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Found 409 results

McNeill, Maggie; Scorched Earth, Feb 27 2012
The 21st century American view of sex is warped beyond that of any other historical culture. The official and popular paradigm appears to be based on the belief that sex is such a horrible, monstrous abomination that the mere mention of it to an adult can constitute “violence”, that participating in it for taboo reasons can be a “crime”, and that if a person is exposed to sexual contact, conversation or imagery (...) even one minute before midnight on her 18th birthday she will be instantly and irreversibly ruined beyond any hope of redemption.
It’s time to stop being afraid of the activity to which every single one of us owes his existence, and to stop fighting a war whose casualties are far greater than any the “threat” itself has ever produced.
Association Martijn, Ethical Commission, The Netherlands; You would never want to harm a child, would you?, Mar 01 2012
Intimacy can be desired or undesired. Everybody is aware of this. It has become increasingly clear how serious and long-lasting the effects of undesired intimacy can be. However besotted you may be with a child, that does not make the child your property. The child belongs to the child. But... maybe it is possible for you to have a close relationship with the child.

The Martijn Association advises all its members to observe the law and to act in accordance with the following guidelines. Exercise integrity in all situations involving children while respecting:

  • Consent: the consent of both in every contact.

  • Freedom: freedom for the child to end the contact if desired.

  • Harmony: acting in accordance with the child’s development.

  • Openness: openness towards the parents, especially in the case of young children.

Vega, Cecilia, & Dolak Kevin; California High School Teacher-Student Romance: Therapist Calls Man 'Sexual Predator', Mar 05 2012
The former high school teacher who left his family to be with a former student is a "sex predator" and the couple are suffering from shared paranoia, thinking that the world is against them, a therapist who has spoken to the man said.
Munro, Peter; Low reoffending risk found for child porn users, Mar 11 2012
REOFFENDING rates by child pornography users are far below rates for assaults, drink-driving or property damage, with fewer than one in 10 people who download sexual images of minors later convicted of the crime again.

