revolution. People were emigrating in large numbers from all over Europe because of all of their suffering in the Old World, and they wanted to make a better life for themselves in what was popularly characterized as this “New Land of Opportunity".

Right around this time, several Intelligent Entrepreneurs began what would become multi-million dollar enterprises. One of these was a man by the name of Dr. John Harvey Kellogg, of Battle Creek, Michigan.

Dr. Kellogg, along with his brother W.K., was bent upon promoting a product that he had produced during his work in the budding mental health field of the late 1880s. Together they produced a product that was designed, like many others of the era, to Help people. Today, the company that grew from the efforts of the good doctor and his younger brother has become a world-renowned influential corporation. But, back then, these men were unknown. They would have remained so hadn't they had a very interesting set of gimmicks--something that could place them apart from all the other salesmen whom would all too soon begin seeing dollar signs in their kind of product. (1)

Official history tells us that today's Kelloggs' corporation owes its success to these men's original product, Kelloggs' Corn Flakes. But conscious people would wonder how such a product could've ever survived decades of ever-heightening competition without some kind of powerful marketing tactics--some kind of gimmick.

”This group took great pride as the More Intelligent members of the Community in Having the Ability to Steer the masses onto a Proper filed of thought…”

Though largely "forgotten" today, one of the gimmicks used to promote this nostalgic American-made product was that it was promoted as an aid to Help kids refrain from the Hideous and Unclean social problem of the day known as "Self-Abuse", or masturbation.

Dr. Kellogg and others (like Sylvester Graham and his cracker) became quite successful with their greatly helpful products. These intelligent businessmen were learning about what kinds of things got their market's attention. And, while Helping Society to stop the ever-creeping Epidemic which was Causing all sorts of Suffering and Unwanted Deviance, they could make nice careers for themselves and their colleagues in a finally germinating mental health profession. (2)

Imagine if modern methods of communication had been available to these Friendly professionals who wanted so much to help their fellow men face this Unfortunate social problem. Imagine if they had been able to go on television and radio talk shows like "Oprah" or "The Jerry Springer Show", or do made-for-TV docu-dramas like those appearing on HBO and PBS; imagine the Experts getting on the air with all of their Scientific data and research. Imagine how they all could've gotten their *Helpfulness* out to the all who obviously needed it--All to Benefit Suffering people and end the Appalling Plague of self-abusers!

Certainly, audiences whom consider themselves enlightened would Listen and be so relieved that so many Trustworthy Experts were Finally attending to this Wrong -- which was responsible for so much pain and heartache. The Good citizens would breathlessly follow the Guidance and Responsibly buy the Recommended anecdotes --- self-help books, medical remedies, and even specially-designed clothing.

Finally, in the spirit of *Aiding the Next Generation* towards a *Healthier Start* (than their adults had had as kids), the Well-Informed public would do as they were Told. In the morning, they would feed their children Kelloggs Corn Flakes, in the afternoon, Graham Crackers, and at night, they'd dress them in certain snugly-fitting devices (which were designed to house their child's genitals Safe and Sound). And, when these young'uns grew up they would be so Thrilled about how their society Cared So Much, that they would certainly pass the Great traditions on.

Yet, even without the benefit of modern forms of communication, the "self-abuse" gimmick was a great success --if our continued guilt about our secret pastime bears any witness.

It is interesting to look back at this today and study what happened. Those who participated in what became a heightened emotional outcry, in its leading and supporting roles, were members of a group of people. This group shared a mindset about society and how it was to be dealt with. And they took great pride in being "the more intelligent members of the community" as these "progressive" intellectuals called themselves, in having this Ability to Steer the Incompetent masses onto a Proper Field of Thought. By tapping into their readily available ignorance and fear the entrepreneurs were able to carry out their Charitable duties. (3)

The State-subordinated Church had always managed such Human Resources with its conveniently flexible biblical interpretations, but now that it was losing control, it was important that someone else -- with the Proper Authority -- regain the Lost Ground.

So, the leading minds realized that they had to adapt to these changes -- changes they didn't want but couldn't help; changes that were Weakening the Grip of the Traditional State-backed Church and allowing the masses to become Too independent. They had to adapt to these changes and what better way than to form a new State-backed religion based on another kind of conveniently flexible interpretation? (4)

The clergy of this Church were always making "New Findings" that had an interesting Habit of becoming All-Encompassing Truth (and Policy) until, after much suffering, someone could "Discover" the actual truth. Thus we had the Terrible social Problem of childhood masturbation. That worked. It worked very well. And it taught a lesson: Propaganda, when supported by the Trustworthy Leaders, and when no legitimate deviation is permitted from it, can have a big effect. It was a lesson learned by the Eugenics movement in the Hitler era and many others and it has been pursued to this day.

Unsightly carnage 

In the decades leading up to the Vietnam War there had been persistent responses that had learned from the earlier successes; responses against the Incompetent Rabble as they decided to think for themselves in the Wrong ways. Ways like the independent organization of unions against exploitation. Or the gall of people to question Their Places as in the case of women, racial minorities and kids. The official response came from several directions within the Rational sectors of society, but they all had one thing in mind: to Tame the "Bewildered Herd" because "the Common Interests Elude Public Opinion entirely," as the well-known progressive intellectual, Walter Lippmann and several others believed. (5)

One of these groups was the more modern kin to Dr. Kelloggs' contribution to the germinating Mental Health movement. With the aid of the usual machinations of public socialization these fresh new entrepreneurs birthed their designs quite easily. Then, when several Havoc-Wreaking independent movements began coming together during the 60's and several errors on the parts of the Rightful Leaders were made, the new reincarnation was getting ready to Make History in nearly the same vein as their dear old Dr. Kellogg.

(Note: need to find the apparently hidden scholarly JAMA article where a reviewer of the movie about him defended his integrity as a physician, while publicly and popularly, he was totally derided.)
Basically, the Stupid(-ized) Masses were starting to Catch On in part to what was Going On. These Errors were noted and studied and those making up "the More Responsible members of the community" wanted to figure out how to stop having this Little Problem. They've got enough problems. So they took strategic steps to ensure that as few people as possible would:

1) Remember what happened
2) Catch on to such depths again
3) Be quite distracted from even imagining that they could or would want to approach such depths any time soon.

This was all considered very serious that So Many movements could come together. It was very dangerous to have the scapegoats --the racial minorities and radicals-- and the victims of these Policies --students and young people-- coming together and building so quickly into a multi-faceted force to be reckoned with.

”The people in the Public Relations industry aren’t there “for the fun of it”. They’re Doing Work. They’re trying to Instill the Right values.”

Even those on the forefront of the Scientific community (supposedly systematically objective and non-political, yet in truth far from the case--see Paul Feyerabend’s Against Method and Hans Askenasy’s Are We All Nazis?) had not wanted these multi-tiered movements -- such as the sexual freedom movement to get as far as they did.

It was considered a very serious dilemma to be coerced into changing earlier Conclusions (which had taken so much Meritorious Work); Conclusions such as the unfortunate mental illness of androphiles (gays and lesbians) or other deviations. They knew they'd have to Change. The so-called "wicked masses" wouldn't stand for them to so bluntly go from such meaningful forms of struggled-for democracy to an openly totalitarian State.

Finally, when they were pressured to change, conscious-oriented people should note how far they allowed themselves to be pushed.

There was just so much Merciless Pressure on the “Helpless” leaders, what with the concerted outcry against the immorality of segregation and forcing the young men to fight an illegal and increasingly unpopular war in Vietnam. Or the womens’ and gay people’s rights’ movement.

As well as the general increasing tolerance of a radical subculture that accepted long hair, cross-race sexuality, the availability of contraceptives, domestic partnerships, and on and on. All this Pressure coming at them from All Sides, and they needed Time. Time to weigh things out: like the probable consequences of this or that move; it was as if it was a chess match and some young whippersnapper had just begun totally out-maneuvering the Old Guard with bold audacity. The poor guys had to act with their "Better Wisdom" and, if you note, they moved their forces just barely enough to superficially appease only the most powerful pressures.

Certain sections of the people within the mentioned liberty-seeking movements did get some changes made. And all their activism seemed to have paid off a little more. It seemed their stand against the lies and misinformation which had plagued them for so long was finally beginning to subside.

However, the Benevolent Leaders had interestingly continued their historical standards: While ripe fruits could be harvested by the newly more-accepted and influential movements (i.e. integrated into the system), there was something entirely different waiting for their less-powerful constituents (whom would have largely settled for the same "integration", aka assimilation). And it resembled an interesting compromise from history where poor white indentured servants, who had united with the Subhuman slaves (and sometimes even with the Vermin indigenous peoples) in various rebellions against ill-treatment, were given tracts of land and other ammenities so that they would have reason to separate from any deeper-reaching, possibly seriously liberating platform. (6)

In this way, the entire original justice-seeking ideal was weakened considerably. Similarly, the modern cousins to the poor white would-be revolutionaries were given a tract of land called "Respectability." And the modern brethren of the status-quo found a solution they could literally swallow -- that is, if the new members stuck with the program.

Those who were betrayed by this assimilation procedure were just weak enough so that only by restarting their own movement (which might take decades of renewed vigor and might not even flower -- like so many movements of the oppressed) would they possibly gain access to building sanity. 

It's vital to realize that the "More Capable" men had this in mind when they reacted in the defense of what they believed to be their Best Interests. Their chess move had saved their game even tho they had made a dangerous error. Luckily, this time around their opponents weren't as smart as they could've been.

”Thus, the Modern cousin to the Poor White Revolutionary Got a tract of land also known as Respectability.”

It turned out that a lot of the "Less Capable" persons, having obtained their Rewards, but not yet wielding Perfect security, were quite willing to serve their alleged Superiors. Remember, they'd only “Caught On” to part of what was Going on, namely their own mistreatment, and they hadn't thought that there might be any possible connection to a much deeper truth, at least as far as they felt they could do anything about. Perhaps they really didn't want to know -- after all, they were Enculturated to Believe that the Basic Nature of The System really was well-intentioned -- it was just “Sometimes” that it had “Glitches” and “corruptions”...

Anyway, they had begun to see the "Light at The End of the [proverbial] Tunnel" and certainly didn't want to go off down some Weird other tunnel now! So HUSH, YOU TROUBLEMAKERS!! -- they'd whispered indignantly when certain voices within their newly assimilating movements tried to alert people to what "the Light at The End of the tunnel" might actually mean. Instilled within the prevailing Leadership's minds, to the credit of The System, were the Beliefs and doctrines that Serve The Powerful, the Established Mindset -- the very forces that gave them their sweet fruit rewards, after all!

