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Web Article
Schuster, Filip; Zitate von: Zusammenhänge der zehn ursprünglichen Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) mit Beeinträchtigungen der mentalen Gesundheit nach einer Kontrolle der anderen ACEs (Metaanalyse)
Die zehn ursprünglichen ACEs (u. a. emotionaler, körperlicher und „sexueller Missbrauch“) sind in unzähligen Studien mitmentalen Beeinträchtigungen der Betroffenen assoziiert. Die entsprechenden bivariaten Zusammenhänge sind zu einem erheblichen Teil Confounding-Bias. Das Ausmaß der ursächlichen Zusammenhänge ist ungeklärt.
[... ... ...]
Ergebnisse: Die Größe der bivariaten Zusammenhänge zwischen den zehn ursprünglichen ACEs und den Beeinträchtigungen der mentalen Gesundheit ist in den Studien typischerweise mittel (Median r=0,22), nach einer
Kontrolle der neun anderen ursprünglichen ACEs typischerweise sehr klein (r=0,07) und nach einer zusätzlichen Kontrolle weiterer ACEs noch kleiner (r=0,05). Die ACEs Inhaftierung eines Haushaltsmitgliedes (r=-0,01) und Miterleben von Gewalt gegen die Mutter/Eltern (r=0,01) sind nach einer Kontrolle von mehr als den neun jeweils anderen ursprünglichen ACEs nicht mit eeinträchigungen der mentalen Gesundheit assoziiert. Sehr gering sind diese ssoziationen auch bei den ACEs „sexueller Missbrauch“, Scheidung/Trennung der Eltern und Alkohol-/Drogenproblem eines Haushaltsmitgliedes (jeweils r=0,04).
Schlussfolgerungen: Die ursächlichen Zusammenhänge zwischen den zehn ursprünglichen ACEs und den Beeinträchtigungen der mentalen Gesundheit sind kleiner als vielfach vermutet. Bei mehreren ursprünglichen ACEs ist insgesamt nicht von langfristig bedeutsamen negativen gesundheitlichen Folgen auszugehen. Das ACEs-Konzept ist grundsätzlich zu überdenken.
Begrenzungen: Auch wegen der vielen nicht kontrollierten Störvariablen (u. a. Gene und weitere ACEs) sind die von der Metaanalyse ermittelten Zusammenhänge keine präzisen ursächlichen Effektgrößen.
Schuster, Filip; Zusammenhänge der zehn ursprünglichen Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) mit Beeinträchtigungen der mentalen Gesundheit nach einer Kontrolle der anderen ACEs (Metaanalyse)
Die zehn ursprünglichen ACEs (u. a. emotionaler, körperlicher und „sexueller Missbrauch“) sind in unzähligen Studien mit mentalen Beeinträchtigungen der Betroffenen assoziiert. Die entsprechenden bivariaten Zusammenhänge sind zu einem erheblichen Teil Confounding-Bias. Das Ausmaß der ursächlichen Zusammenhänge istungeklärt. [...]
Mit einer systematischen Literaturrecherche wurde nach Studien gesucht, die bei „Minderjährigen“ oder Erwachsenen die Zusammenhänge der zehn ursprünglichen ACEs mit mentalen Beeinträchtigungen nach einer Kontrolle der jeweils neun anderen ursprünglichen ACEs (und ggf. weiterer ACEs) ermitteln. Vierzehn Studien entsprechen dem Einschlusskriterium.
Die ursächlichen Zusammenhänge zwischen den zehn ursprünglichen ACEs und den Beeinträchtigungen der mentalen Gesundheit sind kleiner als vielfach vermutet. Bei mehreren ursprünglichen ACEs ist insgesamt nicht von langfristig bedeutsamen negativen gesundheitlichen Folgen auszugehen.
Das ACEs-Konzept ist grundsätzlich zu überdenken.
Auch wegen der vielen nicht kontrollierten Störvariablen (u. a. Gene und weitere ACEs) sind die von der Metaanalyse ermittelten Zusammenhänge keine präzisen ursächlichen Effektgrößen.
Malón, Augustín Marco; Childhood, Sexuality and Danger; 235 pp.
It is [...] a book about the modern discourse over sexual dangerousness as it relates to the abuse of minors [...] What is important is that my contributions lead readers to critically re-examine what they have been saying and doing in this field. [...]
My intention with this work is simply to provoke critical reflection -- which at times may be disquieting -- regarding how we see this problem, and how we respond to it. [...]
The majority of the experiences included by researchers in the category of abuse are not
committed by so-called pedophiles; and yet, the latter have been converted into the bogey-men of modernity. Those who love children - and who very rarely attack them -- undoubtedly lead a complicated existence; especially those who are attracted to prepubertal children, since society is not likely to allow them to live out these experiences in relative liberty and tranquility. We have a lot to learn -- as do they -- about how to permit them to live out and express those desires through channels that are more acceptable, and that cause fewer problems for both minors and society.
Davies, Sarah; Early Childhood Sex Education; How Do Dutch Parents Educate Their Young Children About Sex, Sexuality, and Pedophilia?, Nov 01 2007
In this research study, parents from in and around Amsterdam were
interviewed and filled out surveys about how they educate or have educated their young children about sex, sexuality and pedophilia. Seven parents were interviewed in 40 minute to hour sessions and 20 parents of primary school students filled out two-page surveys about the topic of early sex education. It was found that most Dutch parents educate their young children openly about sex; however, they do not discuss sexuality and sexual feelings and desires with their children. They speak with their children about sexuality during or after puberty. Many parents speak with their young children about pedophilia, but limit their conversation to talking about the danger of strangers.
Mosbacher, Rachel; A Generation Silenced: The Role of Children as Seen Through the Discourse on Age ofConsent Legislation; Psychology Department, Dec 03 2007
Age of consent laws have been the source of a major debate between those that
believe children need to be protected from predators, and those that believe children should have rights, and that the harm caused by a sexual relationship between a child and an adult has been dramatically sensationalized.
However, among those involved in this dispute, no children can be found arguing for either perspective.
This study was initially intended to reveal the opinions of children on the issue
of age of consent laws. Then I was informed that this was next to impossible given the various types of legal authorization I would be required to get. The issue of authorization is what ultimately led to the focus of this study – questioning what devices are put in place by society to prevent children from expressing their opinions?
Also in this study, I examine whether there is a prevalent feeling that children should be able to express their opinions, and finally, in what forms would this expression be considered acceptable?
To explore these questions, the views of university students as well as
professionals were utilized as tools by which to understand the societal constructs that have silenced children, relating specifically to the Netherlands, but relevant outside of the Netherlands as well.
Finally, there is a discussion of whether or not it is necessary that these constructs exist, and the ways in which it would possible to transcend them.
Padding, R.; Pedophilia and Conflict
This research is centered on pedophiles and their place in Dutch society and based on the question: To what extent is there a conflict due to the presence of pedophiles in Dutch society?

