Table 1 - Means, SDs, and frequency of agreement (in %) with stigma items for PWP and people who abuse alcohol (Study 1)

PWP people with pedophilia

a Defined as a score of 4-6 (on a Likert scale of 0-6)
Uncertain = defined as a score of 3 (on a Likert scale of 0-6)
c Instruction: ''How do you feel about interacting with people who (are dominantly sexually interested in children/almost daily drink large amounts of alcohol), but have never committed a crime?'' 


Items pertaining to



alcohol abuse

  N M (SD) A-
N (M/SD) A-
(A dominant sexual interest in children/Drinking large amounts of alcohol almost daily) is something that one can choose.
  844 2.21 (2.07) 26.18 16.00 850 3.44 (1.96) 51.06 18.71
People with (a dominant sexual interest in children/ who drink large amounts of alcohol almost daily) have taken a deliberate decision to have these interests.
  842 2.41 (2.07) 30.29 15.32 849 3.07 (1.89) 40.16 21.44
People have the choice whether they (have a dominant sexual interest in children/drink large amounts of alcohol almost daily) or not.
  841 2.41 (2.08) 29.37 16.55 844 3.81 (1.88) 55.69 19.31
Dangerousness for children and adolescents
A person (with a dominant sexual interest in children/who drinks large amounts of alcohol almost daily) poses a danger to children.
  850 5.73 (0.85) 97.29 1.06 854 4.48 (1.74) 72.37 13.11
A person (with a dominant sexual interest in children/who drinks large amounts of alcohol almost daily) poses a danger to adolescents.
  849 5.15 (1.32) 91.05 3.30 854 4.47 (1.64) 72.37 14.40
A person (with a dominant sexual interest in children/who drinks large amounts of alcohol almost daily) poses a danger to adults.
  848 2.81 (2.22) 38.56 13.92 854 3.91 (1.79) 57.26 20.96
Affective Reaction
When I think of a person (with a dominant sexual interest in children/who drinks large amounts of alcohol almost daily), I feel afraid.
  824 3.88 (2.25) 62.50 10.19 810 2.54 (1.96) 32.22 17.16
When I think of a person (with a dominant sexual interest in children/who drinks large amounts of alcohol almost daily) I feel pity.
  830 2.29 (2.27) 31.08 11.20 831 3.92 (1.93) 64.02 13.84
When I think of a person (with a dominant sexual interest in children/who drinks large amounts of alcohol almost daily) I feel anger.
  837 5.01 (1.75) 84.11 4.3 814 2.90 (2.10) 40.66 15.11
Social Distance c
Would have these persons as friends 848 0.96 (1.43) 1.08 8.37 845 2.38 (1.72) 23.79 23.43
Would accept these persons in my neighborhood 847 1.24 (1.63) 10.39 11.22 842 3.40 (1.72 47.39 22.8
Would accept these persons as colleagues at work 845 1.43 (76) 14.44 11.48 842 2.56 (1.83) 30.64 22.21
Would talk to them 848 2.61 (2.12) 34.20 16.16 841 4.15 (1.77) 66.35 16.53
These persons should be incarcerated 845 2.80 (2.34) 38.70 11.83 841 0.66 (1.30) 5.11 4.88
These persons should better be dead 840 1.14 (1.94) 13.69 9.52 840 0.31 (1.04) 2.98 2.74