Such TROUBLEMAKERS included these people who Stray from the Appropriate understandings for diverse reasons (kept misunderstood), and Must be Kept feeling Powerless; and Not Allowed to connect with other Strayed fellows Too Deeply lest they create more Trouble. Make Sure they "Know Their Place" via the use of whatever marginalizing label that can stick. And if that doesn't work, Tame them in some way; so We Need this New Revolution in The Art of Democracy: the Manufacture of Consent. The media, the schools, nuclear-ized parents, and Popular Culture Have To Instill the Proper Beliefs.

The marginalized may be Allowed to spectate and once in awhile voice their Naive or Silly or Kind of Deranged Opinions, but most of the time they've got to be atomized, segregated and alone. They're Not Supposed to organize Because Then they Might be something beyond “The Fringe”, or Minority Aloof.

One or two Silly tunnel-goers from Our ranks can be Tolerated to go off in another Obviously Stupid direction, and maybe a few others, in reaction, may limply question, but That's What Happens When you have a Democracy --certain people Don't Know How to Act when they're Given a little Freedom. It's Sad, y'know...?

So, you Make Sure they're quite isolated. If they could be something beyond rebels or isolated weirdos, they might actually become meaningful Participants if many of them with limited resources could get together to enter the political arena. That would be Really Threatening.

A major response was taken on the part of the Rightful Masters to Ensure that this kind of thing wouldn't happen to the people I mentioned earlier whom Must be Barred from equal standing with Their Trustworthy fellow Americans; that is, anything truly authentic or deep-reaching that might last in order to build Threatening Bonds. Like bonds that might sustain the Wrong consciousness or grow into alliances with the other “Troublemakers”.

That major response has worked pretty well. Although the number of independent thinking ideals increased during the multi-faceted 1960's movements, by the 1980's, the range and influence of these ideals began to steadily drop.

It wasn't by accident. We're now talking about this new reincarnation from the days of Dr. Kellogg. They're spending lots and lots of money, attention, and thought into How to Deal With the Bad social Problems of the day. They've got a whole Public Relations industry and many other tiers --like various professional interest groups -- all which have Interests in Preserving their continued business climate. Such business Can Have a Tough Time if Too Many of their gimmicks get exposed, so they have to work like chess-players and Out-Maneuver the Bad guys.

At the height of these freedom deviations, the Established mindset set to work to find a way to counter them. Obviously they tried to counter other movements too, but were most successful with those that were weakest.

Part Two 

Save the children!!!

The biggest Scare in this era has revolved around that still seemingly limitless Resource of people's ignorance and fear – of sexuality. Especially when the sexuality of young people was involved. In the mid 1970's the reincarnations of Dr. Kellogg latched onto a new series of maneuvers that would further weaken a lot of what the late 1960's and early 70's had Wreaked “Way Too Much of” -- independent thought.

This was quite successful; they came from the old "Tried and True" Religious method of whipping up long-imposed fears of sex and laced it with a bit of revamped homophobia which would serve its purpose in two helpful ways:

  • Divide the potential of the newly-progressing gay/lesbian movement (as well as, to a certain extent, the feminist and racial civil rights movements);
  • and isolate the unwanted people so that they might Return to their States of Confusion, feelings of powerlessness, and give away their newfound powers to proper authority, once again.

The Strategy was to approach the whole matter through the more subtle and Effective means of propaganda, to Turn the public against the Inappropriate beliefs that some of these people held -- like, the one that says kids aren't categorically Immature, Incompetent, and Irrational compared to adults. Or the one that claims that the young people could form fully egalitarian--but "Nontraditional" -- bonds with other people they liked and wanted to know more closely.

[Editorial Note:
"Nontraditional" only in the modern sense, i.e. in the context of the nuclear(ized) family. Historically, however, before families were so reduced, i.e. into nuclear-ization, extended families, including close non-biological friends, were the norm, with much more authority in bonding angles, rather then rigit rules imposed from outside with the always-threat of taking the kids away if not "agreeable".]
The public had to be turned against these inappropriate beliefs, presenting them as harmful to the "common Interests."

The common interests are those of "Us" (who wish to finally go towards the light at the end of the proverbial tunnel) -- the always helpful professionals, the newly-progressing feminist, and the gay and lesbian consenting adults. That's all "Us." We want to be together and have things like harmony and family values and working together.

Then there's those suspicious adults who like being around the kiddies in "the wrong way" -- those CHILD MOLESTERS out there who "won't stop forcing themselves" upon ‘the weak and immature.’

One of the first directives included hysteria promotion against "Chicken Hawks" (a street slang term taken out of context and never demystified) who were forcing "Chickens" (kids) to pose in front of their cameras so that they could record their "abuse"; this sort of behavior breaks up all those hopes that "We" had for "A continuing harmony" and "the seeking of peace" which elites and commoners supposedly share. So we've got to stop them so that We can all Live together and protect our children.

The professionals and the concerned mothers, they say, all have the same interests. We can work together and work for family values and harmony, liking and trusting each other, But we have to make sure that these sicko "kiddie pornographers" don't come in and wreck what We've got going.

That was the message essentially. A huge amount of effort was put into presenting it

[Editorial note:
I.E. See media articles of the day, and trilateralist Walter Mondale's congressional bill bringing in millions in funding for interests remaining in line with this view].
This is, after all, the Business Community in general, so they control the media and have massive resources. And it has Worked, very Effectively. Some people who're now catching on in part call it the "Child Abuse Hysteria," and are trying to say how it has gotten out of hand and that some of our hard-worked-for rights are beginning to be victimized as a result of it. Canada's new law banning all positive images and even textual accounts or arguments for and of even legal sexual acts is a case in point. (7)

It's vital to realize that such hysterias have been promoted over and over again to keep people on the proper track. Such ruses have worked very effectively by mobilizing community opinion in favor of vapid, empty concepts like “Family Values”. Who can be against that?

Or Harmony. Who can be against that?

Or, as in the child sex abuse hysteria of the day: "Save the Children!" Who can be against that?

In fact, what does it mean if somebody asks you: Do you want to Save the people in Iowa?

Can you say, Yes, I want to save them, or No, I don't want to save them? It's not even a question: it doesn't mean anything!

The point of public relations slogans like "Save the Children!" is that they don't mean anything. They mean as much as whether you want to save the people in Iowa.

Of course there was an issue. The issue was -- do you support our policy? But you don't want people to ponder that issue. That's the whole point of good propaganda. You want to create a slogan that nobody's going to be against, and everybody's going to be for. Nobody knows what it means, because it doesn't mean anything. Its crucial value is that it diverts your attention from a question that does mean something: Do you support our policy? That's the one you're not allowed to talk about.

So you have people arguing about Saving the Children? "Of course I don't not support them." -- then they've won. It's like family make sure we don't have these weirdos with their talk about intergenerational intimacy or kids' ability to figure out what they want and that sort of business.

That's all very effective. It runs right up to today. And of course it is all carefully thought out.

The people in the public relations industry aren't there for the fun of it. They're doing work. They're trying to instill the right values.

In fact, they have a conception of what freedom ought to be: it ought to be a system in which "mature" people are trained to work in the service of the masters (the people who own the society) -- and keep the naive and incompetent children and others in their proper place. The young people ought to be deprived of any form of genuinely constructive organizations where adults might build honest and lasting bonds with them, because such bonds just cause trouble.

The "not-yet-fully-human" people ought to be sitting in front of the TV and having drilled into their heads the message, which says, that in their phase of life -- childhood -- they have to engage in play (not too serious) and watch adults doing incredible things, and be kept outside of the adult world pretty much while attending school and children's activities. And certainly not prepared in any way, for their alleged future in the great democracy!

That's all there is in childhood.
Kids may think in their own heads that there's got to be more that they can do than this stuff, but since they're watching the tube and learning to be good consumers of every latest fashion or war toy, they assume they must be a little strange to think they can be different from how other kids are represented (at least those who look normal).

And since there's no deeply powerful organization (that's absolutely vital) that speaks about what they Must keep secret -- such as masturbation and sexual urges -- they never have a real way of finding out whether they 'really are weird' and so they just assume it, because it's natural. They might get together with a friend or two and do some "sex play" but not seeing anything really honest on TV or other imagery -- just those scary cases of kids getting raped all the time -- it's easy to think you’re wierd. (8)

Damage control

So that's the ideal, whether it's applied to the children or the forever preying ‘chicken hawks’, or those that think about the wrong ideas. Great efforts are made in trying to achieve that severely alienated ideal.

Obviously, there is a certain conception behind it. The conception of Freedom and equality is the one that I mentioned. The troublemakers are a problem. We've got to prevent their deluded and/or naive and illiterate troublemaking. We've got to distract them. They should be watching the children's channels, playing video games, or sports.

And you've got to keep them pretty scared, because unless they're properly scared and frightened of all kinds of devils or diseases that are going to hurt them from outside or inside or somewhere, they may start to think. Therefore, it's imperative to distract and marginalize these troublemakers.

In an openly totalitarian state you just hold a bludgeon over their heads, and if they get out of line, you smash them over the head. In Palestinian Israel or Thailand you get the police and other professionals doing this, not just to adults, but kids too. Even though our society has had its own variations, like setting unpopular truth speakers up for beating and rapes in jail, or one I heard of from a TV show promoting "paddling graffiti artists in public”.

It isn't yet like, to my knowledge, these open military-run states where the bludgeon is used as policy in every occasion. (9)

That's one conception of Freedom and Equality.

In fact, going back to the business community, the last genuine victory for kids and other problem groups was during the 1960's and 70's. After the ‘free love’ and quite radical (root-oriented) movements “lost” their momentum, we moved to a business-run society at a remarkable level. Organizations and individuals now seeming to assert kids' rights are so-called “well-educated” professionals with interesting stakes in their latest entreprenurial activities.

On the other front, the orginal "underground" movement, led by adults -- lost much of its momentum and potential due to intrigueing circumstances –-circumstances that came out only years later (i.e. the F.B.I.'s illegal "COINTEL" Program). Potentials where oppressed people of a huge diversity had gained control of their own voices amongst a root-conscious (“radical”) milieu that was set up to challenge formalized society on a broad scale.

