Galaburda, Cyril E.; Villain Journalism
There are two recent anti-"pedophilic" murders, one Russian and one Ukrainian, seemingly influenced by pro-"pedophilic" propaganda, mine and of the Right-To-Love Internet portal, which published the story of a Belarussian man Roman Tsiro buried alive because of his platonic relations with a high school girl on the 22th of April 2019. This pro-"pedophilic" propaganda seems to inspire the Russian police to invent the news about bloody revenge in the Tutaev city ...
Tenths of fictious details circulate in the city about this story…
In short, the Tutaev anti-"pedophilic" murder was invented by Russian policemen to mock the death of Roman Tsiro. ...
Another anti-"pedophilic" murder, one in my city (...), was invented by the Ukrainian police and journalists on May 18th 2020. ...
Wherever this story is posted, some hints are added about so-called pedophiles "raping" children in another cities, so that murders are invented by journalists in order to heroize anti-"pedophilic" villains as the only force that can save children.
Galaburda, Cyril E.; The endocrinology of latent phase in boys
"Our study gave us a cogent evidence that sexual development is active even before puberty, it totally rebuts those conceptions, still popular, of ‘neutral’ childhood,” Kolesov et al. claimed.
That's why latent phase in boy sexual development has a natural explanation, not a cultural one.
Gieles, Frans; Not 50% but 0,4% … Summarized, Sep 22 2021
An English short summary of:
0,4 Prozent, nicht 50 Prozent Anteil der „pädophilen“ Männer an allen „Tätern“ des „sexuellen Kindesmissbrauchs“, by Filip Schuster,
by Frans Gieles, PhD, webmaster of Ipce.
Open this summary to see the link to Schuster's article in German language.
Otgaar, Henry, Houben Sanne T. L., Rassin Eric, & Merkelbach Harald; Memory and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy ...; Memory; August 2021,
Does Eye Movement and Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy affect the accuracy of memories? This recurrent issue in recent memory research bears relevance to expert witness work in the courtroom. In this review, we will argue that several crucial aspects of EMDR may be detrimental to memory.
Gieles, Frans E. J.; Short Explanation, short comment, questions
Pornography Use and Sexual Aggression: The Impact of Frequency and Type of Pornography Use on Recidivism Among Sexual Offenders
Drew A. Kingston, Paul Fedoroff, Philip Firestone, Susan Curry, and John M. Bradford. AGGRESSIVE BEHAVIOR, Volume 34, pages 1–11 (2008).
It is a quite difficult article, at least for the average student and Ipce reader.
Thus: Explanation of the used statistics, some comments and some questions.
Gieles, Frans; Turning Points and Chains of Changings …
I will highlight some turning points and the changes that have followed within the Netherlands during the last ten decades.
First: liberalization. Then: some severe incidents > Moral Panic > magnifying the incident > more rules and laws > gradually fading out the panic.
More and more severe rules and laws followed.
Pro- and Contra Groups appeared.
Two contrasting trends are visible. Contra groups, but also more nuanced ideas of professional helpers, researchers and even the popular press: the difference between pedophilia (feeling) and pedosexuality (acts) is acknowledged. The ‘pedophiles’ themselves have developed a new ethical code [...]
Here appears [...] the “NOMAP”, the Non Offending Minor Attracted person. He or she might become welcome in society, no longer as a ‘distorted patient’, but as a person with a less common (sexual) orientation, which is not dangerous as long as the person has the self-discipline to control his or her impulses, just as every (sexual) orientation demands to every person.
Ipce; Dear Ipce ... Dear Samir ..
May I notice that I have placed a new Statement in Ipce's section "Statements"?
Ipce webmaster.
Dear Ipce: a letter to Ipce ... "I don't know what to do ..."
Dear Samir: Ipce's reply ... "Do not take the risk."