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Added: February 2011

Sexual consent and human rights


Graupner, Helmut; Oct 01 2010
ISSN1931-9045 (Print) 1872-4329 (Online)
Type of WorkAcademic journal
Publication LanguageEng
Refereed DesignationUnknown

Social Response to Age-Gap Sex Involving Minors: Empirical, Historical, Cross-Cultural, and Cross-Species Considerations


Rind, Bruce; Oct 01 2010
ISSN1931-9045 (Print) 1872-4329 (Online)
NotesI have changed the quite too long URL into a shorter one. I also have removed the link to Martijn's website, which is disappeared. - Frans
Type of WorkAcademic journal
Publication LanguageEng
Refereed DesignationUnknown

"The individual can ...": Objectifying consent


Mader, D. H.; Oct 01 2010
ISSN1931-9045 (Print) 1872-4329 (Online)
Type of WorkAcademic journal
Publication LanguageEng
Refereed DesignationUnknown

Introduction to special issue on "Boys' sexuality and age of consent"


Hubbard, Thomas K.; Oct 01 2010
ISSN1931-9045 (Print) 1872-4329 (Online)
Type of Workacademic journal
Publication LanguageEng
Refereed DesignationUnknown

Sex and the age of consent : the ethical issues

Social Analysis

Leahy, Terry; Apr 01 1996
Type of Workfield study
Refereed DesignationRefereed

Based on the authors’ dissertation work, Leahy discusses common arguments against intergenerational intimacy and contrasts them with the interviewees’ interpretations of their experiences. Abstract

Added: January 2011

Keywords: DSM, paraphilia

Defining Paraphilia in DSM-5: Do Not Disregard Grammar

Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy

Hinderliter, Andrew C.; Jan 07 2011
Publication LanguageEng

Blanchard has proposed a definition of paraphilia for DSM-5, delimiting a range of so-called normative sexuality, and defining paraphilia as any intense and persistent sexual interest other than that. The author examines the wording and intended meaning of this definition, and he argues that there are many problems with it that "correct" interpretation requires ignoring what it says. Because of these problems and the possibility of civil commitment under sexually violent predator/person laws on the basis of a diagnosis of paraphilia NOS, caution and careful consideration of grammar are urged in drafting a definition of paraphilia for DSM-5. Abstract

Added: December 2010

APA Guidelines Ignored in Development of Diagnostic Criteria for Pedohebephilia

Kramer, Richard; Oct 30 2010 Abstract

Pedophilia from the Chinese Perspective

Ng, Emil M. L.
Type of WorkComment
Publication LanguageEng

Added: November 2010

Problems with Ascertainment

Archives of Sexual Behavior

Moser, Charles
Publication LanguageEng
Original PublicationArchives of Sexual Behavior

DSM-5 Proposals for Paraphilias: Suggestions for Reducing False Positives Related to Use of Behavioral Manifestations

Archives of Sexual Behavior

First, Michael B.; Aug 10 2010
Publication LanguageEng
Short TitleDSM-5 Proposals for Paraphilias

Before Homosexuality in the Arab-Islamic World, 1500-1800

Archives of Sexual Behavior

Wozniak, Steven
Publication LanguageEng
Short TitleBefore Homosexuality in the Arab-Islamic World
Original PublicationArchives of Sexual Behavior

Added: October 2010

Keywords: Trauma Mythe

The Trauma Myth

Archives of Sexual Behavior

Green, Richard
Type of WorkBook review

Added: June 2010

A fundamental attribution error? Rethinking cognitive distortions

Legal and Criminological Psychology

Maruna, Shadd, & Mann Ruth E.
Type of WorkInvited article

The notion of ‘cognitive distortion’ has become enshrined in the offender treatment literature over the last 20 years, yet the concept still suffers from a lack of de?nitional clarity. In particular, the umbrella term is often used to refer to offence-supportive attitudes, cognitive processing during an offence sequence, as well as post-hoc neutralisations or excuses for offending. Of these very different processes, the last one might be the most popular and problematic. Treatment programmes for offenders often aim to eliminate excuse-making as a primary aim, and decision-makers place great weight on the degree to which an offender “takes responsibility” for his or her offending. Yet, the relationship between these after-the-fact explanations and future crime is not at all clear. Indeed, the designation of post hoc excuses as criminogenic may itself be an example of fallacious thinking. After all, outside of the criminal context, post hoc excuse-making is widely viewed as normal, healthy, and socially rewarded behaviour. We argue that the open exploration of contextual risk factors leading to offending can help in the identi?cation of criminogenic factors as well as strengthen the therapeutic experience. Rather than insist that offenders take “responsibility” for the past, we suggest that efforts should focus on helping them take responsibility for the future, shifting the therapeutic focus from post hoc excuses to offence-supportive attitudes and underlying cognitive schemas that are empirically linked to re-offending.