One of these independent voices that was soon able to join with their adults was CHIPS (Cooperative Highschool Independent Press Sydicate). CHIPS got together with FPS, an independent publication of under-18 young people put out by Ann Arbor (Michigan) Youth Liberation during the early 1970's.

Today, their literature is not easy to find (did archive.org put it up yet?), but if you do an Internet search, you'll find out a little, and that a smattering of publicly accessible U.S. libraries do carry it. Once you find these rare publications, you can take a read of what they were doing and saying.

What they're saying is a little different than say, one of these slickly produced "for kids" corporate-style magazines you find easily in [post-1980s] public libraries. (10)

But that's how it is today. The independent voices' reach into mainstream consciousness is virtually nil. And structures for kids' viewpoints outside of corporate-controlled limitations -- like those that fashionably deal with environmental issues or the forever problem of drugs and gangs, and other distracting violence -- are virtually nonexistent.

It's a long way, at least structurally, from the ideal. Existing young people's media are controlled by a sub-adjunct to the mainstream well-funded media, which remain subordinate to the corporate monopoly. And they all have the same point of view -- tho a little more "Snazzed-Up" (i.e. Allowed to be more creative without such bringing negative labels) to fit the Given "Childhood" paradigm; where hooking their attention to the imposed norms of the corporation is still viewed as a vital social Desire.

See Don Michuel Ruitz on "Hooking Attention" in his book The Four Agreements]
Take young people who become student representatives in their schools. Too often they are allowed only to participate in marginal ways like how to best carry out the programs of their adults. After the excitement of being elected to a student government wears off, it can get pretty meaningless if you're only allowed to take on those superficial issues which your adult supervisors confine you to.

"Drawing a question mark beside the all-encompassing exclamation point of the Established Conclusions."

No wonder so many young people are growing increasingly bored and rebellious during their forced (aka Compulsory) Educations. Would-be enthusiastic learners Have To be kept on the “Proper Track” ideologically. At least that’s the goal.

The leading figure in the Public Relations industry, Edward Bernays, who came out of the Creel Commission -- the propaganda group that succeeded in turning a pacifistic population into a hysterical German-hating force just before WWI, in order to Save the World--developed what he called "Engineering Consent." He described this as the "Essence of” freedom. (11)

The people who are Able to engineer consent are the ones who have The Resources and the Connected Power to do it --the Business Community with all its levels of entrepreneurs.

It’s also necessary to whip up the population in support of various ventures --including foreign and domestic Interests. Usually the population is pacifistic, like they were before the Creel Commission got them going, or after ‘The Draft’ during the Vietnam experience. The public sees no reason to get involved in such warlike programs once they’ve gotten some things they’ve worked hard for, like advanced freedoms and freer love.

So you Have To whip them up. And to whip them up you Have To frighten the hell out of them.

The "kiddie porn" scare made an important achievement in this respect. This was the pilot that had a hell of a snowball effect. The propaganda made it look like there was a Vast industry of Callous Perverts out there Forcing cute little tots to display their hairless crotches so that other Sickos could look at them and then go out and molest, kidnap, and even kill the babies.

The average public wasn’t Allowed to see or know Too Much about what the Well-Funded and Connected media systematically reported of these "Depraved" and "Dehumanizing" "Records of Abuse" -- which were supposed to be on par with the mafia, even having their own private ‘pedophile’-ferrying jets.

(NOTE: The revelations in the 2010s about Jeffrey Epstein appear to forfeit my assertion, but let’s recall that Epstein was not a “pedophile” in the actual definition of the word —- one who is attracted to pre-pubescents. He was an ephebophile, someone attracted to pubescent kids, his youngest seeming-victim, age 13. I say “seeming” because when The well-funded and Connected Media “reports”, they do so with systematic and Orwellian lies, as Chomsky underlines, with no context, much less solution-seeking empathy for a usually self-taught trespasser.)
Instead of any truly responsible words that could’ve helped The Ignorant understand, the public got savory glimpses (properly censored) for their thriving imaginations, along with juicy so-called "Investigative" reports that significantly helped to fan the flames of people’s actual ignorance and fear on this topic. Instead of actually seeking to “solve the problem” in a real way.

But It Was Necessary to constantly ram these kinds of stories through the public mind along with Appropriate visions for Change and Child Protection restrictions. Initiatives like cut-backs on the freedoms obtained, though this didn’t reach the media very much in the early days of the hysteria, of course.

Such initiatives sometimes amounted to open censorship in mainstream bookstores; there had been a book by the name of SHOW ME! which had appeared all across the U.S. and had been quite accessible as it was distributed by a well-known, even reputable publisher. People certainly got to have a look through it from time to time in 1975 when it first came out; and they might’ve certainly talked about it with a shopping companion.

This book was a creative attempt to help parents speak to their prepubescent young about sexuality, and the idea of feeling good about one’s body! Actual speech by young people was used, as well as their parents, and even people who feared sex. As well, the explanatory section was written by the noted Swiss psychiatrist, Dr.Helga Fleischhauer-Hardt. Finally, Will McBride, a well-known photographer, had succeeded in bringing out the participants’ believable feelings. (12)

But the well-funded press chose to mis-characterize the book as a manual on "how to have sex with kids;" so it quickly disappeared once the bookstores got a whiff of the consequences of daring to defy the lies and misinformation about it. A few booksellers probably tried to defy the mounting emotional outcry fanned by the propaganda, and probably had similar results to those stores "Caught" (and often prosecuted) selling “Offensive” rap and heavy metal music in certain jurisdictions known for Intolerance.

This too takes extensive propaganda. We have seen a lot of this kind of thing in the last forty-some years.

Early on, people like Judianne Densen-Gerber and Phyllis Schaffly got involved in such Opportunities, finding a Niche in the weaknesses of the gay and lesbian (aka “homophile”) movement -- the movement that had in general, just gotten subtracted from “Mental Illness” status in 1972, bringing some real progress to their worthy efforts.

These Moral-Crusading entrepreneurs filled a Need that the Status-Quo saw as Vital, and so Got Away with labeling the gay movement as being Closely Tied to convenient character assassinating labels like the "kiddie" pornographers and so-called “Child-Molesters”, and then took to virtually surfing on the crests of the tsunamis that THAT caused.

The general public at that time wouldn’t have made it a more important issue than other alleged social difficulties facing them -- like the challenges of bigotry against racial minorities -- hadn’t these kinds of people, who had obvious “Dibs” in the whole spectacle of it all, imposed it upon them.

Yes, any rational person would have ire for actual rape and abuse, and want to “get to the bottom of that” so it doesn’t continue to happen. But, unknown to most of the public, was this continuing and systematic use of Hype. Of Orwellianisms. Of downright lies, whose Interest was to tow the Line of the anti-public-interest. Reducing ALL freely-sought relations between kids and adults as Always Bad. And then bombarding such with all kinds of seemingly Good Reasons to suppress such. Reasons that the proverbial “Joe Shmoe” would not easily see given the reality.

The homophiles (now known as Gays) weren’t the only targets of this, of course. Smaller freedom-seeking groups like the nudist movement were being pressured by these emotive strategies until they learned to bow more often than not to the proper values. (12a)

As long as most people are marginalized and distracted from the actual challenge of trying to understand a minority of the population, and have no way to articulate their empathic sentiments -- or even know that many others share them -- people who question the attack-stuck current just assume that they’re the only ones with the Crazy thought, view, or experience in their heads.

As long as people are marginalized and distracted in this way it seems awfully crazy --this experience or view or thought they have, and they can feel overwhelmed as they hear only the Legitimate Sources’ horrific accounts after accounts. People who said they weren’t so sure about all this information they’re getting so readily would’ve liked to look into the matter themselves and share their analysis, but they feel intimidated. Maybe they tell themselves that they’ll wait until something positive comes along from these Legitimate sources of information before telling someone about their true feelings; but something truly positive never comes.

So you assume you’re just sort of weird. Since there’s “no known”, meaningful way to get together with other people who share or reinforce that view and help you articulate it, you can feel like an oddity, an oddball. So you just stay on the sidelines and don’t pay too much attention to what’s going on. You look at something else, like the fashionable issues -- say the environment -- where you can interact a little. But always within curious limits.

(Editor’s note: in Europe, it appears that most self-defense groups have been forced to shut down—circa 2020 -- amidst the kind of hysteria long-seen in the U.K. and used against P.I.E., there. In the U.S.A., the sole, long-running and very conservative-oriented group, NAMBLA, has apparently been forced to shut down its regular ‘Bulletin’, chapters, and meetings due to similar attack, including some ‘Legal’ attacks, some of which were defended by the ACLU) (12b)
To a certain extent, then, that Orwellian Ideal was Achieved, but never completely. There are groups which it has as of yet been impossible to destroy.

The Free Speech guarantee has enabled a few of these in the U.S. to remain trying to spread their views and ideas, despite being drastically curtailed. In Canada, that’s now impossible for certain kinds of views to be publicly expressed, such as in the “written word”, like those considered to "Harm" women and children.

A lesbian adult magazine by the name of “BAD ATTITUDE” was banned there because it depicted "Degrading Acts" upon women. In the U.S., we still have that guarantee of ‘Freedom of Speech’, unless of course the speech is Deemed Offensive to a local community leaders’ tastes. The rap group "2 Live Crew" had some trouble with that one and so have many others. (12a)

Part Three 

The building crisis 

The troublemakers never do get properly trained, so this is a constant battle. In the 1960’s there was that wave of dissidence which caught on to a part of what was going on. There was a name for that, which the previous membership of the specialized class called “The Crisis." Freedom and equality was regarded as entering a crisis in the 1960’s.

The so-called ‘crisis’ was that large segments of the population were becoming organized and active and trying to participate in the political arena. Among these, surfaced ideas that hadn’t surfaced too much before, such as young people starting to think independently and be taken seriously, as well as the sexual freedom movement.

Here we come back to these two conceptions of freedom and equality. By the definition which people were starting to think about more and more, these developments for the young people were an advance in freedom and equality for the human race. By the prevailing conception, that’s a problem, a very dangerous crisis that has to be overcome. The youth rebellion must be driven back to their apathy, obedience, and isolation, which is their proper place. We therefore have to do something to overcome the crisis.

Efforts were made to achieve that, something similar to "tracts of land" were distributed within the groups and around them. It hasn’t worked completely yet. The "crisis" of freedom is still alive and kicking, fortunately, but not very effective in gaining so-called "legitimacy" in the eyes of that ‘critical mass’ whom could truly help. But it is somewhat effective in putting a question mark beside the imposed exclamation of allegedly "all-knowing" accepted truth, contrary to what a lot of people might suppose.