Despite community concern about the dangers posed by convicted child pornography users, new Corrections Victoria figures reveal only about 7.5 per cent are found to reoffend.
Gieles, Frans; Fear of Relapse, Mar 21 2012
What moved the inhabitants? Fear of relapse of the man Karl.
Is this fear realistic?
Are there figures about relapse? Yes.
These figures represent cases of child sexual abuse, of which every case is one too much, so they are a cause for concern, but not a cause to panic - at least not a cause to attack people, to ban people from the community and by doing so increasing their feelings of anxiety and stress, thus increasing the chance of relapse. The same figures are a cause to find other ways of acting.
Ipce; Dutch court forbids and dissolves Association Martijn, Jun 27 2012
Today, a Dutch court has immediately forbidden and dissolved the Dutch Association Martijn" and "The court concludes that the association infringes the peace and the public morals, the fundamentals of our legal system.
The court concludes that the Association Martijn propagates ...
... that children are a lust object (by explicit photos and descriptions meant to excite);
... that sexual contact between children and adult is OK, that children wanted this and that the law is harmful, not the contact;
... that those sexual contacts have to be celebrated (by giving celebrating descriptions);
... that criminal convictions for immoral acts are ridiculous; and
... those contacts are natural wand wanted by the children, while child pornography may be not harmful.
Hunt, Jerome, & Moodie-Mills Aisha C.; The Unfair Criminalization of Gay and Transgender Youth, Jun 29 2012
Gay, transgender, and gender nonconforming youth are significantly over-represented in the juvenile justice system [...]. These high rates of involvement in the juvenile justice system are a result of gay and transgender youth abandonment by their families and communities, and victimization in their schools—sad realities that place this group of young people at a heightened risk of entering the school-to-prison pipeline. [...]
Angela Irvine of the National Council on Crime and Delinquency in conjunction with the Equity Project, which works to ensure gay and transgender youth in the juvenile justice system are treated with fairness and respect, have both generated groundbreaking research on the experiences of these youth in the system over the past few years.
This issue brief offers a high-level summary of some of their findings, as well as others, to explain the disproportionate pipelining of gay and transgender youth into the juvenile justice system, the bias and discrimination they face once within the system, and the steps that the federal government and state and local juvenile courts can take to ensure that gay and transgender youth are treated with dignity and respect.
Clark-Flory, Tracy; Meet pedophiles who mean well;, Jul 01 2012
The goal of the organization is to offer support to pedophiles who want to live virtuously and to raise public awareness about the fact that such pedophiles exist.
Support is a major aim of the site, beyond even raising awareness in the outside world.
Edwards wants to shine a spotlight on the sort of pedophiles that don’t make the evening news.
“I hope people start to realize that virtuous pedophiles exist, [...] and “that many are no danger and shouldn’t be branded as dangerous without evidence.”
Ipce-member; About the Trauma Myth, Sep 20 2012
Letter from an Ipce-member to Ipce, critisizing Susan Clancy's book and essay about the Trauma myth.
Guy, Shy; Architects of Oppression
The history of the child sex abuse witch hunt is chronicled from the times of Anthony Comstock and J. Edgar Hoover to the NCMEC of the present, including the influence of Kenneth Lanting, Ernie Allen and others.
Hubbard, Thomas K., & Verstraete Beert; Censoring Sex Research: The Debate over Male Intergenerational Relations; 368 pp
This volume sheds light on one of the most explosive episodes of censure of academic scholarship in recent decades. Bruce Rind, a former psychology professor at Temple University, investigated sexual relations between male adults and adolescents through history and across cultures, from highly institutionalized relationships in Ancient Greece and Rome, to 33 contemporary cultures including the USA, and among various species. His conclusions that these relations, when consensual, are not always negative was radical, but based in his research findings. Even before publication of an invited article on the topic, he was subjected to intensive attacks, censured, and censored. This book presents a substantially extended version of Rind’s original, unpublished article, plus 12 scholarly responses to his work that argue for or against Rind’s conclusions or offer useful context on his work. For anyone interested in sex research and the academic freedom issues surrounding it, whether supportive of or vehemently opposed to Rind’s ideas, this book is a must-read.
Quinn, Diane M., & Earnshaw Valerie A.; Concealable Stigmatized Identities and Psychological Well-Being; Soc Personal Psychol Compass.; Jan 7(1), 40–51
Many people have concealable stigmatized identities: Identities that can be hidden from others and that are socially devalued and negatively stereotyped. Understanding how these concealable stigmatized identities affect psychological well-being is critical. We present our model of the components of concealable stigmatized identities including valenced content – internalized stigma, experienced discrimination, anticipated stigma, disclosure reactions, and counter-stereotypic/positive information – and magnitude – centrality and salience. Research has shown that negatively valenced content is related to increased psychological distress. However, smaller identity magnitude may buffer this distress. We review the research available and discuss important areas for future work.
Freimond, Carin Marie; Navigating the Stigma of Pedophilia: The Experiences of Nine Minor Attracted Men in Canada; 99 pp
This thesis presents findings and analysis arising from semi-structured qualitative interviews with nine minor-attracted men (i.e. men who are primarily attracted to children and/or adolescents) in Canada.

The central research question is “how do minor-attracted people understand and manage their stigmatized identities?” I situated the participants' experiences within a broader social context by reviewing relevant academic literature, laws, and dominant cultural attitudes. Utilizing a symbolic-interactionist approach, and drawing on Goffman's concept of “stigma,” t

his thesis illustrates the unique challenges facing minor-attracted people.
The study reveals that minor-attracted people become aware of their sexuality at an early age, experience stress caused by real or perceived societal rejection, and encounter both positive and negative reacti

