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11. Healthier reactions

A more healthy reaction to child sexuality might be to abandon all those prejudices by labeling each childish sexual act as abuse or harassment, and to act on a case by case policy while respecting the confidentiality and the privacy of the child. To acknowledge that there do exist forms of child sexual behavior - childish forms, not just like adult forms. 

Instead of reporting to the criminal authorities, it is better to acknowledge that children need information, privacy, confidentiality, support - and love. Give them not a 'big police man' but instead a nice 'Big Brother' to accompany and watch them. 

Child sex 'should not always be reported' - Sarah Womack, The Telegraph, UK, 16/03/2007 
Children as young as 13 who are sexually active should not automatically be reported to the police, the Children's Commissioner for England said yesterday. [...] 
"The Government's guidance was intended to preserve professionals' discretion to judge, on a case by case basis, whether a child or young person is at risk of serious harm and whether or not it is necessary to pass on information to social services or police."

Wanted: One Big Brother. James, 8, has been waiting two years for a grownup buddy. Susan Clairmont, The Hamilton Spectator, Hamilton, Ontario, May 6, 2006 
James is lonely. He has a loving mother. Friends.
But what he really wants -- more than a pirate sword or pepperoni pizza or video games or anything -- is a grown-up man to talk with. The eight-year-old has been waiting two years for a Big Brother. And he likely has another three to go.
That's how long it takes to get matched in our community.

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