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Table 1

Long-Range Effects of Childhood Sexual Experiences

[Pages 180, 181, 182]

a An * indicates the study included a control population.

b F = female, M = male, LC = lower class, MC = middle class, UC = upper class.

c 1ndicates reported outcomes, from very negative (- -), negative (-), neutral (0), to positive (+1). The first symbol indicates most frequent outcome reported.

Researcher, date, location

Type and experience and age

N a

Sample source

Ages and population studied b

measures used

Long-range effects Reported c

Rasmussen (1934), Norway Assault, including incest (children) 54 Court records Adults 
(F, LC)
Interviews, third-person reports 0 to -
Sloane and Karpinski (1942), US (PA) Parental, sibling incest (teen-age) 5 Family welfare agency 18-26 
(F, LC)
Interviews (psycho-
- to 0
Bender and Grugett (1952), US (NY) Various, prolonged (5-13) 14 Psychiatric hospital 21-27 
(M & F)
Social and psychiatric follow-up 0 to - -
Weinberg (1955), US (IL) Parental, sibling incest 203 Criminal cases Adults 
(F, LC)
Structured interviews in home - to - -
Landis (1956), US (CA) Sex with adults (children) 500* University students Adults 
(M & F, MC-UC)
Questionnaires 0 to -
Greenland (1958), GB Parental, other incest (uk) 7 Advice column 15-32 (F) Analysis of letters - to 0
Kubo (1959), Japan Parental, other incest (7-23) 36 Clinic and agency records Adults 
(M & F, LC)
Records and interviews - to 0
Vestergaard (1960), Denmark Parental, other incest (8-17) 13 Court records 23-32 
(F, LC)
Personal interviews - - to -
Weiner (1962), US (NY) Parental incest (10-13) 5 Psychotherapy with father 10-23 
(F, MC)
Interviews with father - to 0
Brunold (1964) (NLs) Assault (5-15) 62 Court records 23 av, 
(M & F, LC)
Personal and third-person interviews 0, + to - -
Gagnon (1965), US Various, with adults (prepuberty) 333* "Kinsey" study Adults 
(F, MC)
Structured interviews 0 to -
Chaneles (1976), US Assault, paternal incest (children) 159 Agency case records Children (M & F, LC) Conjecture -
Medlicott (1967), New Zealand Parental incest (children) 27* Psychotherapy cases 18 up 
(M & F)
-, - - to 0
De Frances (1969), US (NY) Sex offense by adults (0-15) 263 Child protection agencies Children
(M & F, LC)
Objective and subjective measures -- to 0
Lukianowicz (1972), Northern Ireland Parental, other incest (5-14) 55 General hospital patients 11-33
(M & F, LC)
Interviews (psychothepary) 0 to -
Katan (1973), US (OH) Rape (1-5) 6 Private practice 20-40
(F, MC, UC)
Interviews (psychotherapy) - -
Benward & Densen-Gerber (1975), US Parental, sibling incest (under 15) 52* Drug treatment center Adol.-adults
(F, LC)
Structured interviews - to - -
Molnar & Cameron 1975), Canada Parental incest (14-17) 18 Hospital psychiatric department 14-37
(F, LC)
Interviews (psychotherapy) - to - -
Herman & Hirschman1977), US Parental incest (4-14) 15 Psychotherapy cases 15-55
Interviews (psychotherapy) 0 to -
James & Meyerding (1977), Western US Older partner (children) 228 Prostitutes Adol.-adults (F, LC) Questionnaires, interviews - to - -
Meiselman (1978), US (CA) Parental, other incest (3-11) 58* Psychiatric clinic 11-43
(F, LC, MC)
Interviews, charts, MMPI -- to 0
Justice & Justice (1979), US (TX) Parental, sibling incest (children) 112 Clinical Families
(M, F)
Interviews, records (psychotherapy) - to - -
Gross (1979), US (OH) Parental incest (13-15) 4 Hospital psychiatric clinic 15-16
Hysterical seizures - -
Goodwin et al. (1979), US (NM) Parental, other incest (0-10) 6 Hospital psychiatric department 14-18
Hysterical seizures 0 to - -
Tsai et al. (1979), US Incest and other (6-12 av.) 60* Clinical, non-clinical 18-65
(F, MC)
MMPI, scales, self-report - to 0
Bernard (1981), NLs "With people" (7-15) 30 Convenience sample 20-60
(M & F, LC-MC)
Self-report +, 0 to -
Symonds et al., (1981), US (CA) Sibling, other incest (5-18) 109 Ads in newspapers 26-45
(M & F, MC)
Phone interviews 0, + to -
Nelson (1981), US (CA) Parental, other incest
(3 up)
100 Ads in periodicals 19-73
(M & F, MC)
Questionnaires (mailed) 0, = to -
Finkelhor (1981), US (NwEngland) Sex with sibling (0-13+) 796* College students Adults(M & F, MC-UC) Questionnaires 0, - to +
Fritz et al. (1981), US (WA) Various (pre-pubertal) 952* College students 18 up
(M & F, MC)
Questionnaires 0 to -
Emslie & Rosenfeld (1983), US (CA) Incest (4-14) 26* Psychiatric hospital 9-17
Personal interviews 0 to -
Sedney & Brooks (1984), US Various (children) 301* College students 18-58
(F, MC, UC)
Questionnaires -
Cleveland (1986), US Parental incest (5-8) 3 Mixed 26-28
Life history interviews - to 0
Kilpatrick (1986), US (GA & FL) Various (0-14) 501* Deliberate sample 18-66
(F, MC)
Questionnaires, scales 0, - to +

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