The conclusion underscores the need for a new approach to dealing with
minor-attraction in contemporary Western society. I offer eight recommendations for instituting a strategy which incorporates empathy, education, and anti-discrimination measures.
Joyal, Christian C., Beaulieu-Plante Jolyane, & de Chantérac Antoine; The Neuropsychology of Sexual Offenders: A Meta-Analysis
Typically, neuropsychological studies of sex offenders have grouped together different types of individuals and different types of measures. This is why results have tended to be nonspecific and divergent across studies.
Against this background, the authors undertook a review of the literature regarding the neuropsychology of sex offenders, taking into account subgroups based on criminological theories.
They also conducted a meta-analysis of the data to demonstrate the cognitive heterogeneity of sex offenders statistically. Their main objective was to test the hypothesis to the effect that the neuropsychological deficits of sex offenders are not broad and generalized compared with specific subgroups of participants based on specific measures.
In all, 23 neuropsychological studies reporting data on 1,756 participants were taken into consideration. As expected, a highly significant, broad, and heterogeneous overall effect size was found. Taking subgroups of participants and specific cognitive measures into account significantly improved homogeneity.
Sex offenders against children tended to obtain lower scores than did sex offenders against adults on higher order executive functions, whereas sex offenders against adults tended to obtain results similar to those of non-sex offenders, with lower scores in verbal fluency and inhibition.
However, it is concluded that neuropsychological data on sex offenders are still too scarce to confirm these trends or to test more precise hypotheses. For greater clinical relevance, future neuropsychological studies should consider specific subgroups of participants and measures to verify the presence of different cognitive profiles.
[... ... ... ...]
The main goal was to define specific subgroups of sex offenders based on criminological typologies and to demonstrate that they present distinct cognitive profiles. Unfortunately, it was not possible for us to achieve this goal.
Consequently, it is currently impossible to say whether sex offenders present broad, nonspecific cognitive impairments or, instead, specific neuropsychological profiles.
Ipce; New: Ipce Magazine # 5 - Theme: Sexually active youth
Youth actually is sexually active. In our society, over-filled with sexual images and scenes - if not at least an obsession - this not seen as a sign of natural development, a right or a joy, but as a problem. Just this vision raises problems. There are better visions.
Ipce; New: Ipce Magazine # 6 - Theme: Civil Commitments; Ipce Magazine
This article examines how civil commitment has been rolled out in the case of the sex offender, and focuses on the implementation of the program in the US and the controversy that has been spawned as a result. [...]
The term ‘mental disorder’ has been expanded therefore to include ‘mental abnormality’, to enable sex offenders to be committed civilly.
Jahnke, Sara, & Hoyer Juergen; Stigmatization of People with Pedophilia: A Blind Spot in Stigma Research; International Journal of Sexual Health
Stigmatization restricts people’s opportunities in life and has severe consequences on mental health and psychological wellbeing. This article focuses on stigmatization research on pedophilia. Based on an extensive literature search, it reviews studies that have empirically determined lay theories, stereotypes, prejudices, and discrimination against people with pedophilia, as well as the effect of stigma on this group. The review reveals a scarcity of empirical studies on the subject.

While the majority of studies give at least an indication that stigma against people with pedophilia is highly prevalent, we also identified severe methodological limitations and a lack of a unifying and systematic research agenda.

