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Here you are: Ipce’s Electronic Newsletter # 29, dated January 2011. This is quite late for the report of the Ipce Meeting 2010 held in June 2010. I have earlier told you about problems with my eyes – and more - and the resulting fact of being quite quickly tired. Excuse me. 

This is the one but last electronic Ipce Newsletter. There will follow # E30 with the last collection of ‘absurdities’ and an overview over all 29 Newsletters here before. A (paper) Newsletter was a good medium in the era before the Internet, but now it is an outdated form of communication. For the same reason, the Documentation Lists have been stopped, because nowadays it is quite easy to find documents on the Internet. However, it is still possible to ask for documents mentioned in earlier lists. 

The Newsletter and I myself will stop in 2011. My growing age and my diminishing health give me no other choice. 

The Ipce Meeting 2010 has appointed two committees: a Steering Committee and an Editorial Team. The first will lead Ipce, the latter will maintain and expand Ipce’s website. 

The test website ‘Ipce Two’ I have spoken about is now on line as <  > or <  >. The former website (Statements, Newsletters and the Libraries 1, 2 & 3) fully integrated into the new website. New files appear in a new Library 4, which has its own kind of registry. I still have a pile of files to place – I send them to an internal section meant for the Editorial Team to format and publish them. 

In this Newsletter, you will find a short statement, an article about a book about Michael Jackson, than the Report of the Ipce Meeting, followed by five articles. 

First, about a playwright about ‘an offender’; 
second, about the sex offenders registry in the USA – mentioning hundreds of teenagers who have had consensual sexual contacts; 
third, about the credibility of testimonies of young children. 
Fourth, what is specific in the sexuality of (young) children? It is not the same as adult sexuality. One can better speak about ‘sensuality’. 
Fifth and last: a kind of Statement. The first statement in this Newsletter is quite short; this is a longer article which content would be accepted by all or most Ipce members. Important is to distinguish between (pedophile) feelings and (pedosexual) acts. The first can never be a crime; people who have those feelings (attraction), do not converse them in acts, do not deserve to be approached as criminals, sick minds, dangerous demons or worse. 

The latter is more or less the message Ipce has proclaimed since its start in 1989, 22 years ago. 

For a while, still your secretary & webmaster, 


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