Data was gathered and analyzed through

a qualitative content analysis of newspaper articles and
semi-structured interviews with pedophiles.

In this research pedophiles are defined as people with a sexual age orientation directed towards children younger than sixteen years old. A sexual orientation does not only revolve around sexual feelings, but romantic feelings as well.

Two main results were found.

First, newspapers present a generalized image of pedophiles as people who have engaged or are likely to engage in a form of pedosexuality. This overgeneralization leads to the formation of a stigmatized stereotype, that of a criminal sexual child abuser.

Second, the respondents experience that stigma in their daily life, since they do not feel accepted by society. Instead they experience structural conflict to some extent in the form of unequal life chances. The fact that they are unable to speak out about their sexual identity can lead to difficulties in the social life, in asking for protection and professional help, and in living without fear of discovery. The latter is a form of latent violence.

This research builds further on both classic and recent literature, yet is innovating in the sense that it connects conflict studies to the concept of pedophilia. Conflict is being used as a fluid and broad concept, instead of keeping it static and narrow. This research shows how conflict studies can be relevant in addressing conflict that is not directly visible, since it helps in understanding societal developments and structures.
Cash, Brian Martin; Self-identifications, sexual development and well-being in minor-attracted people: an exploratory study
Most research on sexual attraction to minor children and adolescents has viewed this phenomenon as a pathology, and has used clinical and forensic study populations. This study seeks to conceptualize minor attraction as a sexual orientation, and uses a sample of minor- attracted people recruited from the internet (N = 160). Participants’ sexual identities, sexual attractions, disclosures, and well-being are investigated.

