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NAMBLA. See North American Man/Boy Love Association

NARAL (National Abortion Rights Action League), 122, 124

Nathan, Debbie, 35, 120, 239n. 70, 267n. 17

Nathanson, Constance, 96

National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL), 122, 124

National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy, 104,115-16, 136, 259n. 68

National Center for Institutions and Alternatives, 43, 242n. 96

National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, 23, 39,40, 42, 240n. 77

National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect, 34,53,56-57,85

National Coalition Against Censorship, 101

National Coalition Against Pornography (N-CAP), 35

National Communication Association, 142

National Education Association, 110

National Family Legal Foundation, 35

National Family Planning and Reproductive Health Association, 98

National Federation for Decency, 35

National Incidence Study of Child Abuse and Neglect, 53

National Institutes of Health, 102, 134

National Law Center for Children and Families, 36

National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, 113,141

National Right to Life, 97

National Survey of Adolescent Males Ages 15 to 19, 265n. 10

National Survey of Family Growth, 251n. 32

Native Americans, 205-6

Natural. See Normal vs. normative

Nebraska, 118

nerve.com, 185

Netherlands, 58,89,112,211

Net Nanny, 15

Network for Family Life Education (N.].), 115,147

New Hampshire, 40, 88, 233n. 42

New Mexico, 252n. 49

"New Positive Images: Teaching , Abstinence, Contraception, and Sexual Health " (Planned Parenthood), 104

New Republic magazine, 119

Newsweek, xxii, 199

New York City Board of Education, 129-30

New Yorker magazine, 15

New York Police Department, 33

New York Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, 6, 238n. 44

New York Society for the Suppression of Vice, 6

New York State Liquor Authority, 3

New York State Psychiatric Institute, 29

New York Times, xx, 10, 39-40, 91,93,97,99,126, 243n. 101

Next Best Thing, The (National Campaign to End Teen Pregnancy), 104

Nietzsche, Friedrich, xix

Noor, Ludfi, 210


in historical context, 66;
vs. normative, 48,52,58;
problems of defining behavior as,68

Norquist, Grover, 223

North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), 25, 37, 234n. 12, 241n. 77

No Second Chance (film), 106

Novello, Antonia, 227n. 4

Nudity, 3, 180. See also Bathing

Nursery schools, 34-36,51, 181, 187,188-93,221. See also Teachers

Nymphomania, 158