Great efforts were made after the 1960’s to try to reverse and overcome this malady, as the status-quo termed it; one aspect of the so-called “malady” was the homeschooling and unschooling movement. It actually got a mainstream label that has stuck pretty well. We can call it the "fundamentalist revolt"-- and you can pretty well understand what I’m talking about.

This alleged "religious-oriented" movement was what was supposedly happening around the early to mid 1970’s when the subculture coming directly from the 60's movements began organizing serious alternatives to injustices. (Not all dissenters ‘dropped out’!)

One of these was the still-legal alternative to compulsory schooling. The truth as far as I can see is that the religionism label was meant to define and discredit a much more diverse group of people who had been able to see what was going on in part, and had gotten organized.

School reformers and the usual suspects tried to divide up this movement -- kind of like Densen-Gerber did with the gay and lesbian community -- by attacking a weak minority which would not be allowed to be understood. They concluded that this withdrawal was more about "fear of Darwin’s scientific views" or "fears of integration" than anything else. (13)

There were these “scaredy-cat” puritanical inhibitions against the use of these allegedly “progressive” ideas, like public schooling and its "reform" movement and so on. Still, such parents, Unfortunately, still had the freedom to "homeschool" if they chose to --as they’d won the Unfortunate ‘right’ in the courts.

The prevailing conception stuck to these ideas that the entire home and unschooling movement was composed of religiously fundamentalist “Scaredy-Cats”. That’s an important thing to instill in the minds of most people since it’s very dangerous for the general public to be overcome by inappropriate ideas (Chomsky would call such ways “The threat of a good example”). It’s an outlet and bad example that people might seriously consider, and that’s Very dangerous.

It’s necessary, as many loyal servants of the prevailing conception began to tout during the events which would come (to Reverse “The crisis of democracy”), to re-instill the people’s Respect for "legitimate virtues." That’s vital.

If you want to have a narrow society that uses heavy doses of propaganda upon “The Troublemakers” to achieve The unspoken ends of its elite, it’s necessary to have a proper appreciation of the legitimate virtues and none of these Scaredy-Cat puritanical inhibitions about other possibilities!

So that’s The fundamentalist revolt. It’s necessary to overcome that one.

It’s also necessary to completely falsify history. That’s another way to attack and destroy some relatively weak group or individual, whether they’re a branch Davidian or a MOVE activist, or a pedophile, We’re really protecting and defending ourselves against terrorists and monsters and so on.

There has been a huge effort since the Vietnam experience to reconstruct this history. Too many people began to understand too big a part of what was going on. A lot of young people were involved decisively in these broad initiatives, including radical (root) ideas about schooling and other truths in their lives.

It was necessary to re-arrange those bad ideas and to restore some form of sanity in whatever way possible, namely a return to the recognizance of whatever the rightful masters believe is noble and righteous.

If the media-business community is taking advantage of many Americans’ continuing state-church-induced guilt and fear concerning sexuality by imposing the flexibility of the new religion of scientific interpretation on the secret underground of their childrens’ sexualities, causing the kids to fear their own particular curiosities or intuitive inclinations, that’s done because we’re defending them.

It’s what "Child-Saver" ideologues call coordinated defense against patriarchal “MALE PRIVILEDGE” which has a connection to the authoritarian establishment.

This is an idea that has been gaining ground on more and more fronts of a partly-reviving alternative culture. Those people that are once again catching on to parts of the truth, pick from all kinds of alleged cure-alls being dangled in front of them. Some may have “germs of” authentic possibility in veiled seed, others only partly, and others, completely artificial and misleading. But those truly liberating, remain “Kept Under Wraps”, so to speak.

Thus, you won’t easily read about world indigenous peoples having nuanced approaches, much less those voices, indigenous and not, being targeted for COINTELPRO-type silencing. If you do, you’ll already have digested the hype that blocks you from even enquiring more closely. I.e. NAMBLA. What comes to your mind when you hear of that group?

As “The rabble” try to pick the genuine article, the quacks -- needing to make sure that they’re listened to -- OVER and to the expense Of all the others -- bring into use the hot-button ‘emotionally-potent oversimplifications’, which generate the desired effect.

One hot-button was the "sicko child molesters" who were "kidnapping America’s children" in "Epidemic" proportions. But that was exposed -- something like 99% of the so-titled "sickos" turned out to be divorced parents trying to re-acquire their human possessions. (14)

The next hot-button that could be pushed turned out to be less readily deconstructable, giving increased freedom for these contemporary entrepreneurs -- again, not much different from the Kelloggses and Grahams of yesteryear -- to build comfortable careers surfing on the waves of the resulting emotions.

The same "sicko child-molesters" -- often homosexually inclined -- were always “preying on” kids, but this time the focus was on runaways. “Exploiting” The "weak and immature" until they could “commit their voracious appetites” of mindless "soul murder" upon those they may well have cared about!

Granted, there is the difficulty of seemingly most of these men (and women?) getting Stuck in the authoritarian/war-stuck attitudes and beliefs surrounding them. The tendency of men towards patriarchally-stuck alienation, for one. Where the pursuit of “the lay” or “getting laid” (sex) becomes the only seemingly conscious interest, just like in so many men towards adult women. The old adage, “The Four F’s” (“Find ‘em, Feel ‘em, Fuck ‘em, and Forget ‘em”) moves many to want to fight against such stupid shit.

Add the usual accompaniment of not thinking things through towards full, not merely sexual liberation, and you have a convenient way to distract anger towards perpetuating the problem rather than truly solving it.

A tendency in the context of the ‘psychological genocide’ (14a) of “the masses”, where men and older kids (and women?) tend to discard or suppress their solidarity/reciprocity desires (i.e. to Change things), and go only (?) towards the “boiled down” desire. That is, what’s left of their humanity after the context of the war-stuck, authoritarian society has Had Its Way with ‘em!

After years of pounding home these same anti-intimacy ideas and images, it can get kind of monotonous for Career-Builders (“with a Job To Do”) and their uncritically trusting followers.

After all, we’re told, The rabble “have short attention spans”; thus you can’t let the waves of hysteria subside if you want people to keep needing your services!

So you need something more... Something intense and even more ominous that will bring the desired effect repeatedly back ‘Up to par’.

Thus the idea of the "pedofile" "baby-rapers" making up a central foundation of mutually-hated white male dominance (i.e. the weakest and thus most scape-goat-able portion of The Patriarchy). (15)

While it is obvious that "white males" are an easily notable group populating structures of tyranny in the world, this truth by no means sheds light or acts to promote increased sanity (and deep solutions) on the actual issue of oppression -- which transcends color of skin and goes into the dynamics and psychology of fear –across class boundaries!

Such critical analysis, while certainly "on the road" towards valid thinking, seems to provide more ammo for tyrann -- by helping to keep us all that much more divided!

If feminists and others wish to be actually "radical" (to the roots) why don't they promote ALL people escaping these artificial, ideologically-challenged corrals in which we're all conditioned to uncritically identify with?!!

Unfortunately, it seems that much of the aim of the mechanisms behind these hysterias, such as both the Left and right-wing media which publish such anti-intimacy views, or the professionals who counsel so many sex abuse "survivors," is to uphold their own reservation (and funding streams) in the actual establishment -- their own place at the proverbial table of social acceptance and superficial privilege.

So whether the "child-saver" males (old and young) – it doesn’t matter as long as people are kept on the proper track. Their funding runs smoothly, the waves of thug-attack (psychological and physical) seem to lessen against some, and everyone they know appears happy. And feeling like there really is a Democracy, after all. (16)

It has been necessary to allow such notions to become official and well-understood. This is true on every other topic. Pick the topic you like: student illiteracy, inattention, school violence, drug abuse, runaways, youth gangs, drop-outs -- whatever it is, the picture of the challenges truly facing young people that’s presented to the public has only the remotest relation to reality.

The truth of the matter is buried under edifice after edifice of lies upon lies. It’s all been a marvelous success from the severely alienated point of view that sees this equality stuff between young people and olders as a threat -- achieved under conditions of ‘a free marketplace of ideas’ and freedom -- which is all very interesting.

It’s not like an openly totalitarian state where consent is compelled via the use of systematic, open violence; these achievements flower under conditions of freedom. If we want to understand our own society we’ll have to think about these facts. They are important, important for those who care about what kind of society we live in.

"The picture of the challenges truly facing young people that’s presented to the public has only the remotest relation to reality."

Despite all this, authentic dissident culture has survived. And it’s grown on quite a lot of new levels since the 1960’s. In the 60’s the genuine dissident culture first of all was extremely slow in developing. There was no alternative to compulsory schooling until years after sustained youth protest. People didn’t start taking kids fully seriously even after years of protest against the draft and collective anger at such an unfair system.

When it did grow it was a very narrow dissident movement, mostly youth (anticipating being forcefully drafted) and an assortment of marginalized radicals. By the 1970's, that had changed considerably. Major organizing had developed: the underground railroad of draft-dodgers, the homeschooling movement, the independent youth press, legal projects, sexual freedom groups seeking conversations about nuances we cannot find easily today, even online.

They were all continuing the kind of independent thought that had begun in the multi-tiered protests of the 60's. (17)

These dissident movements progressed quite remarkably through to the 1980’s until the "Crisis" began to finally be subverted and made to come under control.

True, while people were beginning to involve themselves -- often intimately --in the lives of suffering people elsewhere (i.e. Witnesses for Peace in Central and South America), other groups at home were experiencing set-backs due to some of the crisis-deflecting inappropriate activities to within acceptable limits.

Still, there had been a few inappropriately honesty-prone people who weren’t as easily intimidated or distracted with such illusions like that one about the "light at the end of the tunnel." They realized that people could possibly be duped on broad, connected terms, and they kept their projects open to all kinds of dialogs that weren’t acceptable in the larger culture. (18)

At the same time, both wittingly and unwittingly (due to the challenge of “Internalized Values” in journalism, as Chomsky’s institutional analysis expands upon), the larger media industry began contributing to an increased circulation of ideas which before the 1960's was virtually nonexistent.

While their coverage has centered expectantly on the hysteria-fanning and sport-style distraction, it has allowed millions of individuals to at least hear about views that were never so directly afforded them before. In such audiences, there are certain to be people who had previously imagined that they were alone in their experiences, feelings, and suspicions. Some of these the people have even “had the guts” to explore, for themselves, what the brave dissidents--even if awfully nutty-sounding -- think and say about the prevailing conceptions.

