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5. From the Netherlands

 a  Association Martijn attacked
 b  No positive TV show
 c  The group JON


a. Association Martijn attacked

Martijn is the well known Dutch Association since 21 years. 
There is started an anti-Martijn Group with a web site (in Dutch), by some extreme-right-wing people. 

No participation in Gay Parade
Martijn was not permitted to be part of a Gay Parade Day in the city of Deventer. The anti's were threatening. There were a lot of posters of this anti-Martijn Group in Deventer. 

No Demonstration 1 
About the end of June 2003, this group had planned a demonstration in Amsterdam. There appeared... five men with flyers. There also appeared about forty strong men from anti-fascist- and anarchistic groups. So, the five went away. The have dropped a complaint that police had not protected their right to express their opinion (freedom of speech). 

No Demonstration 2 
Later on, a second demonstration was planned. Now, two busses of people arrived at the border of the city Amsterdam. However, there also arrived a lot of anarchistic en anti-fascist people at the Central Station of Amsterdam. 
To prevent a collapse between both groups, mayor Job Cohen forbid the demonstration of the anti-Martijn Committee, and police prohibited them to enter the city. Also the anti-fascist people were removed by police. 
So, no demonstration and no collapse. 

Next demonstration
In the spring, 2004, a new splinter party of the Dutch extreme right wing, the 'New Nationalist Party' (NNP), has demonstrated against the Association Martijn. People have spread pamphlets in the neighborhood of the chair of Martijn, named Martin. Mentioned was his name and his address and accusations that he would be dangerous for the children in his neighborhood - and some other liars around a photo of a toddler. The demonstrators claimed that police should start house raids at the homes of the board members - and so on. 
The new political party has a web site which is hosted on the domain of the 'Anti-Martijn Committee', which has hold earlier demonstrations against Martijn.

b. No positive TV show

A talk show lead by Catherine Keyl had made a show about pedophilia by interviewing some people. Remarkably, the peds present could speak and say all they wanted, while miss Ireen van Engelen was present but could not say any word. Also one of the extreme right-wing people of the Anti-Martijn Committee was present, but he could not say very much. 
More remarkably, the head editor of the show has canceled it. Formally, the reason was that "the public would be left with too much questions", and that Catherine "had be too less critically". 
Read: the show was too positive! 
Thus: no show! 

c. The group JON

JON is a regional group in the east of the Netherlands. It organizes self-help group talk sessions for people with pedophilic feelings. It has a web site in seven languages on 
< http://www.jorisoost.nl/ >.

A member of JON has given a false testimony about JON in June 1, 2003. JON should be a cover for kiddy porn and sex traveling. He gave to police three phone numbers, those of his recent visitors from the group. From June 6, 2003, phones are tapped from those three people and anyone who phoned them, and who phoned them, and so on. Thus gradually a lot of people were tapped.

Seven people, among which six JON members, went to Tunisia last summer.

On November 29, 2003, there were eighteen house raids and seven arrests. Arrests for all who had gone to Tunisia. House raids for all who had phoned with them and who appeared to be the
leaders of JON. Computers and all digital data were confiscated.

A TV crowd was filming one of the houses and broadcasted it several times. TV crowd and newspaper journalists went to every house in the same street. The media reported (falsely) that JON was 'only a cover for organizing sex traveling and exchanging child pornography.' 

The owner of the filmed house dropped a complaint against that TV company and a local newspaper and went also house by house to his neighbors. The complaint has been acknowledged. The local police has protected the house against attacks.

The arrested people have been hold in complete isolation for one month. Even no TV or newspapers, no phone, no family, nothing. At the end of 2003, they gradually got permissions. So they could call and tell where they were.

As soon as possible, we have visited all seven prisoners, traveling all over the country. We have formed small teams for each to visit and help them.
We got al lot more information after being able to lay hands on the juridical dossier about the case. We quickly made a copy and studied it intensively. So, we could know what had happened and why and for who. We have informed all people whose names were in the dossier.

In that dossier, we read a lot of accusations against JON. We have made a series of defenses in a series of letters to the Prosecutor and the lawyers of the seven. With a lot of pressing and seven copies of all defenses, we have forced the Prosecutor to present the defenses to the court. We also gathered testimonies pro JON and have sent them to the same and to the court.

On March 10, 2004, was the court trial. It was a "pro forma" session, but it was during three hours. The prosecutor asked for more time and delay. So she got until June. All prisoners had to wait for it in prison. 

The court and the lawyers were very critical to the Prosecutor, and all spoke positive about JON.
"The Prosecutor has nearly been bombed by papers from JON, which told quite another story than I have read in her reports." 

The Prosecutor now acknowledged that she saw only the seven arrested people as 'a criminal organization' as private persons, and not JON as a group or an organization. Thus, the defense of JON with the help of a lot of letters and copies and testimonies, has helped. 

With this data and quotes from the court and the Prosecutor, we were able to inform the newspapers with a positive message about JON. 

Gradually, after several months, people have got back a part of their properties, however, no hard disks. There is written a very sharp protest to the prosecutor and a formal complaint to the court.

JON goes on, albeit with less members. At the start of this story, JON had 33 members, at the end of it just sixteen. Some are arrested, others became frightened and ended their membership.

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