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01Aug14i Porn laboratory studies (Robin)


Further to my comments about scientific studies of pornography. The study of pornography in laboratory situations cannot be generalized to its use in real life.

Laboratory studies typically use first year college students (as more advanced students would have the sophistication to see through the purpose of the experiment). The subjects are exposed to pornography and the effects are studied. In a lab situation the subjects view the material: 1. At a time set by others, 2. In a place determined by others, 3. Possibly in the presence of other subjects, 4. In the knowledge that others (the experimentor) knows he is viewing it, and may assess his reactions 5. In a context where he cannot masturbate which is commonly the purpose of watching porn in the first place, 6. In addition the subject may not watch, or desire to watch porn in the normal course of his life, and if he did he might well choose to watch some other kind of porn.

It sounds very unsatisfactory and frustrating, doesn't it?

Compare this to a man viewing the porn of his choice at home, alone or with selected company, at a time he chooses and most importantly when he can masturbate in any way he wants. This is common sense, not science. However "science" often prevails. This was the science that was behind Canada's tragic Butler decision which radically expanded the scope of obscenity laws and justified the attitudinal or indirect harm of pornography. Laboratory studies have been largely discredited but are still used to prosecute alledged offenders.



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