These are all signs of the civilizing effect, despite all the propaganda, despite all the efforts to control thought and manufacture consent.

Nevertheless, conscious people are acquiring an ability and a willingness to think things through. Skeptism about unaccountable power has grown, and attitudes have changed on many, many issues. It’s quite slow, even glacial in regards to an understanding of the broad and connected situation, but it’s perceptable and important. Whether it’s fast enough to make a significant difference in what happens in the world is another question.

Just to take one familiar example of this civilizing effect, let’s look at the famous "macho" and "unfeeling" norm of what it was to be "male" in regards to his "acceptable" domestic and social role until quite recently. In the early 1960’s the idea of what it was to be "male" was approximately the same on such matters as "free love" and the scaredy-cat puritanical inhibitions against the use of traditional education. No males, and certainly no females (who often could be heard upholding the man’s Rightful Place as Expert, or Head of the family) seemed to be suffering from these scaredy-cat inhibitions in the early 1960’s.

The responses were the same. Virtually everyone thought that the role of the man in his "rightful place" as child punisher and emotionless servant of war and formal society was perfectly appropriate. Over the years that’s changed. The scaredy-cat Inhibitions have increased all across the board.

Meanwhile a gap has been growing away from traditionally-held mindsets about How men are to act when around other humans. What has happened? What has happened is that males are becoming involved with the feminist Men’s Movement.

Organization has its effects. It means that you discover you’re not alone. Others have the same thoughts as you do. You can reinforce your thoughts and learn more about what you think and feel.

These are very informal movements, not like traditional formal organizations, just a shared mood that involves interactions among people. It has a very noticable effect.

That’s the danger of being free: if non-traditional organizations can develop, if people are no longer mere consumers of organizational norms, if people are no longer just “glued to the [TV] tube” or only consuming pretty pictures, you may have all these weird thoughts arising in peoples’ heads:

Like informal independent inhibitions against traditional views of How males must interact with each other and other once "unmanly" or "cowardly" ways. That has to be overcome, but it hasn’t been overcome. (19)

Parade of enemies 

Instead of talking about the past moves by unaccountable power, let me talk about their next moves, because sometimes it’s useful to be prepared instead of just reacting.

There is a very characteristic development going on in the U.S. now. It’s not the first country in the world that’s done this. There are growing domestic social and economic problems, in fact, maybe catastrophes.

Nobody in power has any real intention of doing anything about these problems, except in topical ways that make it seem as though they intend to; this keeps the bewildered herds properly distracted while grazing at their appropriate grasses, well within the proverbial “corral”.

If you look at the domestic programs of the last ten years, such as the "education" of the next generation and how these “megatrends” develop, you can realize that there is actually no honest contemplation, in reigning intellectual circles, of taking on these real problems -- nor serious visions of strategies beyond the routine superficial and suspect allowances of the status quo. You already know about these serious problems which the Next Generation will be facing in spades -- like soaring prison populations, homelessness, alienation, student debt, health, joblessness, and so on.

There is so much potential at our fingertips since we are the richest nation for its size on earth and have so many privileges and highly educated networks of persons interested in solving problems in authentic ways (especially on the Internet). We now have millions holding university degrees and such --but nobody’s really doing anything about these challenges and nobody’s really preparing the next generation except in cute or topical ways.

Ways that keep the children in their acceptable, subordinate places and subserviant to the imposed status quo’s alleged interests.

So, in such circumstances you’ve got to divert the bewildered herd, because if they really start seeing deeply what’s going on -- that the potential we have to change things is not being promoted at all, only deliberately careful chess moves to conform to a larger set of severely alienated shared values -- they may not like it, since they’re the ones who get to suffer.

Just having them watch the Superbowl or playing video games or calling in to radio stations about their favorite songs may not be enough. You have to whip them up into a fear of the given enemies.

"All these great advancements on legal terrain against views that virtually dare not be defended and that were never actually understood to begin with. That gives relief -- we were saved at the last minute."

In the 1930’s Hitler whipped them up into a fear of Jews, Gypsies, gays, and political dissidents. You had to crush them to protect yourselves and the next generation’s chances for making lasting changes for a brighter future.

We have our ways too. Over the last few decades, every year or two, some major discovery is made at home. There used to be the one which all by itself was readily available: sexual perverts, especially the homosexual variety. But the "gays" have lost their attractiveness as an enemy, and it’s getting harder and harder to use that one now that they’ve done their bit of progressing towards Harmony.

So, some new variations have had to be conjured -- something that could still be drawn from the perpetually available ignorance and fear regarding sexuality.

So it has been "kiddie" pornographers, "snuff films," "cchild traffickers," "sex rings" at day care centers, "satanic ritual violence," and abuse "survivors" now themselves molesting -- and the vague description of the pedophile who is everywhere, lurking not only among nonconforming neighbors, family members and loved entertainers, but in therapeutically-recalled "abusive memories." They’ve got to keep coming up one after another.

You frighten the population, terrorize them, intimidate them so that they’re too afraid to let their kids out of their sight and they tremble with hysteria over the thought that any non-professional -- you’ve got to have professionals no matter what -- relating to their kids MIGHT be a potential child-rapist or worse.

Then you have these magnificent victories over the swine pedophiles (who now include kids themselves) such as the new law in Washington state that allows authorities to not only keep a convicted "rapist" in prison for life even if their sentence runs out, but to arrest and jail, on a private island near Seattle, without trial, anyone believed to be a threat to them.

Or how about the law in increasing states where convicted sex abusers (actual and not) must register with the police when they re-enter public life; this may not sound that bad until you find out that it is now considered a "public service" to let the frothing public have their home addresses -- which have led to increased hysteria-based violence and thug activity.

Or take the laws that are banning even imagined images of "inappropriate" conduct (Comix artist Mike Diana’s alternative-press-defended, but Florida punishment, is a case in point). (20)

All these great advancements on legal terrain against views that virtually dare not be defended and that never were actually understood to begin with.

We were saved at the last minute. That’s one of the ways in which you can keep the bewildered Herd from paying attention to what’s really going on all around them -- keep them diverted and controlled.

The next one that is trying to come along now is the operation where the child lover is central to the theme of fascism, in the story about the patriarchy’s tact of getting what "he wants" regardless of more powerless males’ and females’ victimization.

For this to become understood in the minds of the right people -- the bewildered herd -- it’s going to require efforts from the alleged anti-authoritarian feminist movement (both womyn’s and men’s) where you are seeing more and more of its alleged "leaders" calling for the right of one truth to appear to be the only truth -- namely sexual abuse-alleged "survivors" to be heard instead of the forever "ulteriorly-motivated" patriarchal child lovers and others so labeled.

"Shills like John Crewdson or Andrew Vachss can't go on their stage if their target can fight back. That's much too dangerous. But if you're sure that they will be Crushed, maybe we'll knock that one off and heave another sigh of relief."

A critical look behind the scenes of these intriguing circumstances may be quite interesting to those seeking an authentic remedy among all the Available Shiny Lures. Taking a look at who many of the most widely-heard voices are, you might get a crucial understanding of what is happening.

There are many figureheads, like Judianne Densen-Gerber or Andrea Dworkin (and her ‘lover’ Jeffrey Masson), and they may be quite easily discredited by those who are starting to catch on to things more. But the harder ones may often be the authors whom’ve been officially recognized and commended for their "important" work.

Take the Pulitzer prize-winning author of the widely-circulating book BY SILENCE BETRAYED, John Crewdson. Mr.Crewdson seems to be the same John M. Crewdson who happened to get outed in ex-c.i.a.-whistleblower, Phillip Agee’s autobiographical book ON THE RUN. John got exposed by Agee as "the patsy picked to surface the [disinformational] story" that appeared on the front page of the NEW YORK TIMES, successfully perpetrating a host of lies against the c.i.a. whistleblower. (21)

Consistently willing to tout the establishment Line, Crewdson seems to have surfaced another fable which is rife with the usual misinformation about the child sex abuse problem, perhaps trying to regain footing on a virtual surfboard that ran into trouble with the likes of the anti-c.i.a. movement.

It’s such a basic tactic of would-be social "helpers" who have careers to keep pursuing no matter what. He’d written another book about the problem of immigrants, and then this one mentioned above.

Such people are little different than the John Kelloggses and Sylvester Grahams, only they have the modern propaganda machine at their finger-tips.

These guys and gals build up the chimerical monster, and then work and campaign to have it crushed. Shills like John Crewdson or Andrew Vachss and gals like Judianne Densen-Gerber or Nikki Craft, can’t go on their stage if their target can fight back. That’s much too dangerous. But if you are sure that they will be crushed, maybe we’ll knock that one off and heave another sigh of relief.

Part Four 

Selective perception

This has been going on for quite awhile. In the 1980's the idea of "survivors" of sexual abuse was coming into vogue. These people who wore this label were most often coming directly from a therapist's office or treatment center, though in later times have come out of "self-help" retreats designed to uphold certain conclusions. (22) 

From the start of this "survivor" movement they were a hit. And quite quickly all across the U.S. the media began picking up these horrific stories. Thousands of articles, interviews, and other supportive commentary began hailing in a big way, these "definitive accounts" of the "vast system of intimidation and exploitation" carried out by "the powerful," namely an unorganized minority group of men.

And the advocates of the "survivors" soon could be heard calling out to society that it must hear ONLY THEIR VOICES and that "only the most lightheaded and cold-blooded" civil liberties practitioner would WANT to come to the "abuser's" defense.

The therapists and other concerned leaders responsible for aiding this new "progressive" movement then began getting rewards for their meritorious work, like millions of dollars in funding for their continuing honest careers -- while the courageous clients were soothed by understanding advocates who told them that they could sue the perpetrators if they wanted to.

"Lt. William Thorne went on to remark that 'We've got to crack the boy and it's not an easy thing to do.'"

More recently, this convenient idea has been reinforced by new laws which make the "Statute of Limitations" extended for a number of years, so that these "survivors" have plenty of time to "remember" their abuse. 

Now, I can see the scheme that this reincarnation of Dr. Kellogg and company has here in making this new law to make it look as though they have the public welfare in mind. 

I can also see the feelings of being damn angry about cases of actual abuse; but the mindsets and directions sprouting around it all which are steadily eroding many of the freedoms we've not gotten on silver platters, seem awfully suspect to me. But I guess this has to be expected, especially when we note who is getting the power to do certain things to certain people enabled by the real power.