We discuss the need for more theory-driven, rigorous, and representative empirical studies and propose perspectives and requirements for the scientific study of stigma against people with pedophilia.
Blagov, Laura; Understanding pedophilia: Is the criminalization of pedophilia a human rights’ abuse?
This paper discusses the concept of sexuality through the work of Michel Foucault to show why labeling every pedophile as a rapist or abuser without justification is not only detrimental for the individual psyche, but for society as whole.
Foucault’s ideas are opposed with two more practical views: ... Ron O'Grady ... and Ben Spiecker & Jan Steutel ... ... ... ...
On the one hand, pedophilia can be considered a sexual orientation, which means that it cannot be chosen – repressing it will not stop it from existing, so it would be better to have it discussed in the open. ....
On the other hand, the practical consequences cannot be ignored. ...
Hence, although the Foucauldian theoretical standpoint is not wrong, it is too narrow and does not entail the possible dangers, which means that further research into the causes and reasons for pedophilia must be conducted; further knowledge can only help the individual to cope with the issue instead of fully repressing it.
Extein, Andrew; Why Queers Should Care About Sex Offenders
Although I studied many subjects in college, my interest especially aligned with the radical thinking of my queer theories coursework. Queer theory obliterates the idea of good and bad sex and what should and should not be deemed deviant.
In treatment, lawmaking, and cultural discourse, sex offenders are referred to as participating in deviant sexual behavior, having deviant sexual fantasies, and being inherently "deviant" themselves. [...]
The term means that, according to the rules of a powerful few, something is inherently wrong with you if you are not like everybody else. In other words, deviance becomes a viral social construct that serves as a moral imperative to dictate and intimidate people into behaving.
Queer theory has well documented how those in power have employed the terminology of deviance to oppress queers. [...]
There is a widespread assumption that all sex offenders are child molesters, pedophiles, and violent rapists. This is not true. A large spectrum of acts are considered sex offenses. [...]
the public perception of the sex offender, and of the laws violated to become a sex offender, is inaccurate. [...]
It is a misconception that the majority of sex offenders reoffend, as the actual number is around 2 to 5 percent for recidivism from a sex crime. [....]
"Deviant" sexual desire is thereby equated with criminal sexual activity. This is a dangerous stance ...
Henley, Jon; Paedophilia: bringing dark desires to light; The Guardian, Jan 03 2013
Not all paedophiles are child molesters, and vice versa: by no means every paedophile acts on his impulses, and many people who sexually abuse children are not exclusively or primarily sexually attracted to them. In fact, "true" paedophiles are estimated by some experts to account for only 20% of sexual abusers. Nor are paedophiles necessarily violent: no firm links have so far been established between paedophilia and aggressive or psychotic symptoms.
there is a growing conviction, notably in Canada, that paedophilia should probably be classified as a distinct sexual orientation, like heterosexuality or homosexuality.
Goode, Sarah D.; How can we prevent child abuse if we don't understand paedophilia?; Independent Voices (UK), Jan 07 2013
If we want to keep children safe from sexual harm, then surely knowing what we’re dealing with would be a good first step. [...]
What gets a bit more complicated is distinguishing between paedophilia (the sexual attraction) and child sexual abuse (adult sexual contact with children below the legal age of consent). Paedophilia is, strictly speaking, in a separate conceptual category to child sexual abuse, although in everyday life the word ‘paedophile’ is typically taken to mean a person (usually a man) who has sexually offended against a child. [...]
The first step is to try and work out how many paedophiles there are.
[...] we would be therefore looking at around one in five of all the men we know having some degree of sexual attraction to children. [...]
Some people experience such sexual desires but don’t act upon them. Perhaps, for them, in a sex-saturated society, that’s quite an achievement. We need to be able to acknowledge and understand their self-control.
Independent Voices is the Independent newspaper's online blogging site. The article didn't actually appear in the paper (as fas as I know).
Insel, Thomas; Transforming Diagnosis, Apr 29 2013
In a few weeks, the American Psychiatric Association will release its new edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V).
The weakness is its lack of validity.
The DSM diagnoses are based on a consensus about clusters of clinical symptoms, not any objective laboratory measure.
Patients with mental disorders deserve better.
NIMH has launched the Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) project to transform diagnosis.
The diagnostic system has to be based on the emerging research data, not on the current symptom-based categories.
Ipce; Ipce's Annual Financial report 2012-2013, Aug 12 2013
Here is Ipce's annual financial report 2012-2013
Tsang, Daniel C.; Taboo Sex Research: Thinking Outside the Box; 10 pp, Aug 31 2013
Foreword to a collection of essays on Censoring Sex Research, reviewing recent history of sex research censorship.