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I p c e 


 Number E 21, July 2006  

[ZIPdoc version]      





My principles; by Gerald Moonen, New Zealand 2006 

 2   Report of the Ipce Meeting 2006
  1 Members and guests present themselves  

Report from Denmark 2006

  3 Courtroom Communications
  4 Short presentation of two essays on sex offenders, presented in Prague June 2006,  at the Congress of the European Federation of Sexologists, by Frans E.J. Gieles, PhD,
  1. There must be a scapegoat; Pitfalls, traps and mistakes in forensic personality investigation;  
  2. 'But sir, you are an offender!' - Narrative coercion as method of behavior modification.
  5 Ipce decides on Ipce: internal matters
Proposals - Publications? - Representatives? - Secretarial report - Webmaster Report - Financial Report - Decisions.
  6 Dutch groups present themselves: Koinos, Counter Balance, Research project, JON, group in The Hague, Aljen Klamer group, PNVD, some forums and IBLD. 
  7 Final remarks: looking back on the IBLD and the Meeting
3   Articles
  1 Sources and Dynamics of Pedophile Panics; some quotes from professor in Sociology, Copenhagen University, Henning Bech´s Women and Men, 2005
  2 Culture of fear; Karen Brooks, February 1, 2006, thecouriermail.news.com.au 
  3 Don't touch those kids! Josie Appleton, spiked-online, February 28, 2006
  4 Signs of paranoia over pedophilia; James Alan Fox, MetroWest Daily News, March 5, 2006
  5 When adults and children don't mix; Jim Gouvellis, Sun Herald, February 9, 2006
  6 Righteous anger often clouds right reasoning; The impulse to lock up every child sex offender and throw away the key is getting out of hand; Muskogee Phoenix, December 18, 2005 (www)
  7 International Human Rights Organization Begins Investigation of U.S. Sex Offender Policy; April 2006

Documentation Lists July 2006



Ipce is a forum for people who are engaged in scholarly discussion about the understanding and emancipation of mutual relationships between children or adolescents and adults.

 In this context, these relationships are intended to be viewed from an unbiased, non-judgmental perspective and in relation to the human rights of both the young and adult partners.
Ipce meets once every one or two years in a different country, publishes a newsletter and a web site, co-ordinates the (electronic) exchange of texts and keeps an archive of specific written publications.  




In this Newsletter # E(lectronic) # 21, you will find the report of Ipce's annual meeting in June 2006 in the Netherlands. Dutch groups and organizations were invited to present themselves and talk with Ipce's members. Among our visitors was the just-founded Dutch political party PNVD, mentioned in the media all over the world as "typically Dutch," where "Dutch" in this context is synonymous with "odd." 


We combined our annual meeting with the IBLD, the International Boy Love Day, a meeting taking place twice each year in (among other places) the Dutch speaking areas of the Netherlands and Belgium. The IBLD is an informal meeting without an agenda, a chair, or papers and decisions. Most visitors to the Dutch IBLD meetings are young male boy lovers who know each other from the several Dutch Internet forums on this topic. The encounter between Ipce, mostly middle-aged, and this group, mostly young, was fine and interesting. Our foreign guests were astonished that such a meeting and such openness was possible in the Netherlands. 


Two conclusions may be drawn from this encounter, and a third conclusion may be drawn from the first ones. 


1. The young men of the Dutch IBLD group form a community online and in real life. They meet, support and sometimes right each other. The impression is that these men are mostly good-tempered, open, neither depressed nor obsessive, and quite well adapted to society. Thus, they feel neither heavy oppression nor a strong need to change society.  Consequently, they do not approve political and other forms of action. They live their lives, often with their young friend(s), are often reasonable happy, and that's it. Also consequently, they do not read long articles such as those in Ipce 's library. 


2. These young men gradually have developed their own ethics or moral guidelines. They like to have contact with boys, but they reject and avoid sexuality. They strive for platonic relationships. When necessary, they right each other, referring to their common ethical guidelines. Consequently, they do not approve of radicals who argue for, and take, more sexual freedom; they accept the law as it is and they want to live within it. 


3. There is a sharp contrast with the policy, and thus the situation, in the Anglo-Saxon countries, where obsession, depression, lack of help, and thus suicides and public hysteric fear with all its absurdities are the common situation. 
A policy of tolerance and openness leads to encounters online and in real life, which in turn leads to quite adapted, mentally healthy and quite happy young men without depression or obsession. It also leads to ethical guidelines that are in line with society and its laws - and, supposedly and importantly, with the morals and wishes of the postmodern boys in today's western societies. 


You can read more about this in the final section of "Dutch groups present themselves" and the opening of the section "Final remarks" in the Report of the Meeting in this Newsletter.


The other articles are more or less in line with the third conclusion. They show panic, fear and paranoia, unreasonable thinking, openness and tolerance. The latter may lead to unbiased information, which Ipce wants to provide with its library on the website, and scholarly discussion, which Ipce strives to have on its internal forum, the Statements on its website, and its annual meetings. 


For the other articles, click on the Table of Contents


still Ipce's secretary and webmaster


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