That's what began happening in the 1980's. It has been interesting and it tells you something about the manufacture of consent.
At the same time that these survivor's movements were arousing great horror with their harrowing experiences, survivors of a different sort were making court testimony about their harassment, threats, and torture at the hands of a different kind of abuser.

Together with parents and upright lawyers, they compiled sworn affidavits of precise and systematic abuse by police detectives, officers, and other law enforcement professionals. These survivors refused, initially, to cooperate with law enforcement agencies in accepting the conclusion that they had been sexually violated.

Among the threats and torture methods used on these survivors by professional "child-protectors" were detainments, solitary confinement, and threats of rape at local juvenile detention centers. 

To substantiate this last one, "Michael", 13, states that NYPD detective Robert W. Maginnis 

"threatened to beat me, [and] take me to Spoffard [Bronx juvenile jail] where six guys his size would hold me down and fuck me up the ass." 

He also implicated two Bronx Assistant DA's in his abuse, stating that one, while repeatedly calling him "queer" and "fag" also threatened to tell people at his school that he was gay. (23) 

More well known people leading the protection work include Janet Reno, who, as Florida State Attorney in 1987, worked "fanatically" to brainwash 17-year-old Illeana Fuster into turning against her husband and then "admitting" her own guilt; in court Illeana qualified her guilty plea by adding that she did not feel guilty, she just wanted to get it all over with. (24) 

Even the famous Los Angeles Police Department got caught in the act, when one of its employees dangled two boys, ages 12 and 13, over an oceanside cliff by their ankles. (25) 

All these strategies were used to try to get the "needy child" to finally share their "best kept secret." The man who performed this last deed of assured "comfort" was named Detective Lloyd Martin, and he never got punished for this kind of 'professionalism'; in fact he remained with the LAPD's "Sexually Exploited Child Unit" for many years afterwards.

Another member of such "child advocacy" was a lieutenant in New Jersey who actually got quoted in a suburban newspaper. He said that 

"the big problem [that police have] is getting under-age boys to testify against their male lovers... The interrogation can be intense." 

This man, named William Thorne went still further, remarking that 

"We've got to crack the boy and it's not an easy thing to do." (26) 

These unusually explicit affidavits of police brutality are probably unique in their detail about how the "Official Guardians of Protection" systematically carry out their important work. And it provides an insight surrounding the abuse of young people at the hands of the real power.

Certainly these accounts could have brought an would interesting twist to the furor that was at the time motivating "conscious" circles to get organized so that they could "meet the challenge" with strong opposition. 

Yet the U.S. media were not interested. This material was suppressed entirely, without a word, in the national media, where more than a few "lightheaded and cold-blooded" "advocates for children" sang praise to "pedo squads" and their "rapid response" to the burgeoning social ill facing Conscious Americans everywhere. 

"Few ask whether such media exposure might have offered [these kids] some protection from contemplating these alternatives."

These unprepared survivors were not encouraged by  soothing legions of professionals to sue the cities where they'd been victimized, and there were no new laws made to help them prosecute their tormentors; rather, they were pretty much forced to continue living quite silenced in the system of things, and get used to knowing who was the Boss.

Young people staggering from these kinds of situations have often chosen drug abuse, crime, and suicide as their outlets; yet much of the evidence about the background for why they choose such outlets does not appear in the U.S. media. And few ask whether such media exposure might have offered them some protection from contemplating these outlets.

This tells you something about the way in which a well-functioning system of consent-manufacturing works. In comparison with the revelations of the straightforward abuse that the above kids endured, the much more vaguely-defined and less-straightforward (yet accepted) idea is not even nearly as much of a scandal when one considers what's going on. 

Besides that the shared interests get off scot-free -- there is this unwavering trust that the vaguely-defined label of sexual abuse is the CAUSE for all manner of social problems and difficulties later in life, regardless of the true nature of the crime. But "Child Protectors" have their job to do.

That takes us towards the next emotional outcry. I expect we're going to hear more and more about the above fabrications until the next operation takes place.

The fight for kids' freedoms

A few remarks about the final one. Let's finally turn to that.

Let me begin with the many studies and polls taken for the past twenty or so years concerning the abuse of young people. These have some interesting insights. 

In studies and polls taken which ask about what people would like to do in order to obtain justice for abused young ones, people often made two kinds of responses. 

There were the extreme ones of publicly promoted vigilantism which led to beatings or killings, or burning down the homes of the guilty, 
and the more considered ones that said we should prosecute to the fullest extent under the law. 

If people were to follow the latter advice, we remind ourselves of this vaguely-defined term as it is now understood. There would be sexual, physical, emotional and psychological abuse; and we would have to prosecute not only the law enforcement officials "doing their jobs," but also we'd have to prosecute and sue school officials who uncritically promote so-called "learning disabilities" which got us stigmatized and dependent upon the pharmaceutical industry; or principals who paddled us years ago and teachers who may've humiliated us after catching us having sex in the bathrooms. We'd even need to search out the playground supervisors who let our peers bully us and many more. (27) 

These are all cases of physical, sexual, emotional and psychological abuses perpetrated upon unprepared children. If you know the facts about the range of examples, you'll know very well that non-violent, non-coercive "pedophilia" falls within that range of illegal activity. But they're not the most extreme.

Why doesn't anybody come to that conclusion? The reason is that people either don't know about it or never considered it. In a well-functioning propaganda system, people wouldn't know or wouldn't have seriously considered what I'm talking about when I list that range of examples.

If you bother to think about it a bit or look into it a little, you find that those examples are quite appropriate, especially when you see for what the pedophiles are getting long punishments for.

Let's take one that was ominously close to being perceived during the lowering of the age-of-consent laws in the UK.

Right in the middle of all the discussion about the homosexual consent law being lowered from 21 to 18 (but not 16 like for heterosexuals), the press no doubt, would've noted these laws in other places, including Canada's age of 14. 

If you had done a little looking for yourself, you could've also found that other countries, like The Netherlands or Spain, hold laws that make it possible for the age of consent to be as low as 12. Still other modern nations like Ghana and Micronesia are said to have no age-of-consent law at all. (28) 

These laws are kind of interesting to know about, especially with regard to all the righteous expert conclusions and their obedient social and cultural managers -- the Rightful Leaders -- who keep getting away with their "narrowly restricted skills of rationality."

Of course, Concerned "Child-Protection" advocates and their supporting business community won't spend too much time looking at their hypocrisies because, the truth is, real power backs their version of truth. 

Meanwhile, American 14-year-olds and their adult lovers who live on this side of the Canadian border will be prosecuted, harassed, subject to official torture techniques, and often persecuted to the full extent of the law, while the 14-year-olds and their lovers on the Canadian side are allowed to pursue their physical delights without fear of state-backed reprisals.

You never get to hear anything on the talk or investigative shows, or in the universities about these kinds of inconsistencies. In fact, few are allowed to know what's going on when such modern nations make these kinds of decisions about lowering or doing away with such age-of-consent laws.

And no one has called for the full prosecution of the media or the rightful leaders for scaring young people into this belief that all manner of slightly affectionate or friendly touch (such as a hug, or a pat) might result in their being raped by some weirdo -- in what amounts to just plain psychological abuse. That's just one example. There are much worse ones.

Like the idea that people under certain ages don't even get equal rights with adults when they prove that they can function just as successfully. 

In a positive light you get people like the once famous Samantha Smith or Bobby Fischer (8-year-old Canadian Chess Champion), or Maculay Culkin who are most often herded off to special private, or "professional children's schools." In a negative light you get the view that kids can and must be "tried as adults" for crime.

I personally know a guy who at age 14 (when I was 13) got tried as an adult for "accessory to murder" and given a life term. He hadn't even been with the others, it turns out, but had been part of the original plan to rob a store.

Then there's the case of the internationally-reported British kids who were convicted of 

"knowingly and with malice aforethought, committed an act of premeditated murder"

upon a 2-year-old boy. The two 10-year-olds were convicted "to what is effectively life imprisonment." (29) 

Or how about the case of the boy in Wilmington, Massachusetts in 1993, who was alleged to have molested a younger girl in his neighborhood and then bloodied her nose. 

The resulting hysteria, openly encouraged by one locally popular talk radio station, had adults expressing classic bewildered herd mentalities with such ideas as 

"beating [the 12-year-old] 'til he no longer moved." 

Now, because Wilmington is such a small town, the bits of description that were given, together with free-for-all rumors, made it a certainty that this young unprepared person would not easily survive were he to continue his stay in that town. We can go on and on about this vaguely-defined abuse business.

Last Part Five 

Hope you’ll help us circulate this to all who might allow themselves to hear. Some of this is alleged to have been said before by the activist community, but the closest I know comes from two sources: Felicity Goodyear-Smith in her book FIRST DO NO HARM: The Child Sex Abuse Industry, New Zealand [*1];

and Judith Levine's new book from University of Minnesota Press: Harmful To Minors [*2].

[*2: < https://www.ipce.info/ipceweb/Library/reg_l.htm >, scoll below to "Levine, Judith" - Ipce]

Philip Jenkins has also sketched out a pre-history run-down [*3].

[*3: < https://www.ipce.info/ipceweb/Library/reg_j.htm >, scroll blow to "Jenkins, Philip" - Ipce.

Unfortunately these (including others I've explored) remain within a quite tame reformist-seeming agenda which doesn’t demystify much more than the most direct truths. Certainly these authors must have their reasons for remaining so superficial, yet I see value in going much further.
With this article I work towards the general public readership a more authentic understanding of the challenge before us all. I welcome feedback.

(* Later note: Jenkins spoke surprising truths, however, in a Russ Kick publication, I think entitled “You Are Being Lied To”)

Please email me at < daringfreespeech[at]protonmail[dot]com >

(* Please note: email sent may not get through thanks to the usual forces, overt and covert, which do not wish those officially slated for scapegoating to fairly defend themselves and others.)

Representing the kids 

Let’s take a look at another success. If you look closely at the coverage of the child-abuse emotional outcry since its beginnings in the mid-seventies, you’ll notice that there are, by and large, a few striking voices missing.