Added: May 2010

[Review of] Seto, M. C., Pedophilia and sexual offending against children

Open Access Journal of Forensic Psychology

Witt, Philip H.
NotesBook published by the American Psychological Association, 2008
Type of Workbook review

Pedophilia and sexual offending against children : theory, assessment, and intervention - 2008

Seto, Michael C.
Place PublishedWashington, DC
PublisherAmerican Psychological Association
Extentxvi, 303 p. : ill. ; 26 cm.
Contents: Introduction: Defining pedophilia -- Assessment methods -- Different approaches to studying pedophiles -- Origins of sexual offending against children -- Etiology of pedophilia -- Incest -- Risk assessment -- Intervention. Reviewed by Witt in OAJFP
ISBN Number1-43380114-0
Other Numbers

Why the Rush to Create Dubious New Sexual Disorders?

Archives of Sexual Behavior

Franklin, Karen
Type of WorkLTE
DOI 10.1007/s10508-010-9616-1

Hebephilia : Quintessence of Diagnostic Pretextuality

Behavioral Sciences and the Law

Franklin, Karen
NotesHas interesting material on the history of “hebephilia.”

Hebephilia is an archaic term used to describe adult sexual attraction to adolescents. Prior to the advent of contemporary sexually violent predator laws, the term was not found in any dictionary or formal diagnostic system. Overnight, it is on the fast track toward recognition as a psychiatric condition meriting inclusion in the upcoming ?fth edition of the em>Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. This article traces the sudden emergence and popularity of hebephilia to pressure from the legal arena and speci?cally to the legal mandate of a serious mental abnormality for civil commitment of sex offenders. Hebephilia is proposed as a quintessential example of pretextuality, in which special interests promote a pseudoscienti?c construct that furthers an implicit, instrumental goal. Inherent problems with the construct’s reliability and validity are discussed. A warning is issued about unintended consequences if hebephilia or its relative, pedohebephilia, make their way into the DSM-5, due out in 2013. Copyright 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Added: April 2010

Sexual behavior intervention program: an innovative level of care in male sex offender treatment. (PRACTICE)(Report)

Journal of Mental Health Counseling

Roseman, Christopher P., Yeager Clancy, Cromly Aaron, & Korcuska James S.; Oct 01 2008 Abstract

(Self-)abusive prophecies, rigorous science, and discursive templates: commentary on Malón (2009)

Archives of Sexual Behavior

Janssen, Diederick F.
Type of WorkLTE
DOI 10.1007/s10508-009-9549-8

Hebephilia plethysmographica: A partial rejoinder to Blanchard et al. (2008)

Archives of Sexual Behavior

Janssen, Diederick F.
Type of WorkLTE

The relationship between early sexual debut and psychosocial outcomes: A longitudinal study of Dutch adolescents

Archives of Sexual Behavior

Udell, Wadiya, Sandfort Theo, Reitz Ellen, Bos Henny, & Dekovic Maja
NotesPublished online 30 Jan 2010 (Online first, open access)
Refereed DesignationRefereed

In a longitudinal dataset of 470 Dutch adolescents, the current study examined the ways in which early sexual initiation was related to subsequent attachment, self-perception, internalizing problems, and externalizing problems. For male adolescents, analyses revealed general attachment to mother and externalizing problems at Wave 1 to predict to early transition at Wave 2. However, there was no differential change in these psychosocial factors over time for early initiators of sexual intercourse and their non-initiating peers. For female adolescents, the model including psychosocial factors at Wave 1 did not predict to sexual initiation at Wave 2. However, univariate repeated measures analyses revealed early initiators to have signi?cantly larger increases in self-concept and externalizing problems than their non-initiating female peers. While the difference between female early initiators and non-initiators were statistically signi?cant, the mean levels of problem behaviors were very low. The ?ndings suggest that, contrary to previous research, early sexual initiation does not seem to be clustered with problem behaviors for this sample of Dutch adolescents. [A] Abstract

Child sexual abuse : Purity and danger in an age of anxiety

Crime, Law & Social Change

Pratt, John

This paper examines the emergence and development of child sexual abuse (CSA) as a social problem in the main English-speaking societies in the post-1970s period. In contrast to prevailing explanations in moral panic and feminist literature, it illustrates how this problem has become knowable and understandable to us as a new kind of risk. This is the result of the positioning of child sexual abuse between the tensions, uncertainties, and anxieties characteristic of ‘the age of anxiety’ on the one hand, and the cultural understandings that have come to be associated with purity and danger in this period on the other. [A] Abstract