10 - Child sexuality does exist ...
... be it in a specific childish form. Not all 'sexual
behavior' of children is 'sexual' in the adult meaning of the word. Yet,
it does exists and it asks for a response. But not a response of the
Criminal Code, a more human and healthier response.
At age 6, ''I'd have dry orgasms on the spot...''
- From a study by Ritch Savin-Williams, reported in his new
book The New Gay Teenager, p.127 - Boy Chat, August 4, 2006
School sex club run by small boys, says Brisbane dad;
Des Houghton, news.com.au, September 13, 2008
Three boys aged six ran a sex club at a Brisbane state school
demanding and receiving sexual favours from year two classmates, a father
has claimed.
The outraged father alleged yesterday the school did not bother to
tell him for more than a week that his son was involved.
 | Kids' 'Sex Party' Crashed.
Eight naked primary students caught starting freaky act. The Star (Jamaica), 6 March 2009.
Police say the man who caught the kids claimed they were all in one
room, were already undressed and had already began kissing and fondling
each other. [...]
The kids are reported to have said that they were going to try the
things they had seen in the magazine.
[...] Clinical psychologist Dr Asquith Reid [...] urged parents to feel free
to educate their kids about sex as
days they are more exposed to it than in the past.
Listening In On Boy Talk; Charlotte Faltermayer, [source unknown], June 15, 1998
Do the boys think about sex? "Do we ever," giggles W.
The truth about Tweens. Parents 'clueless' about what their children are up to, says new
report; Roger Dobson and Martin Hodgson, The Independent, UK, 27 August 2006.
The five-year study, the first of its kind, looked into the sexual
behaviour of 1,300 pre-teens, and revealed that, on the internet at
least, young girls' lives are "filled with sexual behaviour of one
sort or another". It concludes that almost all parents are
"virtually clueless" about what their daughters are up to.