For example, there are the young people and their now grown-up fellows who have had positive experiences with intergenerational sex. They of course function mostly through the few marginal outlets set up that allow such views to be heard, because their views don’t survive within establishment or "conscious" circles. There’ve been tries, like the article by New York Men’s Movement activist Jeff Beane published in "Changing Men" magazine, out of Madison, WI. But his attempt was met with so much hysteria that the magazine’s editors felt forced to publicly apologize or else lose the "Support" of the "Radical” feminist Women’s Movement (as opposed to the mutual liberation feminists), as threatened by such opportunists as Nikki Craft. (30)

Within these marginalized outlets, which encompass platforms ranging from publications to organizations -- like the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) or “Minor Problems” of the UK, or the "Kanalratten" and “Indianner Kommune” of Germany; they have voices, and they speak. (31)

In years past some of the young people have marched openly and been active, in defiance of the hysterias, risking detainment, or worse, with these groups. They’ve written in these groups’ publications, too. One young dude by the name of "The Unicorn" wrote very capable columns and debate at the age of 11 and 12 for the NAMBLA Bulletin. (32)

Then there was Bill Andriette, who’s now a spokesman for NAMBLA, and past editor of its Bulletin. Bill joined at age 15, becoming quite active right away, including marching openly with the organization, even though he was hounded out of school by hyped-up age-peers. Such young people have been rebuffed because official conclusion promoters have no interest in such truths.

There’s been no reaction to this in the public record further than people suspecting that these people in such organizations were not really "young" and if they actually were, must’ve been brainwashed or in some nasty way forced to do appearances or something. At least that’s how a lot of people have imagined it.

That’s kind of interesting, if you look at it. People trust the legitimate authorities so much that they can’t allow themselves to imagine that such unaccountables would threaten kids with rape or dangle them over cliffs to get them to conform, but if the hated minority tries to defend itself by allowing the young to speak, the hated minority must be forcing them somehow.

Now, after twenty years, the media is starting to wonder what "the kids, themselves" have to say about these matters. We note that the time is Perfect, now that people are "Clever Enough" to spot who is being threatened and coerced to appear, and who is speaking from their "Own" voice.

Of course, the people with shared values have to be very careful because they don’t want the babies to be hurt in any way. And you want to make sure they say the right words (they don’t seem to yet have been able to train youthful shills like John Crewdson, though I imagine they’re working on that one).

Kids, those "Little Devils," can sometimes say the Wrong things!

"If you’re not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed and loving the people who are doing the oppressing."

Little by little we’re seeing the media inserting kids’ "voices" into their fare -- though if the children say something that doesn’t fit, the professionals ignore it (or edit it out) and hope no sickos got a tape of it. I saw something like this on a local Boston TV talk show where a lesbian teenager blurted a quickie about having an adult lover. The subject was changed immediately.

The voices that are allowed to be understood are those which tout the desired conclusions. Only a few voices of people who defend their positive experiences slip through, and when they do they’re either ignored or forbidden serious attention, or censored from ever discussing such topics again.

Only within the framework of a few marginalized groups like the Kanalratten or NAMBLA, or the truly radical press, are such voices given serious credence. Many people of both sexes and all age ranges have made their voices heard here, but they’ve been largely met with silence.

This can come across as slightly suspicious if you’re able to think critically about it. Why would the entire media business ignore such views when they’re so charged with protecting children? Or maybe they’re skeptical, because they’re clever enough to realize that the bad pedophile “will go to huge lengths”, "will wait years," -- while working within the law (in the case of NAMBLA activists) -- for more than ten years of intense scrutiny by police, politicians, and everybody else — “just to fool us so that they can get their mouths on a kid’s genitals” legally. It may be something to think about, and you can’t help wondering about these opposition voices.

Take a look at the national media and see how much you can find about the boylove or girl-love opposition as it has been covered since the emotional outcry against abuse broke out in the mid-1970’s. And note the frame it has been kept in; -- while the popularized “acceptable” and preconceived view is always a constant.

Note the descriptions, read between the lines, compare it with how the media frames historically demonized groups. What clues can you find? ...You should be doing this already with every other subject if you’re catching on at all.

Malcolm X said it exactly:
"If you’re not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed and loving the people who are doing the oppressing."

Right from the start of the US organization called NAMBLA (with its pilot the Boston-Boise Committee in 1977), experiences outside the accepted frame have been kept carefully marginalized with a double-edged sword:

If kids dared not to cooperate with coercive authorities they could be detained or dealt with brutally as described earlier, and if they dared to speak out they’d be met with silence; if their older friends spoke in their absense, it was “an obvious ruse to fool gullible citizens.”

If you look at NAMBLA and read their position papers, you’ll note that they’ve taken up some quite detailed and far-reaching stances in terms of the rights of young people. And you can start to see that they’ve been working for more than ten years because they don’t want their orientations laid waste nor do they want kids to be stuck in the "Prison Garden of Childhood" (See John Holt).

What this besieged group wants is to have their views objectively perused and their experiences honestly considered. They want to educate people about the benevolent nature of consensual sexuality in general, between all kinds of people, and they want to show how consent laws do more harm than good.

That’s the wrong view and therefore they’re out.

We aren’t Allowed to openly peruse their ideas, in fact we are quite well pressured not to even covertly peruse their ideas, since in the hysteria, anyone caught with witch books can be presumed guilty ‘til proven innocent, and you might not have “the energy” for that.

If you want to find out about some of these alternative views, you can either go to a university special collections library (in a state where readers are protected from being put on f.b.i. political policing lists is preferable --i.e. don’t go to Louisiana) or try the radical press (i.e. archive.org has put up most of the back issues of ‘Anarchy A Journal of Desire Armed’). Such views are perhaps not easily found, but they’re less controlled than mainstream sources and they say something. (33)

This is a spectacular achievement of propaganda. First, that part of the voices of the very people -– the rebel young especially -- who are directly affected by the emotional outcry against abuse, are completely excluded, and second, that nobody notices it.

That’s interesting too. It takes a really deeply indoctrinated population not to notice that we’re not hearing the voices of the very people whom the "child protectors" are supposedly protecting and not asking the question, WHY? -- and finding out the obvious answer: Because the young people with positive experiences have thoughts independent of the "more intelligent members of the community;" they directly understand that the accepted conclusions are lopsided and that artificial constructs like age have little to do with reality. Therefore they’re Out. Excluded.

Reasons for the emotional outcry

Let’s take the question of the reasons for the emotional outcry against all abuse. Reasons were offered for the emotional outcry. The reasons are: Aggressors against young people cannot be rewarded and all aggression must be reversed by the quick resort to a tougher stand, such as tougher laws, official torture techniques, and increased business expert direction. That was the reason for the emotional outcry. There was basically no other reason advanced. Can that possibly be the reason for the emotional outcry?

I won’t insult your intelligence by running through the facts, but the fact is that those arguments could be refuted in two minutes by a literate young dude. However, they’ve never been refuted. Take a look at the media, the liberal commentators and critics, the people who testified at the Senate sub-committee hearings on aggression upon young people and see whether anybody questioned the assumption that our “trustworthy experts" stand up to those principles.

  • Have US experts opposed their fellow experts’ aggression or actual abuse upon young people and insisted on prosecuting all these people in on this violence in order to reverse it?
  • Has the science or business community funded any investigations?
  • Where are the ‘made-for-TV’ docu-drama producers? Did they promote an emotional outcry?
  • Did they prosecute anyone to the fullest extent of the law?
No, they’ve carried on generations of "professional helpfulness" in the most misleading and Orwellian sense.

It hasn’t been very pretty during these many years. You had these obedient human beings working long hours to keep the children on the proper track, whether recommending psychiatric hospitalizations, coercive therapy sessions, or dividing up families whose younger or older members might decide to resist the authority of the State, such as in matters of alleged sexual abuse.

I’m talking about hundreds of thousands of people, maybe millions, who have Had to be kept on the proper track and fit into the preconceived scientific conclusions. Great numbers of kids called "weirdos" because of the side-effects of neuroleptic drugs like Ritalin, or "faggots" by strategicly phobic police, parents and peers. Myriad numbers of kids believing they must be "sick" or somehow less able than their peers because their authority figures felt they weren’t behaving "normally."

Thousands of kids each year thoroughly humiliated, intimidated and victimized into swallowing the proper conclusions that the various pleasures they felt at the hands of sincerely loving adults, or older kids, was "abuse" of “THE WORST KIND.”

We continued with this "professional helpfulness" and ended up with ample reward for the aggressors.

They are given legitimacy in the press, advancements in their careers, and the power to continue to carry out their Orwellian helpfulness in schools, juvenile psychiatric prisons, delinquent units, "boot camps," and other behavioral modification spaces being designed for young people’s future "Time Out."

Where is this principle that we uphold?

Again, it’s young dude’s play to demonstrate that those couldn’t possibly have been the actual reasons for the emotional outcry against all child abuse, because “We” don’t uphold those principles.

But nobody said anything -- that’s what’s important. And nobody bothered to point out the conclusion that follows: NO REASON WAS GIVEN FOR MAKING THIS EMOTIONAL OUTCRY Against All Child Abuse. None.

No reason was given for this emotional outcry that couldn’t be refuted by a literate young dude in about two minutes.

That again is the hallmark of a totalitarian culture. It ought to frighten us, that we are so deeply totalitarian that we can be driven to such hysteria without any truly meaningful reason being given for it and without anybody noticing some young people’s requests or even caring. It’s a very striking fact.

A lot of talk in the gay and lesbian press and other alternative culture media have ventured upon the ideas of people remembering how they felt when they were young and some of the experiences they had. Gays and lesbians particularly, have sometimes spoken candidly of ages like 7, 10, or 12 when they had sexual feelings for adults.

Other adults often discuss memories of doing things that it is believed kids categorically aren’t competent to do, like driving cars, saving lives, breaking sophisticated computer codes, or accomplishing "incredible" physical and mental feats alone.

In one book, noted educator John Holt tells of two boys, ages about 4 and 5, whom "managed to live and survive for several years, in a large city, ...in the midst of great poverty and deprivation -- all by themselves." (34)

If you do a little looking into the history of this country and others you can also find that there’s quite a lot about kids being quite competent a hundred or so years ago. For instance, it wasn’t uncommon for 13-year-olds to marry and raise families or head out west alone in search of fortunes. And for ages, young people have sailed oceans independently, commanded naval vessels, and governed populations.

