The older Libraries 1 to 3 are somewhat intermingled: all their articles are referenced in the Central catalogue (with its Register by author and Register by subject) - even though Library 2 and Library 3 have their own index page.

This page is the separate register of 'Library 4'. Its contents are not visible on the older catalogue/register pages; only here. It is also ordered in a slightly different manner.

If you want to see only a subset of the articles in this new register, or search for a specific article, please use the 'Search/Restrict results' section just below. Alternatively, if you are looking for specific authors, publication types, subjects, ... you can browse the lists of those, using the appropriate tabs just above this text.

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Added: August 2011

Myths and misconceptions about sex offenders.

The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality.

Fedoroff, Paul J., & Moran Beverley; Sep 01 1997
NotesOne of the clearest articles addressing the current sad state of affairs regarding valid research on the topic of pedophilia.
Type of WorkResearch overview

Pedophiles, Hebephiles and Ephebophiles ...

Bering, Jesse; Jul 01 2009
Type of WorkColumn

Child sexual abuse - A replication of the meta-analytic examination ...

The Scientific review of Mental Health Practice

Ulrich, Heather, Randolph Mickey, & Acheson Shawn
Issue2, Fall/winter 2005-2006
Paginationpp 37-51,
Type of WorkResearch report
Keywords: Sexual violence

Sexual violence against men and boys (in war-zones)

Russell, Wynne
Type of WorkEsaay

Sexual Taboos and Moral Restraints

Rossman, Parker; May 26 1976 Abstract

Added: July 2011

Interview: Hollida Wakefield & Ralph Underwager

Paidika # 9, pp 2-12, 1993

Geraci, Joseph
Issue# 9
Paginationpp 2-12
Type of WorkInterview

Whores of the Court: The Fraud of Psychiatric Testimony and The Rape Of American Justice

Hagen, Margaret A.; Feb 01 1997
Edition1 ed.
Place PublishedUSA
PublisherRegan Books
Extent352 pp.
Whores of the Court
ISBN Number0060391979

Is the Pseudoscience Concept Useful for Clinical Psychology?

The Scientific Review of Mental Health Practice

McNally, Richard J.; Jan 01 2003
Volumevol. 2, no. 2 (Fall/Winter 2003)
Type of WorkEssay

Protect The Children

Weldon, Dave; Jul 29 1999
Type of WorkSpeech
Keywords: Pedophilia

On Boys and Boy-lovers

Benjamin, Jarod; Jan 01 1997 Abstract
Keywords: 1968, 1970s, Germany, History

The Sexual Revolution and Children

Der Spiegel

Fleischhauer, Jan, & Hollersen Wiebke; Jul 02 2010 Abstract

Are there women paedophiles?

Geoghegan, Tom; Apr 29 2009 Abstract
Keywords: pornography

Child porn: real or virtual?

Personal Blog

Nathan, Debbie; Apr 30 2008 Abstract

Gidean feminist scholarship and victim feminists

Unknown; Jan 01 2004 Abstract

JM Barrie now seen as "a monster"

Gilbo; Aug 10 2008
Type of WorkComment

Letter to Obama

Marbury, Alex; Apr 27 2008
Type of WorkLetter

Of Myths And Monsters

The Cypress Times

Logue, Derek W.; Nov 24 2009
Type of WorkEssay
Keywords: Polygraphy

The Polygraph Paradox

The Wall Street Journal

Cohen, Laurie P.; Mar 22 2008 Abstract

Misinterpretation of a Primary Prevention Effort

Child Abuse Accusations, 6(2), 96-107. (1994).

Underwager, Ralph, & Wakefield Hollida; Jan 01 1994
Keywords: Pedophilia


Yuill, Richard, & Evans David T.; Jan 01 2006
Type of WorkEncyclopedia Extract

Zero Tolerance For Six Year Old Predators

Steyn, Mark; Apr 27 2008
Type of WorkColumn