Results indicate that minor-attracted people have varied experiences, but common themes that emerged in these areas are discussed. Regarding well-being, minor-attracted people in general had higher loneliness and lower self- esteem than the general public. But positive disclosure experiences and having some level of attraction towards adults were related to lower loneliness, and more accepting attitudes towards sex between adults and children were found to be related to higher self-esteem. In general, findings supported the conceptualization of minor attraction as a sexual orientation. [... ... ...]
Graupner, Helmut; Sexualität, Jugendschutz und Menschenrechten
Nach der Rechtsprechung des Europäischen Gerichtshofs für Menschenrechte und des österreichischen Verfassungsgerichtshofs schützen die Europäische Menschenrechtskonvention und die österreichische Bundesverfassung das Recht von Kindern und Jugendlichen auf sexuelle Selbstbestimmung in umfassender Weise, nämlich sowohl das Recht auf wirksamen Schutz vor ungewollter Sexualität als auch das Recht zu gewollter Sexualität.
Graupner, Helmut; Sexuality, Youth Protection & Human Rights
The study examines the extent to which common sexual offences concerning minors do protect this proposed comprehensive right to sexual self-determination. The analysis is based upon the findings of natural and social science as well as an extensive and detailed international survey of national legal provisions.
Jahnke, Sarah; Understanding and Challenging Stigmatization of People With Pedophilia; Fakultät Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften der Technischen Universität Dresden; 208 pp., Feb 06 2015
In summary, this thesis shows that stigma against pedophilia is a serious and widespread problem, and offers concrete propositions to promote a more realistic and empathetic view of this group. By approaching the emotionally charged concept of pedophilia from a stigma perspective, the research presented in this thesis challenges the way in which not only people from the general public, but also scientists and health care professionals think about pedophilia, and corroborates the importance of stigma reduction within the wider context of child sexual abuse prevention.
Pfirrmann, Jana Kristin; „Ich fühle mich nicht diskrimineert, ich werde diskrimineert" - Social Stigmatization of Paedophiles in Germany; MSC Medical Antropology and Sociology, Jun 29 2015
The focus in this thesis lies on the personal perception of self-identifying paedophiles concerning the stigmatization of their sexual preferences. In the literature there is a lack of emic perspectives regarding the stigma of paedophilia. Thus this study aims to contribute to the filling of this gap. The research is limited to a German context.
The findings of the research suggest that paedophiles do perceive a stigmatizing environment in Germany. The best solution to fight the growing stigmatization appears to be educating the German society about paedophilia.
Newspaper Article
Schwarz, Joel; Child Abuse Increases Risk, Oct 21 2008
Boys who experienced childhood physical or sexual abuse are more likely to use sexually coercive behavior against an unwilling female partner when they are adolescents and young adults.
The study also found that 55 percent of the men who reported coercive behavior did not experience any childhood sexual or physical abuse.
"There is a lot of evidence indicating sexual coercion and aggression is a complex behavior with an array of risk factors. There is this whole group of men for whom we have yet to fully understand what their risk factors are. They are relatively 'average' men without terrible childhood histories, but who engage in this hurtful behavior,"
Boykin, Sharahn D.; Don't 'be alone with other people's children'; Daily Times, Dec 07 2008
Many youth-based organizations have taken preventative measures to avoid situations in which sex abuse could occur, requiring youth workers to attend mandatory training sessions and submit to criminal background checks.
As a protective measure for both adults and youths, the Boy Scouts has turned such precautions into mandatory policies, said Jennifer Wright, marketing director for the Delmar chapter of the organization.
"No adult can be alone with boys."
Workers are cautioned to keep close tabs on their emotions. "Don't get caught up in the feeling that someone needs you or someone loves you."
Shipton, Martin; EU will share info to help track sex offenders; Wales News - News - WalesOnline, Jun 16 2006
The first steps are being taken towards a European sex offenders register.
"There will soon be nowhere in the EU to hide".
"If someone has a criminal conviction in one EU country, particularly in the case of sex offenders, there must be a mechanism in place to ensure tabs are kept on him in any other EU country he may move to."
Andrews, University St; Experts able to plant false memories in minds
New research into the human memory has found that it is possible to plant false memories in the human mind that can have significant long-term effects on behaviour.
The new study could have significant implications for recovered memories involving abuse - previous research has claimed that it is possible for people to create false memories of being abused as a child, when memories are recovered through suggestive therapy.
Staff; False reports of abuse should be dealt with harshly; Tahlequah Daily Press, Dec 13 2006
the occasional abuse of the law people who file bogus reports. Almost everyone has a friend or family member who has been victimized by a small-minded, petty individual who exacts a personal vendetta by filing a false report. The reasons for such unconscionable behavior are many, but none hold water.
Over the past 20 years, at least three daycare workers in Cherokee County have talked to the Daily Press about the nightmares that unfolded when they were accused of abusing their charges. Later, it turned out none of the allegations were valid.
Goode, Sarah D.; How can we prevent child abuse if we don't understand paedophilia?; Independent Voices (UK), Jan 07 2013
If we want to keep children safe from sexual harm, then surely knowing what we’re dealing with would be a good first step. [...]
What gets a bit more complicated is distinguishing between paedophilia (the sexual attraction) and child sexual abuse (adult sexual contact with children below the legal age of consent). Paedophilia is, strictly speaking, in a separate conceptual category to child sexual abuse, although in everyday life the word ‘paedophile’ is typically taken to mean a person (usually a man) who has sexually offended against a child. [...]
The first step is to try and work out how many paedophiles there are.
[...] we would be therefore looking at around one in five of all the men we know having some degree of sexual attraction to children. [...]
Some people experience such sexual desires but don’t act upon them. Perhaps, for them, in a sex-saturated society, that’s quite an achievement. We need to be able to acknowledge and understand their self-control.
Independent Voices is the Independent newspaper's online blogging site. The article didn't actually appear in the paper (as fas as I know).
Mydans, Seth; In a Philippine Town, Child Prostitution, Despite Protests, Is a Way of Life; New York Times, Feb 05 1989
Parents come out in support of pedophiles.
Hall, Louise; Incest, paedophilia 'like being gay', judge says ; Fairfax Media, New Zealand, Jul 10 2014
Judge Garry Neilson compared incest and paedophilia to homosexuality.

