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S. 1090. See AFLA

Sadomasochism, 147

"Safe-harbor" hours, 10, 232n. 25

Safer Sex Sluts, 144,196, 204

Safer Society Program (Vt.), 43, 52, 244n.14

Safe sex: 

children and teens' right to, xix;
gender conformity as dangerous to, 157-58, 174-75;
promoting, 201-17;
sex partners' difficulty in talking about, 174, 212-17.
See also
Con- doms; Outercourse

SAFETeen Project for GLBTQ youth, 146

Sanchez, Sonia, 151

Sanchez-Flores, Hector, 124

Sandfort, Theo, 58, 236n. 26

San Diego (Calif.), 45,50-51,56, 61-62,65,66, 244n. 1

San Diego Times Union, 51

Sappho, 152, 178

"Satanic" child abuse, xxiii-xxiv, 23, 34-35, 51, 239n. 70

Satan's Silence (Nathan and Snedeker), 35, 239n. 70

Satcher, Davidj 227n. 4

Sauer, Mark, 51

Savvy magazine, 143

Scales, Peter, 105

Schwartz, Pepper, 273n. 37

Schweiker, Richard, 255n. 24

Selcraig, Bruce, 36, 237n. 39

Sendak, Maurice, 3


age of consent for, xxxii, 25,30,37,71,81,87-89, 252nn. 48,49;
as children's private matter, 142-43, 183, 193-94,253n. 17;
commodification of, 4-6, 170;
as dangerous, x, xxvi, 105-8,137,159, 182,191,199-203, 255n. 28;
definition of, xxxiv, 132;
dissembling about, 156-57;
failing at, 109-10, 133-38, 167-68;
historical and cultural influences on, 8;
importance of frank and accurate information about, x, 19, 132, 160-68;
as intercourse, 129-33;
as learned, 8-9, 134-35,157-58,160-61, 164-65, 168,171, 174-77, 185-86, 195;
motivations for, xxv-xxvi, 128-29;
as not necessily harmful to minors,
xxxiv, 68-89, 115,225;
as only for adults, 108-10;
outside of marriage, 92, 93, 95, 96,105-6,142-43,159,214, 249n. 8, 273n. 37;
pathologizing of normative children's, 45-67,158-59,184-85;
policing of, 4;
as positive, 93, 95, 102,113-15,127, 138,145-47, 160-77;
premature knowledge of, 17-19,66,81, 137, 159, 166, 218.
See also
"Child protection " efforts; Children; Desire; Pleasure; Romance; Safe sex; Sex education; Sex play; Sexual abuse; Statutory rape; Teenagers; Trust; Specific sexual acts

"Sex Can Wait" (ETR Associates}, 104, 123

Sex education:

on abortion, 122-24;
abstinence emphasis of current, xxiv, xxxii, 90-116, - 257n. 38;
abstinence-plus, 93,94,109,114,128,132, 260n. 82;
amount of, 92;
assumptions behind, 9-10,143;
censorship in, 33-34, 103-4, 115,130;
characteristics of good, xi, 183, 225;
comprehensive, ix, 14-15,94-97, 99,101-4, 109-11, 113-16, 123-24, 130-31;
across the curriculum, 151-54; effects of, 8,114, 260n. 82;
in Europe, xxxii-xxxiii, 102,112, 113-14, 198,210;
ideological basis of, ix, 91-94,96-116;
importance of teaching comprehensive, xxxiv-xxxv, 101,114-16, 134-35;
liberal, 14-15,91, 92-96 103-5 114-16;
by parents, 110-11,141-43,164-65, 167-68,175-77,185-86;
parents' desire for school-based,  ix, 93, 108-9, 227n. 2;
pleasure left out of, 127-38,183, 190-93;
sources for, 141-54;
students' desire for school- based, 80.
See also
Abstinence education; Pleasure; Sex play

Sex-Education (Bigelow), 127 Sex, Etc., 115,147

Sex Handbook: Information and Help for Minors (Handman and Brennan), 32, 95

Sex Information and Education Council of the United States. See SIECUS

"Sex Lives of Your Children, The" (Frank), xxv

Sex play (among children), 45-67, 183,187-94

Sex Respect, 98,99, 106, 123

Sex Respect, 105-7, 255n. 28

Sex toys, 131, 197

Sexual abuse, 85-86, 136, 237n. 35, 245n. 26. See also Dating violence; Incest; Rape

"Sexual addiction," 66, 158

"Sexual behavior problems" (among children), 45-67

Sexual Citizenship (Evans), 89

Sexual harassment, xxiv, 49, 59

Sexual identities, 8, 93

"Sexuality, Schooling, and Adolescent Females" (Fine), 127-29

Sexuality of Women, The (Beghard, Raboch, and Giese), 20

"Sexually active" (definition), xxv, 295 See a/so Teenagers, fears about sexually active

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), x, 259n. 68;

information sources on, 112, 145;
means of preventing, 133, 198, 210;
as sex-ed topic, 112,131, 257n. 42;
statistics on, ix, xxiv, xxxiii.
See a/so

"Sexually violent predators," 42. See a/so Sexual offenders

Sexual offenders:

children as, 45-67;
community notification laws regarding, 23,24,42,47, 243n. 97;
imprisonment of low- level, 235n. 22;
low rate of recidivism among, 42, 243n. 96;
treatment of, 42-43,47-48, 61-64,84, 247n. 46.
See a/so
Molesters; Prisons

Sexual orientation. See Sexual identities

"Sexual precociousness." See Sex, premature knowledge of

Sexual predators, 42-43. See a/so Molesters; Sexual offenders

"Sexual Problems of Adolescence, The" (Wile), 6

Sexual revolution, xxv, 4, 13, 104-5

Sexual Treatment Education Program and Services (STEPS), 61-62,66

Shakespeare, William, 151, 152, 154

Show Me!, 33-34

Shriver, Eunicc, 97

Sicari, Salvatore, 21-22,26, 236n. 28

SIECUS (Sex Information and Education Council of the United States), 90,92-93,95, 101,103,127, 193, 257n. 38

Signorelli, Michelangelo, 201

Silin,Jonathan, 182, 188, 192

Smith, Raymond, 241n. 77

Snedeker, Michael, 35, 239n. 70

"Snuff" films, 33

Social Security Act of 1997, 100, 219-20

Solving America's Sexual Crisis {Reiss), x

"Sol1g of Myself" (Whitman), 141

South Carolina, 26211. 25

SPARK program, .')1.,52

Spears, Britney, 4

Sphritz, David, 149

Spirit of Manhood program, 124

Spock, Benjamin, 49, 184

Springer, Edith, 28

Stanley, Lawrence, 37,38, 242n. 86

Statutory rape, 68-89, 125, 243n. 100, 248n. 7, 249n. 8, 250n. 27. See also Intergenerational sex; Teenage pregnancy

STDs. See Sexually transmitted diseases

Steinberg, Leo, 267n. 16

STEPS program (San Diego), 61-62,66

Sterilization (forcible), 248n. 7

Stewart, Cynthia, 41

Stone, Rebecca, 122 St. Paul (Minn.). See Minneapolis-St. Paul

Stranger Danger (Cope), xxiv, 20

Strangers (admonitions not to talk to), xxiv, 20,182

Strasburger, Victor, 104

Sturdevant, Martha, 204

Suicide (among gays/lesbians), 146-47,204

Sullivan, Marion, 122

Support Program"for Abusive Reactive Kids (SPARK), 51,52

Supreme Court. See u.s. Supreme Court

Surgeon Generals. See U.S. Surgeon Generals

Sxctc.com, 115, 147