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Kahn, Janet R., 142, 268n. 15

Kaiser Family Foundation, 93

Kanka, Megan, 24

Kansas, 24211.94

Kantor, Leslie, 90,93, 104

Kaplan, Meg, 29

Katz, Jon (journalist), 17, 23311. 42

Katz, Jonathan Ned (historian), 8

Kaushall, Phillip, 60-61,64,65, 244n. 1

Keating, Charles, 35

Kegle, Ed, 204

Keirnan, Sally, 164-65, 167-68

Kellogg, Nancy D., 136

Kendrick v. Bowen, 98

Kennedy, Edward M. "Ted", 97, 254n. 17

Kidnapping (of children), 20, 24, 235n. 15

Kilpatrick, Allie, 55, 85-86

Kincaid, James, xxviii, 27, 28, 38, 39, 242n. 90

Kil1kel, Kip, 26711. 17

Kinsey, Alfred, 180,22811. 12

Kipnis, Laura, 241n. 78


cultural aspects of, 8;
kids' questions about, 144-45, 147;
learning about, from movies, 151;
pathologizing of, among children, 49;
and pedophilia, 25;
as risk free, 198

Kitzinger, Jenny, 3

Klein, Marty, 164, 172, 195, 197

Konopka, Gisele, 223-24

Koop, C. Everett, 227n. 4, 255n. 24

Koresh, David, 243n. 97

"Kowalski, Heather," 68-70, 72-79, 82-85

"Kowalski, Jason," 73-74

"Kowalski, Pauline," 68-70, 73, 74, 76, 78-79, 83-84

"Kowalski, Robert," 68-70, 73, 74, 78-79, 84

Kramer, Larry, 201

Krueger, Mary, 132-33

Kutner, Lawrence, 45