A Sydney judge has compared incest and paedophilia to homosexuality, saying the community may no longer see sexual contact between siblings and between adults and children as "unnatural" or "taboo".
Littlejohn, Richard; Jackboot Jacqui brings back the ducking stool, Sep 16 2008
Satire about the measures taken by the UK Government to combat 'paedophiles' - with a serious comment about reality today.
"Even grandparents and neighbours can demand an investigation into the background of any person who comes into contact with the children of family or friends.
In practice, that means absolutely everyone, unless you happen to be a hermit living in a cave in the Orkneys."
Epstein, Joseph; The Kindergarchy - Every child a dauphin.; The Weekly Standard, Jun 09 2008
A comparison between the style of child-rearing before and after the 1970s.
Critical questions for the new style: the burden of (too much?) attention and too much pressure to the children, especially at school.
Kincaid, James R.; Lolita at Middle Age, Oct 17 2008
Short essay on Nabokov's Lolita and the double standard of society against the subjects described in it.
Staff; MEP demands paedophiles travel ban; iclanarkshire.icnetwork, May 16 2007
The disappearance of Madeleine McCann has led to a demand for an immediate ban on the free movement of convicted child sex offenders across Europe.
Stuit, Marianne; My child does it with a pedophile; 'NIEUWE REVU' FOUND PARENTS WHO APPROVE OF IT, May 05 1988
Sexual relations with minors are criminal. Also criminal are the parents who allow their children to have such contacts with adults. Even so, Nieuwe Revu found parents who accept such a relation. They tell from what motives they take that position and how they practically deal with this situation. "By now everyone is suspect because of Oude Pekela. It threatens to create a witch hunt."