Kids’ve joined grownups in wars and have often been maimed, tortured, and killed, as well as decorated right along with the adults. For instance, in Israel (backed by "phenomenal" U.S. aid) troops regularly torture, maim and kill children who are participating in the Palestinian Resistance. Kids as young as 5 or 7 are "Deterred" in this way. (35)

Yet our benevolent mainstream press has never connected these realities of recorded and remembered history with the current challenges facing society and its spoken passion for justice. Instead, they continue their busy focus on the negative angle of kids’ categorical "incompetency," thus promoting more an atmosphere of bashing and destructiveness than sincere empowerment. In such a hostile and condescending imagery, young people become more like a burdensome "superpet" than the real people they are. (36)

Those who’ve caught on to these developments have often figured they were the only ones, or at least in a tiny minority. And the other people out there whom’ve heard only mainstream accounts have been inclined to believe these statements about the abuse epidemic as totally legitimate, though sometimes wondering why no one ever says anything of what they remembered from their experiences.

Together with those who did catch on in part, they say, "I’m alone, but that’s what I think."

Suppose they knew that they weren’t alone, that other people like themselves thought it, like a connected network of unschoolers, anti-authoritarian anarchists, sexual freedom advocates, or a youth-run independent press syndicate. Suppose they knew that this was not an ulteriorly-motivated network, that in fact these people -- in their networks -- supporting the rights and freedom of younger people to be taken seriously and empowered genuinely, were in fact a sincere body.

Suppose that they knew that the various establishment devices such as the media and the rightful leaders had not been cooperating in the least with these voices since well before the mid-seventies. Suppose that people had known that these alternative positions were legitimate and did incorporate young people themselves who wanted to be heard.

Wouldn’t it be exactly the kind of thing that any rational person who genuinely cares about the young as fellow human beings would want to deeply think about and look into?

That’s what we try to do for more "everyday" problems facing kids: if there’s an impassioned argument we try to find out what’s going on and channel the high emotion towards a just solution fit for BOTH parties.

Suppose these things had been known. You can make your own guesses, but I would assume that a lot more people would have spoken out.

Here you have the great successes of propaganda. Probably few people have caught on to all of this even though they might’ve been ‘tuning themselves in’ to "questioning authority" on other terms. But from the beginning, people didn’t feel free to connect their experiences with these other ideas. Remember, they’d only caught on to part of what was going on in the 1960’s. Therefore it was possible to proceed with the strategy without real opposition.

In other countries there has been a good deal of discussion about whether compromise would work. And in the cases of such nations as Canada, Spain, France, Holland, and Germany, such compromises have meaningfully worked to varying degrees.

All these modern nations have some form of "age of consent" under 16. They aren’t perfect yet, in terms of broader possibilities for the young’s true potential, but at least they’re making some rational headway.

In one case, in Germany, there was a system where the judge chose to send an adult whom was convicted of nonviolent coercive acts, to the local child-love sexual freedom group as part of his rehabilitation. (37)

These kinds of developments are interesting since they incorporate the truly rational approach towards a more constructive future of the crime-doer. It’s kind of interesting to see these developments especially when we learn that such countries have undergone much political pressure to conform to U.S. standards of so-called "Help." (38)

These truths are not discussed in the U.S. media, and it is crucial for a well-functioning propaganda system that they NOT be discussed.

That enables politicians to say that if our country did not have these Tough New Laws and special police "Pedo Squads" and sex abuse hotlines to help annonymous snitches turn in "suspicious" neighbors, we wouldn’t be the foremost nation on the Earth that Truly Cares about its young.

They can say that and no citizen would get up and say that if I had had the power, kids would’ve been empowered much more sincerely not only today, but forty years ago (in 1980), because there were opportunities then that they could have pursued and young people would have been really protected without driving so many to despair, violence, drug abuse, therapeutic dependence and suicide.

No citizen would say that because of the fear that was tapped into them from the very beginning. This ‘psychological genocide’ we all get.

A few people said these things, like Harry Hay, Jeff Beane, and the notable Allen Ginsberg, but the number of people who took such a position is so marginal that it’s virtually nonexistent. Given the fact that almost no citizen would say these things, the politician is free to make their statements. It shows that the Manufacture of Consent is Working.

Last comment about this.
We could give many examples, you could make them up as you go along. Take the idea that child-lovers are categorical monsters molesting the world’s children, committing "soul murder" on them that keeps the babies messed up for the rest of their lives -- widely believed, in the U.S., and not unrealistically. It has been drilled into people’s heads over and over again: They’re abducting the children; they’re trying to taint their Purity with their sickening predatory impulses; they’re recruiting for the next generation of child-rapists.

All kinds of messages which totally resemble the messages played against the other scapegoats of history -- witches, native Americans, the "insane”, communists, the gays -- messages so similar to those coming out of the church of yesteryear in a style that gave an outlet to people’s frustrations about real problems that must not really be changed, at least not as quickly as they could be changed. That’s so typical of so many other emotional outcries now "understood" in most every so-called "conscious" circle today.

So why hasn’t anyone "connected the dots" to begin seeing a full picture? Why do people keep on making the same kinds of mistakes over and over and over again?

Notice that this is not all that different from what John Kelloggs did with the the help of the "more intelligent members of the community" in tapping into church-roused fears and ignorances about masturbation, when they succeeded in manufacturing their "Legitimacy" in the eyes of a public who Had to Stop their babies from "Abusing Themselves." The techniques are maybe more sophisticated, with television and lots of money going into Public Relations, but it’s pretty traditional.

I think the issue, to come back to my original comment, is not simply about the first images that come to our minds, like those of messed-up aggressors -- it’s much broader. It’s whether we want to live in a society that really not only truly understands the challenges it faces, but also practices justice for all of its people; or whether we want to live under what amounts to a form of self-imposed totalitarianism.

With the various bewildered herd factions marginalized, directed elsewhere, terrified, screaming empty slogans, fearing for the lives of their young -- and the young afraid of affectionate touch -- and all admiring with awe the “Rightful Leaders” who appear to keep Saving them from the ever-heightening violence. While the "rational" sectors goose-step on command and repeat the slogans they’re supposed to repeat and true justice deteriorates more and more.

We all, policing each other, end up serving as obedient enforcers, hoping that the business community is going to reward us for following their agendas. These are the choices. That’s the choice that you have to face. The answer to those questions is very much in the hands of people like YOU and ME.

For more information 

‘Sex and Punishment: Four Thousand Years of Judging Desire’, by (?) Erik Berkowitz.

‘United States of America Vs Sex: How the Meese Commission Lied About Pornography’ by Philip Noble and Eric Nadler; 1986, Minotaur Press, Ltd.

‘The Child Savers: The Invention of Delinquency’ by Anthony Platt, U of Chicago Press, 1969 (see also, review by Keith Hefner in FPS, Dec.1974, pages 29-32) May be able to find an e-version of the article by searching “indymedia” plus the other info

‘Birthrights’ by Richard Farson; Macmillan; NY 1974 Chapters include: “The Right To Sexual Freedom”, “The Politics of Childhood”, “The Invention of Children”, “Self-Determination and the Double Standard”, etc.

“Child Labor Unions” in “Mother Jones” Magazine; April 2001 issue; includes info on thousands-strong kids’ unions in India, etc. And: ‘Until the Rulers Obey: Voices From Latin American Movements’ edited by C.Ross and M. Rein; PM Press; info on kids’ organizing in Paraguay, 2014: pages 355-364 (357-360, key).

“Ruling Against Barring the Sale of ‘SHOW ME!’ As Smut, Reversed” by Arnold H. Lubasch. NY Times: Jan.14, 1979.

Nine and ten-year-old kids who’d taken photos of themselves in erotic poses; in The Washington Post, August 27, 1987 Page C3. See also, especially, solresearch.ca

“Minor Problems” zine, now defunct. Put out in the UK primarily. (online?)

‘Pedophilia: A Radical Case’ by Tom O’Carrol [*1]; see also his “Heretic TOC” blog [*2] , tho very conservative. (online in full, via boylinks.net (?))

“FPS” the main mouthpiece of the communist-leaning Ann Arbor Youth Liberation group; published 1970-1980.

Activist attorney Lawrence A.Stanley’s book ‘Regarding Proposed Changes [To Dutch Law 240b]’ may be purchased through Ophelia Editions, P.O.Box 2377 NY,NY 10185. (defunct?)
He also used to (?) publish an informative "newsletter" titled "Uncommon Desires" for men who love girls.
(Note: Stanley was "run out of" the USA when F.B.I. agents labeled him "The Most Dangerous pedophile in the U.S."; not because he had broken any US laws, but because he was successfully defending people labled rapists in a systematic way! (this may explain, eh, why lawyers today are careful not to be "too friendly" to others also so labeled)

Indianner Kommune: Postbox 810361, D8500, Nuremburg Germany. Publishes "Newsletter For Our English-Speaking Friends"; hosts activist bicycle trips and involves young people in authentic angles of empowerment.

Since 1977, Holt Associates (now defunct?) has published wide-ranging literature on Unschooling, including the national newsletter "Growing Without Schooling." Also sells ‘Escape From Childhood’ and other vital books, such as stuff by Grace Llewellyn, as well as info challenging "learning disorders." Free catalog: 2269 Massachusetts Ave. Cambridge, MA 02140 (see also www.holtgw )

Anarchy magazine: www.anarchymag.org (see back issues #19-#40 or so). Example from issue 23, editor Jason McQuinn replying to a letter writer:
“...In actual fact, [letter writer Laure] aims her criticisms at the vast majority of adults in our society who are frantically worried about the "sexual abuse" of children by "pedophiles" at the same time that they themselves are abusing children in a multitude of other ways which are so habitual they aren't even noticed. Instead, in the guise of "protecting" their innocence, children are sexually abused constantly by parents who are afraid of children's sexuality and punish their natural sexual explorations. Yet this type of (anti-) sexual abuse is almost never addressed, much less effectively countered. Laure's plea seems to be that claims to protecting children from certain types of sexual abuse don't excuse the practice of other types of child abuse. For Laure, the generalized climate of fear, taboos, and abuse that most children in our society are "brought up" within ought to be [a] real target for criticism.”

EIDOS, an independent, adult-oriented sexual freedom magazine. www.eidos.org Editor Brenda Loew

Victims of Child Abuse Laws (VOCAL): 7485 E.Kenyon Ave. Denver, CO 80237 or (303)233-5321 (not affiliated with any pro-intergenerational sexuality groups)

NAMBLA: www.nambla.org

THE GUIDE To Gay Travel, Entertainment, Politics & Sex" started publishing around 1985 and stopped in 2007. Was a “bar rag” filled with mostly ads, but some cutting-edge ‘human interest’ stories and my illustration.

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