Vogt, Horst; Vogt's book completed; 146 pp
Except for some figures, who now are given in a temporary format, Vogt's book is now completed with ...
Ch. 2) Underlying Concepts of Health, Illness, and Self
"In the following, the operational-psychology framework underlying the present study will be outlined. Tied into this is the goal of staking out a theoretical position on concepts of health, illness and self that emphasizes the transactional relationship between the individual and the environment."
... and ...
Chapter 3
Pedophilia as an Example of Norm-Deviant Sexuality and Concomitant Demand-Structures

In the following the "isolated minority syndrome" among sexually marginal groups and the social situation of pedophilically-oriented persons is broadly outlined and the heightened demand-structure connected with it is considered within a behavioral psychology conceptual framework.
In summary, we can say with confidence that pedophilic persons are, due to their difficult social situation, exposed to heightened demand-structures. Because of isolating social conditions, the ability to act competently may be impaired. Since scarcely any social resources are available, greater degrees of health-related impairments, along with a negative self-concept as a moderator variable, are to be expected.